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PBEM 7 - Team Contest (4 x 2) - discussion

What does everyone think about trading cities at the end of a war (when cities come out of 'occupation')?

(February 6th, 2018, 12:30)Cornflakes Wrote: My 2-cents is that one-time city gifting (between team mates only) is fine, back-and-forth gifting is too far. You want England to get a free unit at that city? Sure, trade it away and get the unit but keep the city with England don't trade it back. You want free border expansion? Sure, found city as Russia and gift to Germany but keep it with Germany. The opposite cases would also be true of course ... found as England to get the free unit and then trade away, or found as Germany and trade away for the border pop. This also works to transfer war spoils to the other teammate as desired.

The only case I'd have a problem with is gifting a city for the purpose of keeping a teammate alive. If in doubt in a situation where one teammate is losing territory, ask the lurkers first to confirm.

I though this was the consensus we agreed upon. Trading cities once with the only restriction of no desperate "save" cities when you are almost conquered. I didn't see anything on only the turn it was founded or conquered (which you can't do unless it is the last of a civilization).

Ok, noted smile

In addition to the above post, I think there was talk about trying to keep the cheese factor down to a minimum, leaving it to player's discretion. One thing I thought of that I don't want to see is a team trade all their cities to their teammate to skyrocket ahead. I think that would have a huge cheese factor and just wanted to bring it up.

Sounds somewhat reasonable.

Apologies in advance, everyone, but I just found out I probably won't be making my turn window tomorrow (unless it comes very early in the morning). Should be able to be at my computer on Sunday, though.

I appreciate your patience.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Got my turn in. Well done, everyone.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn passed! Not even all that long a delay for me in this game.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Heads up, I'll be spending Easter with the family so I won't be able to play my turns on Friday and Saturday. Should've said something before but I plain forgot that Easter was this weekend already.

[Feel free to sub for me Cornflakes to keep the turn rolling. Login is unchanged.]

Easter means countrytime for me as well with the family.

This means that with a 95% security, connection and teamviewer willing, you will not notice any delays from me.

Sadly, stuff can happen, so a headsup.

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