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Epic One- Atlas vs. Monty the Maniac

First I would like to apologize for the lack of screen shots, but I rushed into to the first epic without taking the proper care to make sure that I knew how to work the screenshot stuff properly- well without further adeau

My preliminary thoughts on this game were that with a tropical setting and Pangea (meaning that I would not be isolated) I should get to iron working as quick as possible. Pangea meant I needed defense, and tropical meant that I would need to clear lots of Jungle. Louis is probably my favorite to play with, I love building, am less of a warrior, and Civ4 seems to make this an even more viable strategy than in Civ3, so in general I liked the idea. I almost always play with the honorable ruleset anyway (except sometimes I will start a war, but never with freindly civs-they are just too valuable in Civ4!!)

4000BC-I see the starting position and deciede that it will be sufficient, so I found Paris. I like the stone (builder, builder builder) and love cows, so I deciede that animal husbandry is a must, I deceide to prioritize worker techs and defense, not religion, expecting that on a pangea it will spread fast to me. Send warrior to start scouting. Start work on a warrior.

3700BC-Meet Genghis- I make a decision now that I am going to make Genghis my best friend, I want to build in this game did not want to expend energy, time, and resources fighting endless wars with him, he is to be my best friend.

3600BC-Meet Montezuma!!!! At this point I go back and look at the Epic introduction page, I am trying to find the part about this being an ALWAYS WAR variant, I mean Montezuma and Genghis are my closest neighbors!!! This can only be bad news. I am by now though feeling very vindicated in my choice of worker and military tech over religion. I already forsee fighting wars with Monty and Genghis or both and them fighting with each other too, all this under the honorable rule set, my game may have gone differently had I violated the rules but did not and... Well we will see.

3520- Buddhism is founded in a distant land -It would turn out to be Delhi, big surprise.

3240-Animal Husbandry comes in. I normally play quick speed games, where there is never enough time to build all the possible buildings, but things are a bit different at epic speed....

2880BC- I want scouts and archers, so next went to hunting and it arrives now. build two scouts.

By this time I realize that I am at the fat end of an almost penisula, with no one behind my. I deciede that i am going to block this penisula, (Creative helps) So I begin planning the placement of my first settler, I have two ideas the spot northeast with wheat and pigs or east and little south with dyes and bannans- I rumminate on it.

2280BC Hinduism founded by Genghis, cant wait for it to spread to my lands. I already realize that I can not be friends with both Monty and Genghis, I fear Genghis' Keshiks (the lack of movement cost in a tropical setting is fearsome) so I continue with my plan to be nice to Genghis and try to avoid conflict in general, but especially with Monty the Maniac.

2120BC-1275BC - I get archery, mysticism, mining, and masonry- I wanted oblisks, a shot at Stonehenge, archers, and walls

1700BC-The first Settle comes and I decieded to go to the northeast-Two reasons, I was still not very close to iron working so there was not chance of making something useful out of that bananas-dyes spot and I did not want to crowd Genghis, I still don't have hinduism in my lands so I did not want close border tension, Orleans founded on the coast with Pigs and wheat in range missed the silks.

At this point I deciede to make a go at Stonehenge, But first i want a few more archers, I connect Wheat and pigs, then go back to Paris-I have the quarry ability, so build it, and start Stonehenge

1225BC Monty converts to Hinduism, at this point I have a glimmer of hope that Monty, Genghis, and I will all eventually be Hindu, very friendly and come to dominate the the world.......

840BC- Stonehenge completes in Paris, start on settler. Now where to put it, I still would like to block of the penisula, but there is just no good place to put it in the southeast that would block it off quickly,

700BC-Bronze working

650BC Lyons founded to the northwest with the rice, fish, and pigs in the radius, a great location, just not helping the blockade plan

460BC-Writing go to Iron working, now since I normally play on quick speed, I am seriously concerned about my research times since getting into classical techs and founding that third city. I decide that no matter how bad I want to block this penisula, building a settler soon would be tough on the budget.

100BC found Rhiems to the extreme south east next to the iron, cows, and fish- thus the blockage the penisula plan is finally begun, a little border expansion and viola!! Not openborders with anyone I deciede, but a bit later Genghis founds New Sarai just to the west of Rheims and gets those clams

20BC-Iron working comes

1AD-Hinduism spreads and I revolt!!!!! already having major happiness issues

1AD-430AD Pyramids, Great Lighthouse and Parthenon are built elsewhere, I had some hope of the pyramids, but all for naught. (notice not tech discovered since iron working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

430-Moses is Born in Paris-I use him to discover meditation, my research is sooo slow that I have almost despaired and probably made a weedy move my using him for meditation, but I was desperate for monastries to spread my hinduism

430-Monty founds Confucianism, this is bad, the AI likes to use thier own relgions, even if it means expending resources to spread it, when they could just leave the foreign religion in place for the same effect. This means that the my hopes for the French, Mongol, Aztec holy hindu alliance is a likely canindate for the dustbin of history. A great big "SIGH"!!!

450-I finish the long research on mathmatics, I want that calender dyes, silk, and bannanas would be great!!!!!

520-But instead I get priesthood I desperatly needed temples so I could let my cities grow and calendar would have taken forever.

540- I take an annoying Barb town of Mycenia, it is southwest of Paris to the right of those dyes and south of the bannans, a good spot, with three dyes, bannans, and rice all in the radius, with just enought space to have a coastal city to the west with that sugar, rice and fish. Unfortunately taking this fourth city would cause some more money trouble.

540-720 spread hinduism around the French empire

760-Washington gets Chrisianity

860-Monty declares war, he is still hindu, but well Monty is just a maniac, relations with Genghis are "pleased" but he will not join the war. I also complete the Hanging Gardens, jumping my score.

Monty has that northern isthmus, I decide to attack there just to the east of that Iron, in 920 I take Xochicalco

950-Monty converts to Confucianism, this is the reason for the war of course

1000 I found Tours, just to the west of Mycenia, this is the farthest city location in the southwest corner-sugar,rice, and fish

1025-Monty Pillaging everything is sight, but unable to take my cities, or take his one back. We make peace and he turns on Washington immediately

1100-Calendar, finally!! fixing the pillaging damage, never been pillaged so badly before, also realize that starvation can be even more devastating that I previously thought.

1100-Monty is taking Washington's cities, to this point Washington and Gandhi were the strongest civs by good margin they had cornered Alex, Alex only had four cities, with two of them under such pressure from Gandhi that they had no "greek" controled tiles to the west, Alexander is the weakest civ, Monty, Genghis and the Honorable French are jockeying in the middle of the pack.

1130 Philly falls to Monty and I begin to wonder how much gas old GW has..... To bad I can not get in on what seems to be the great partition of America....

1165 I get Alphabet am able to trade for compass, harbors would help those health problems

1200 Code of Laws, I really need courthouses so I can boost this economy and get into science mode, I am on par with Genghis, Monty, and Alex, and behind Gandhi and Washington

1290 Civil Service and revolt, I like Bueracracy, and take that hereditary rule to help with happiness, don't remember when I got monarchy, trade probably right after alphabet.

1305 Chichen Itza is built, Genghis is my boy we have +12, but I know that Monty is not done causing trouble, In any event I have built walls in that town of his that I took and all the culture I could, unfortunately I left some forests there, MAJOR WEED!!!!!!

1320 That pesky New Sarai revolts and joins the French, now I have clams!!! Start on Angkor Wat.

I am hoping to trade and research my way into a tech led to on par with tech and then out manuvour the AI and get a space race victory.....

1370 Machinery

1420 Philosophy- revolt to Pacifism

1430 found Marseilles- mostly to be a fishing village, but it does use that horse resource.

1470 Theology

Now Monty the Maniac is fighting Gandhi, man I wish someone would eliminate Monty or at least cripple him, but in 1560 he takes Karachi

This whole time Genghis has been so well behaved, he fought one little war with Monty (hey, who can blame him, that Monty is a Menace), but no cities changed hands, Genghis did ask for a little help, but I refuse, I want to build toward a space victory, and need infrastructure to do so, I dont' need Monty pillaging me into the stone age again.

1570 Alexander declares war on me, it turns out to be a fake war (he is already fighting Gandhi in a stalemate), thank god, but I do do a few rounds of no research for upgrades and few rounds of building modern units.

This war with Monty and Alex puts the brakes on Gandhi, he only loses the one city, but it drops him into the middle of the pack with Genghis, Monty and I, Alex is last and will remain there, but will still drastically affect the games outcome.

For the last thousand years I have been waging war aginist the "jungle" Man i hate that stuff, it is better than desert, but still, soooooo time consuming and it grows back if you only cut it and don't put an improvement on that tile. So I go for the Hagia Sophia and in 1615 it comes in.

1664 I get Gunpowder every body else has it, except Alex, this means I can up my defenses, but negates my walls. Make peace with Alex, I think I gave him some outdated tech. The AI does not like to make peace for peace, sometimes even when you clearly have the upper hand

1668 Mani born in Paris, discover divine right. Discovering Divive Right as soon as possible should have been a variant rule, I mean we are playing as Louis XIV- "I am the State"

1670 Divine Right, forseeing another war with Monty, and one in which I am successfull and victorious and take many of his cities, I start Versailles in Xochicalco, that city I took from him in that war.

1696, Versailles, is built in a far away land, damn, well the gold does not hurt and shortly there after....

1706 Monty the Maniac declares War!!!! Man I hate him!!

1712 Xochicalco is captured and razed by Monty the Maniac (He is not playing by the "honorable" rule set apparently)

Around 1730 I make peace with Monty, but I have lost a city and my Versailles money (I paid to get peace) in the process, somehow these wars slow down the process of building and advancing for me, but Monty only gains steam.

1742 Genghis starts a war with Gandhi and asks for help, I agree, he is my only friend, but do not intend to really make an effort at battling Gandhi and fake war period ensues

1730-1788 I get Music, Education, Paper, Economics, Astronomy, Printing Press and Optics

1794-Monty Declares War Again, by this time the game has a clear leader, Washington, he recovered from that early loss to Monty of two cities is leading everyone by like six visible techs, He is the run away Civ. Unfortunately I don't think I can deliver a crippling blow to Monty, or advance in Tech far enough ahead of him so that he is fighting with outdated units. With Monty on my border I am going to be a war with him like every fifty turns for the rest of the game, this will stifle my progess. At this point I search the world for allies, only Genghis will join my rightoues crusade againist Monty. I wanted GW, hoping the war would slow his progess, but since he will not be dragged in, it looks like he will win. I resolve to obtain a second place finish. Gandhi, Monty,Genghis and I are all with in 150 points of each other I am 50 points from second place, behind Gandhi.

1834 I capture Texcoco It is next to that copper that is northwest of Karakoum (Mongol capital). Monty makes peace with Genghis and me, I give him some tech, I am now second in score and tech, but Gandhi and Monty are within 100 points of me, the second place finish will be close!! I am actually hoping that Washington will win soon before something catastrophic happens to my second place standing.

1882-True to form Monty Declares war agian, no one will help me too, but and he impales himself on my defense at Texcoco

1897- Washington builds SS Casing, I am not in modern tech just yet, 1893 I got railroads. Please let him finish that spaceship soon, before I fall out of 2nd place!!!!

1913 Still at war with Monty, Washinton has four SS Cassings built and in 1913 gets thrusters

1919 Discover democracy, revolt to emancipation

1923 GW gets SS cockpit

1923 As a huge stack of reinforcements is almost to Texcoco, Monty shows up and takes it finally. I decide to make a go of taking on of his core cities and redeploy my reinforcement stack to Teotihuacan.

1927 I take Teotihuacan, but only have two wounded units in it Monty takes it back, It would have been really nice to have been able to raze that city, but the rules.....

Monty and I make peace...

1940 GW finishs SS life support-43' ss docking bay

1953 Monty declares war again, GW is pleased with, but still won't fight, and neither will anyone else. Gandhi Monty and I are within 100 points of each other....

1959 I finish the pentagon....

1965-Alexander, the guy in last place by 700 points and more than 900 behind me declares war on me, well I am already fighting Montezuma and figure if Alex can get open borders he will still be fighting againist my superior forces on the Aztec front... WRONG

Alex does not come by land, but by sea againist my paper cut out back line defenses!!!! Dropping like 15 Musketment back there!!! I lose Tours and worse Alex razes it-(another AI not playing by the honorable rule set!!!)

This drops me into fifth place, even behind Genghis, I mop up those Greek units, but the damage has been done, my chance at a second place finish is blown, I am only 150 points behind Gandhi (who is now in second place), but there is just not enough time to make up the distance. Oh well, those are the breaks.

1982-GW finishs stasis chamber.

1983 Washington Wins

I finish fifth in front of only Alexander.

A great game, I learned alot about the mechanics of playing on Epic speed and also about diplomacy. I wonder how things would have been if I had had only one ultra aggressive neighbor instead of two.... I really don't think the honorable rule set was very confining, I think the tropical climate (which plagued the growth of my southern cities) and the Mongol/Aztec neighbor combo were the most influential factors. I wonder if others were able to be freindly with both Genghis and Monty, the honorable rule set with no city razing combined with the increased maintaince costs makes a take over of either of the aggressive neighbors a tricky proposition. Had Washington and Gandhi been my neighbors and Genghis/Alex/Monty all been at one end of the pangea, I would have won, but in the end the most important thing I learned was not to over expand, I was so obssesed with not letting Monty or Genghis get cities bordering me to both the east and the west that I think I expanded to quickly and this put me at a disadvantage research wise in the ancient and classical eras, i could have overcome this advantage and won, but kept getting dragged into war by Monty, Monty and my early over expansion stifled my research just enought to let Washington get in front. Live and Learn


I was more upset at my ranking of "DAN QUAYLE" than my loss or my score.

"At this point I go back and look at the Epic introduction page, I am trying to find the part about this being an ALWAYS WAR variant" lol Yeah, those two are total psychos. But for me, that's part of the charm of Civ4. The leaders just have so much personality, even when you hate them for it!

You sent the first settler northeast, which was probably the stronger move. I just have this paranoia fear about letting the AI settle in my back lines, and so moved to close off my borders ASAP, when in truth that was not the best move. (Ultimately, he did get past your borders though, so chalk one up for paranoia!) Trying to make nice with Temujin isn't something I ever tried to do, but then again he never founded a religion in my game either. The notion of a potential Louis/Temujin/Monty Hindu trio is... scary. tongue

You lost out on the Pyramids too - tell me about it. Gandhi built them in 200BC in my game; I've not seen that date approached in any other game. That surely would have been a big help for both of us.

Ooh, using a Prophet to discover Meditation? That was a waste, surely. Meditation is one of the cheapest techs in the game, I'm afraid. You would have done better to save the Prophet or use him for something else.

Good job fending off Monty, you're correct to analyze religious differences as the cause of the war. That's surely the ONLY reason why you managed to make nice with Temujin! smile

Monty giving Washington the business? Shocking for me to read this, Monty was weak and isolated in my game while Washington was the runaway AI civ. Amazing how different things are from game to game.

You world must have had a drastically slower tech pace than the one I was in, if you weren't getting to Theology and Machinery until around 1400. That probably helped you out though. Reading all these war declarations, I'm struck by how violent your game was. The peaceful AIs were completely hamstrung by the aggressive ones, and tech clearly just stagnated for ages on end. I revise my earlier statement, that DEFINITELY helped you out. Good for you! smile

I see that Washington did finally recover from his early mauling and get around to making his way up the tech tree. He was slowed considerably, but unfortunately you weren't in a strong enough position to capitalize. I hope you were able to do some damage to Monty in those late wars. One thing to keep in mind: if the AI is declaring war on you over and over again, it's because it feels that it's stronger than you are. If you build up your defenses, the AI will be less likely to attack - LESS likely only, though. Monty is still insane.

I'm glad you played it out to the finish, and I hope you're learning from some of the reports too. nod
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Looking over your game, I'd say this verifies my theory that Defensive Pacts are the best thing for peaceful civilizations. I was in about as many wars as you were, and they all screeched to a halt once I signed a Defensive Pact with Gandhi and Washington. I guess the AI just won't tackle 3 nations at once. I think I would rush to Military Tradition just to get it. (I'm guessing you aimed for Railroads instead, which might've been a bad decision.)

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