As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Test games played

Damaged Hammerhand (only 5 figures, and the 5th figure only has 1 hp; veteran; adamantium)
strategic offense: (12-2)*20*6*1.32 = 1584 *17/24 = 1122
strategic defense: 4*6*4*(7+2) *17/24 = 612


strategic offense: (4-2)*20*6*1.32 = 317
strategic defense: 4*6*3*(3+2) = 360

strategic offense: (14-2)*20*1.32 = 317
strategic defense: 4*1*12*(5+2) = 336

Combined rampaging monster values:
634 offense
696 defense

So my hammerhands have 1122 offense and 612 defense; the rampaging death units have 634 offense and 696 defense.

Yet every time I attack, my hammerhands lose. And this doesn't even consider my casting skill (161) and my spellbooks (9 chaos, 1 life), which should dramatically increase my offense. What's going on? Did I calculate something incorrectly?

Edit: Spell increase:

9 Chaos books: 9*150 Attack*(161/10/5) = an extra 4347 attack first the first 10 rounds of combat
1 Life book: 30 PercentATK*(161/10/100) = +4.83% of unit attack (base 1122) for the first 10 rounds of combat, or around +30-50 attack for the first 10 rounds of combat
1 Life book: 40 Defense*(161/10/25) = an extra 25.76 defense added for the first 10 rounds of combat

Assuming a combat lasts exactly 10 rounds, thats an extra 257.6 defense (total 878) and ~4400 extra attack (total 5522). Soo, there shouldn't be any way the rampaging monsters win (they would lose even if they rolled a 10 every round and I rolled a 1 every round.)

Check if there is an invisible night stalker in that stack.

.. that makes entirely too much sense. It was late I was tired. I didn't actually want to deal with the combat which is why I tried strategic in the first place.

Nope. No Invisible stalkers (and even if there were it would have had to be several to make up for the spellcasting). Incidentally in tactical i win without taking any damage, and only spend 87 mana, not 161, which is what I expected, although the possibility of invisible stalkers didn't occur to me. Yes I've got over 700 mana before going into the combat, so even at x3 range (it's only at x1.2) I would be able to use full spellcasting.

Trying some other things: 6 chimera (plus my spellcasting) vs 2 draconian bowmen, a draconian swordsmen, a ghoul, and a war bear (plus enemy spellcasting, which is noticeably lower than mine), and I'm only winning around 1 in 5 attacks (should also be a pushover). 9 Chimera plus my spellcasting, against neutrals that don't have 9 full units, and I'm losing (should be a pushover).

7 elite adamantium hammerhands + elite mithril airship + level 4 Bard (holy bonus!!) against dark elf neutral (with 6 halberdiers and 1 cavalry, so not completely weak, but even still my spellcasting should be stronger ranged than theirs combined), and I'm losing multiple hammerhands.

Looks like something is definitely off.

Can I have a save for one of those?

When I get back home yeah. I'll see if I can find the autosave for the original combat I noticed it on, or I'll see if there's anything else really obvious I can trigger.

Personally I feel like it only comes up when I'm playing chaos - maybe the lack of defense from chaos spellbooks is skewed? I realize that's kind of silly, but we've been through this a lot, so I'm reaching. Yet, chaos neutrals have always seemed to be right.

I tried a few battles but found nothing unexpected - not even if I replaced all books with Chaos - so I'm definitely going to need your save files.
Maybe a bug in breath attack strength?

No breath attack with the first hammerhand vs death units. Hmm. I have just cause in play, a wizard on the other plane has aether binding and aura of majesty - after the original hammerhand vs death, the other arcsnus wizard cast survival instinct.

I've got conjuror, sage master, myrran, archmage, specialist. I've also picked up 2 more sorcery books since that initial combat.

None of that should be relevant in theory. No events are in play.

Were any of these city battles? Maybe the bug of having spell ward apply when it's not in play is back?

The only city battle was my hammerhand bard airship vs neutral dark elves. Oh and the 6 chimera vs draconians plus common summons.

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