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Japper and Cornflakes' team thread

(March 21st, 2018, 06:47)Cornflakes Wrote: I wonder what the Archduke + Emp K team is doing this game? They have a religion (first in the game IIRC) and have been at peace all game (as far as we can tell) yet it appears that W/CMF's stats are about equal or higher.

Arch met me this turn, and offered a delegation. I accepted for the gold but didn't send one to him as, well, we need every single gold we can scramble right now. Hope he doesn't take that the wrong way... 

He has ~500 gold saved up so I expect he's gearing up for some sort of timing push. Chariots->Knights? Nice part is that no matter who he decides to rush, it'll be one of our more immediate problems twirl  Here's hoping he takes a generous bite out of Singaboy or Woden!  devil  Didn't get contact with Emperor K yet.

Oh and I will have city walls in all my cities before Sulla's next wave.

Hmm my screenshot key didn't work.

Anyway my Ngao have vision on CMF's units in the jungle now.

What are they doing? They know every turn they dilly-dally is an extra unit upgrade or better positioning for us right? Also I just do not see Woden breaking through with his army where he is hitting you currently...

And yeah I think I'll delete my settler or at least retreat him again, Sulla has the entire southern tundra filled with knights so I can't even settle some far-off city there frown

Without the GG I think we'd be OK, but the +5 combat bonus combined with the ability for Crossbows to climb mountains/forest and still fire is just too strong. I'll be able to hold out for a few turns, but unless Woden badly messes up the attack (only brought 1 ram and loses it) I don't think I'll be able to hold him off.


I lost a knight and killed a knight + crossbow. I threw 2 knights into the path of the ram to hold it off for another turn. Looking at this again, I probably should have only thrown 1 knight in the path to try drawing the ram in closer. I'm definitely going to lose 1 knight and probably 2 this turn. Those knights are irreplaceable (unless you can get TheArchduke to donate some upgrade gold to "The Cause").

Well that's it then, if you can't hold we're fucked. Oh well was bound to happen after basically being on the wrong end of a 4v2 for the entire game. At some point there is just not much more you can do alright

Thanks for subbing Cornflakes, you almost turned this thing around bow Here's hoping we can do something in future games as well!

PS I wonder how this game would've ended up if we had been in Emp and Archduke's situation, as far as I can see they had a builders paradise over there. Haven't been at war for the entire game (?), two glorious economic civs at their disposal... Instead I once again draw the short-straw in the "being next to the rush-player" lottery. banghead

(March 24th, 2018, 08:30)Cornflakes Wrote:  (unless you can get TheArchduke to donate some upgrade gold to "The Cause").

He must've heard you through the ether lol 

He offered me 200 gold for my spices! dancing  I accepted, I can use us staying alive far better than a few amenities.

I've sent you a gift of 230 gold, use it to get your final upgrades in play. If you have any left (doubt it, but hey), I unlock Professional Army next turn so I could use it for crossbows.

I’ve swapped out of professional army now. I do have 2 heavy chariots and 2 archers left that I could upgrade, but if you can get into professional army I think it makes sense to use at least as much as you can on your upgrades. I’ll accept the trade, but then check your forces and send you back enough gold to upgrade all your archers. I’ll use the rest on my heavy chariots first.

I have two archers still I think? With Professional Army that's be 220 gold right?

Well, that won’t leave me much then. Actually it’s 95/each or 190. Still won’t leave me enough to upgrade a knight I don’t think

My losses this turn were 3 knights to kill 2. Losing the exchange due to the GG strengthening his attacks and weakening my attacks frown Rolled a couple low damages too unfortunately and left both with a tiny sliver of HP remaining and had to waste another attack to kill them, or I would have been able to get another knight down to about 50%

Quiet turn. Woden shot my horseman to death, but otherwise didn't advance. The ram is out of sight, and can't get next to my city next turn, so I pulled everything back behind the city. If Woden wants to advance next turn there's not much in range that he will be able to strike. I upgraded 1 knight for 180Icon_Gold since I can't build those with the policy card, and another 4-move heavy hitter will really be helpful. I sent the remaining 100 back to you for a crossbow upgrade.


With the ram gone I thought maybe Woden is trying to sneak around to the southeast and hit my capital while I'm distracted in the north. But the RED numbers on his crossbows indicate the support bonus which clearly shows a more northwestern deployment. I therefore kept the bulk of my forces aligned to hit him hard if he advances there next turn. If he doesn't advance in the north next turn I'll probably shift my forces into a more balanced setup where I can respond better at the capital if needed.

Once Woden claimed the GG and it was clear any offensive action on my part was doomed to failure, I pillaged those jungle/forest roads outside my territory to the northeast. So Woden will not be able to make use of them.

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