April 16th, 2018, 02:45
(This post was last modified: April 16th, 2018, 02:47 by TheArchduke.)
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So there are lot of units incoming, basically the Roman army which conquered Khmer/Kongo.
How bad is it? This is a fraction.
Moneywise, Rome has 1600gold, China 1300 gold.
We have 1700.
So this is going to be bad.
I still think preventing 2000 science (thanks for Pantanal in Khmer/Kongo) compared to 1000 science was worth it.
Good job on getting the Niter hooked up, please send it to me, I need to upgrade some muskets.
Hook up your second one ASAP.
Also, very peculiar.  Rome/China wants us to settle the isthmus city:
So, let us do the analysis. Assuming we can defend the land, the isthmus city means south-north movement of fleets. If we win on sea we win big if we loose on sea we loose big.
If I do not connect the isthmus, this means China fights alone with her fleet in the north and my 4 ships alone against Rome in the south.
So which is better? Rome/China thinks we should settle that city and my analysis points towards the same issue.
What do we loose if we are bombarded by Sea? Kreutzburg, but we enable easy movement north and south by settling the isthmus.
I will not.
Also I reoffered a DoF to China/Rome, maybe they will take it and maybe they will go after the others first. I doubt it.
Emperor K, your WHOLE army and I mean all of it needs to move East pronto. We will have to fight a full land war in the east, probable front city being
Alshelfishbram, Marienburg and Osterode.
We also need to evacuate the 2 great works from Kreutzburg.
Military Engineers for forts, get walls in your southern cities.
Stay on course on Cossacks, I will try to get field cannons ASAP boosted after Square Rigging.
When the workshops finish I will shoot to ironclads with Darwin.
Kreutzburg will fall, that much is assured.
So Plan:
- Loose Kreutzburg (awesome start, eh)
- Defend the south on land
- Strike China in the north hard and nasty by sea
- Wait till Chevalier and Wonden hopefully get their head out of their ass
- Pray?
April 16th, 2018, 13:18
(This post was last modified: April 16th, 2018, 14:15 by Emperor K.)
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LOL ok I sent you two trades for 500+ gold, did you get both of them, if so then that is a bug. You should have only recieved ruffly 570ish. I am not sure on the exact amount but it was just under 600.
All units are headed south, first Quad is out, not going to be fast to get any more though. Will try and build them as fast as possible. I do get free promotion from the wonder so that will help.
Still chopping out units and infrastructure.
One turn from stirups in the off chance I can kill something with a knight.
Then onto Cossacks, which will take a while, attempting to improve my science a little.
Going to update with pics in just a little while.
Ok, start in the capital, Al-Holybram
Currently building a sword, just so I can overflow that forest chop. two turns for that.
While the city could still use a little builder love, I have other more important builder actions. Currently building units, Ill have to save some money at some point, but unless nothing changes there is nothing I can do to get Cossacks in less that 20 or so turns? I did not write down the number but I believe 20 is a good estimate. However if you get me those inspirations that will speed it up considerable. I will be switching to knights though as we do need more powerfull troops.
Same as Whalewars, building units. Knights starting after the horse.
The one city still building infrastructure, I need more science and this city is set to continue growing so I can get another district and build library, university.
The city will be a real powerhouse after I get some builder love. My builders are off getting niter and harvest for some gold after that this city is set to get some improvements.
My one and only city currently building ships. I need to swap in the ship card, which now that I think about it I could have done this turn. Bad civic error on my part, and we cannot afford any errors. Either way this is the crab I will get after the builder improves my second niter.
After the IZ the city will go for a workshop, this city is not going to be able to contribute to the war effort, just no production.
Harbor is almost complete and after so builder attention the city will be able to produce ships at a decent rate.
Almost complete with the IZ, city needs some builder attention at some point. Size 10 will see me put a campus down to help increase my science.
Got a builder headed for that copper. Also in need of improvement attention. However the city has not much else to build and is contributing to the war effort.
Things do not look good with those troops from china coming in. I have started moving all my units to towards shellfish, mammoth area to help with the defense. Let me know if you need more info.
April 17th, 2018, 05:31
(This post was last modified: April 17th, 2018, 05:36 by TheArchduke.)
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I got 500 gold once. I harvested two crabs, so all is well there.
Not really any more time for infrastructure, all small cities can build horseman or something else. A IZ 2 turns out is good. A workshop is useless.
20 turns is a long time for Cossacks. I am more then convinced, no city on the isthmus we need to bid our time.
170 to 110 science.
I am not sure how Woden and Chevalier see this, but imo this game is one small battle away from a concession by me.:D
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Anyway, update to this travesty of a game.
Finally with the weak team next to our two neighbouring teams gone, we will face the storm and we will not go silently into the night.
More crab harvests, a GM and some trade route magic results in some monies to fight this war.
2,4k gold with 167 incoming. I will be able to top this to 190 in 2 turns with 2 traders, workshops will be done for eureka for industralization (Marienburg will build a mil engineer next and will prepare the zone east of Marienburg for guerilla war) and 2 more medieval walls are incoming to defend the east. I can not think of anything more we can do really. I will try to get some land units going like cannons and bombards, you try to get cossacks force. Not much else but await the storm.
Also I denounced Singaboy after he rejected our DoF. Come on Team Vet/Vet, it is on. Maybe Woden and Chevalier are alert enough, their alliance with us makes me hope.
April 17th, 2018, 06:50
(This post was last modified: April 17th, 2018, 06:57 by TheArchduke.)
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Hmm, Emperor K and Ituralde. Going over the numbers I am not so sure.
I accepted Niter and a little gold right now. And 500 back then. Give me a second, adding up the numbers atm.
Yeah, something does not add up.
I think I will go through the PYDT saves turn by turn. Especially the crabs make things a bit difficult to sort through.
Hmm, it saves only the pass along saves, that is bad.
WTF is going on here.
Turn 127 to Turn 128
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(April 17th, 2018, 06:50)TheArchduke Wrote: Hmm, Emperor K and Ituralde. Going over the numbers I am not so sure.
I accepted Niter and a little gold right now. And 500 back then. Give me a second, adding up the numbers atm.
Yeah, something does not add up.
I think I will go through the PYDT saves turn by turn. Especially the crabs make things a bit difficult to sort through.
Take your time. Mikeforall did say that he stumbled upon his cheat, because he was looking for a way to fix a bug related to gold trading.
So maybe it popped up again, maybe it didn't, but better make sure everything is straight now, than have to try to untangle the mess five or fifteen turns from now.
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Turn 127 to Turn 128 check out, I harvest a crab, GM, income and Emperor sent me a bit of money with the niter. Emperor K? How much was it?
Checking turns before.
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Double checking the numbers.
So right now adding my income and Emp K, taking into account ( I normalised Emp K and my money to 150 and 90, with 125 and 135 rough estimates, but still the best I can do without more screenies.)
Anyway, Emperor K, I think we could be off by about 300-500 gold, can you double check
- how much money you sent me this turn with the niter, my memory says 100 gold. Or was it 300? Please open your save before download the new one.
- You sent me one gift of 500-600? Did you send a bit more money?
I am about 95% confident that there is a double trade here, even taking into account my crabs.
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Something is off still. Give me a second, one addition is missing.
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I think the numbers do check out. There was one addition missing. The formulas should be alright now.