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i'd exclude non-contacted wizard. notbsure about eliminated ones: they should be ok. can the game give you access just to the ones you eliminated directly?

No, who eliminated the wizard isn't stored. Or maybe it is? It's used on the scoring screen - but it can't tell apart banished and actually defeated wizard and I suspect it won't track this information for AIs.

New spell binding: after you cast it, it is no longer displayed as an option in your spell book to cast again. I presume this is on purpose, and after the prerequisite 1 or 3 years, it will appear back in your spell book. However, this will make it required that the human checks their spell book to see when it has shown up again, which is somewhat counter intuitive. After I cast it a second time, I'll let you know how this works out.

Additionally, it is ALSO removed from your F3 spellbook. This makes it appear that you do not even KNOW spell binding. (I wonder if I could trade for it again? Wish I had another very rare to offer to Jafar to see...) I dislike this, as anyone who doesn't read the forums may think they've actually lost the spell entirely.

Also, Spell Binding for the AI doesn't get the increased cost of Global spells, making it impossible to spell blast. (No idea if this is intended or not, but the old spell binding WOULD have been spell blastable.)

Spell Binding still seems to be on the price raise list for the AI. It should cost 672 on Lunatic (difficulty modifier included), while it would be 480 otherwise.

The spell is removed, otherwise you could cast it again and we'd need an additional check and message window to say it cannot be used. We can try doing that later but right now there are more important things to do.

Maybe I'm behind by that much? But I have higher spell power and he's researched more very rares, so how could he have higher casting skill? Wait. Is it still counted as an enchantment by divine order? (Since I already cast it I can't tell). If so.. then the AI only needs ~400 to cast it instantly, which is reasonable.

No, it's not an enchantment. They might have a cost reduction from Specialist or 9+ Sorcery books though.

I wonder if you can trade for it while it's on recharge, probably yes. I might need to think of a better solution then.

They have specialist and 10 books, but even with that, they would need to have 532 spellcasting skill to instant cast it (which they did). They also cast at least 2 other spells that round (summon war bears and summon great lizard).

However, in spell power, I am ahead, but they've researched more very rares than I have. I only have 466 spellcasting skill, so it feels strange that they would have at least 100 more casting skill than me, but I'd be ahead in spell power?

Is this the game where you researched a lot of additional spells from a lot of additional books? That could explain why your spellpower is higher.
My only other idea is an AEther Flux event...

I guess you can check their casting skill in the tweaker, or even their cost for Spell Binding (if you manage to catch them during casting it)

Yes it is. What's the formula for spell power? I had assumed that despite having a ton of common and uncommon spells, that the AI with very rare advantage would be at least comparable if not ahead of me, so they would need to have roughly similar or lower casting skill.

Unfortunately since they instant cast spell binding I can't check its cost, nor can I check to see if I can trade it (I'm researching haste and hoping to try trading again after I cast spell binding a second time, before they cast it a second time. But with instant cast, they'll probably cast it the turn it's available so I won't get a chance.)

Each spell is worth (5+SpellID in realm) points, each skill 5.
So the 22th spell in the realm (rare) would be worth as much as 5.4 skill. The first common would be worth 1.0, the last very rare 8.8

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