Crank EP up to 30% to knock down both of Julius's cities next turn.
Golden age done. Gilgamesh wants military science for divine right. No.
Moving soldiers into position. Cancel some deals; Zulu can’t declare war on us for at least 5 more turns because we’re selling him spices.
Military Science comes. Looking at the tech tree, I pick Steam Power heading to Rail Road. Railroads + commandos are pretty incredible.
![[Image: t313-2.png]](https://earnestwords.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/t313-2.png)
At Antium: lose a rifle against a cuirassier. The rest is a cakewalk and gives us another general.
At Neapolis: Cannon withdraws at 41% odds. No losses.
Goodbye, Rome!
I missed the screenshot but when I went to say hello to Mansa (and declare war), he hadn’t decided on his new worst enemy. I pick us!
Outside Gao: which I had had the time to upgrade the cannon.
Taodeni and Wadan
I don’t plan on turning on science; I’ll just upgrade our units.
Mansa makes a bit of a strategic error. These units are dead but cost us 330 hammers at a much lower cost. However, he should have left them in Gao.
Gao didn’t even have a castle! Which means that I can rip it to shreds with my catapults and shred the units with collateral — at not losses!
Use the great general for a military academy in Goldeneye; that’s the wrong choice but oh well.
At Tadmekka, cannons shred the defense. One wins at 40% odds and that is it. This is also the first action for our commando rifles.
Lose my first offensive action of the war against Wadan: a cannon at 32%. Then a rifle at 85%. And then I stupidly lost a samurai against Taodeni (I think).
I consider revolting to Slavery. So let me see.
Emancipation gives you +1 unhappiness for each civ running emancipation. So, for us, that’s +2 unhappy. However, without war weariness, we are running a major happiness surplus.
So I think that slavery is worth it. However, now comes the question is slavery worth the cost of two turns of anarchy?
We produce 740 hammers per turn. So for the two turns of anarchy to be worth it, we would need 32 whips (since Kremlin makes each whip create 50% more hammers, essentially).
We only have about 13 cities I’d like to whip at this point, so I don’t think I’ll swap out of emancipation. But we can do it later if we want. Probably alongside state property. We probably want that — but maybe not uni suffrage. Someone will have to count how many towns we have.
Wadan burned and precious Satsuma founded.
Not really any attacks to make.
Niani. Mansa has rifles. This is make this a slog.
Djenne. No rifles here! And sorry, Mr. Eiffel. Too bad you can’t capture great people. (actually, after bombarding the city, I’ll take it next turn. So rush the statue of liberty there!
Kumbi Saleh. I wasn’t planning on taking this one but I managed to drop the defenses with a spy. Should have done that first to save some movement.
Shaka is attacking Mansa Musa.
I am also attacking Mansa Musa and should be complete before Shaka can get to the field.
I’ve started building buddhist temples in advance of our acquitistion of the spiral minaret and the university of sankore. We will have maybe 10 turns before we can get into position to hit Gilgamesh. He needs to be next because he’s the biggest threat.
![[Image: t320-5.png]](https://earnestwords.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/t320-5.png)
We’re threatening Timbuktu, Agades, and Tekedda. We probably want to run 1 turn of espionage against Mali, this turn, to prep us to take all 3 threatened cities next turn.
Then I think there needs to be a little planning against Gilgamesh. I don’t know where his stack is but we should probably try to tank it and then rip him apart.