(March 5th, 2018, 20:08)DaveV Wrote: Although the Altar is probably the most thematic way to win the game, we need Divine Essence to build it, and that's a *long* way off.
All we need for Divine Essence is Commune with Nature and the Tower. My check of the turn before your set put it at a 12-turn research at max science losing 400G per turn, so it doesn't seem that far off if we improve our economy with Sheaim's new cities.
EDIT - You think we can get as far the FoL holy city before peacing out? The gold from that would be quite helpful.
Nice work with the priests! Yeah, lots of former devouts I think.
We could put a second off shore city on the hill island. Or we could try to get the barb city further north and put a city on the other island there, which actually has some food and resources. We would need an ocean-going ship, but it could be worth it.
We have lots of spring adepts; the AI had promoted most of the ones it built with the water and nature mana from the palace. So all that desert could quickly become better land.
I should have mentioned us having the altar. I noted it, but forgot to include it in my summary. Sorry. It makes priest specialists pretty nice as well, once our cities regrow a bit and we can get our happiness situation fixed.
Ok the turns are played, a quiet turnset here, mainly because my first act was taking peace for Balderham, and it's juicy Song of Autumn.
After that I went on a trail of building economic builds and carnivals in our newly captured cities. I founded two island cities for the trade routes, and am looking to put together a two boat expiditionary force for Spilan, the barb city of the North.
I built the Heroic Epic in Dirage, I'd suggest building units there from here to eternity. The National Epic is in Glens, we may want to diversify our GP pool there, as we've a priest and a second GP would be nice for the GA commerce/hammers.
The Bazaar of Mammon is going in Balderham (d'uh), and Summer Palace in Kuldevind, I'd suggest finding a good spot for the Winter Palace.
We're up to 40% research with about 40gpt of a cushion, equating to 275 bpt. Build up the economy to get that science rocketing.
On tech we finished Smelting and I queued up Guardians of Nature and Divine Essence, the Altar is the easiest way to win, we're 11 turns from Guardians and c 50 turns then to DE (at current science), with a 2000 hammer build in Glens divided by (45hpt*1.25) = 36 turns after that for the Altar Completing. We can massively improve the science rate just by building commerce improvements, and the Golden Age and some more hammer specialists in Glens can sort out the Altar.
If the rest of ye want to veto the Altar victory, some form of military conquest is possible, jump in again against the Sheaim and take out the Lanun will get us near to Domination.
Sorry for the lack of pictures, it was mostly building up the economy to get us back into shape.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.