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Test games played

(July 23rd, 2018, 14:36)Nelphine Wrote: aand i managed to get a freeze up with the screen showing all odd graphics again. I cast divine order. I haven't saved a few turns, so it will be a bit before I can try to reproduce it.

You don't have the autosave feature on?

I don't know what turn it was lol

and apparently i have autosaves up to save1340? That seems.. really high.... since most of my games never go past 1420ish?

Sort the files by time. Newest is the last turn you played...

Whoops. Right that makes sense. *whistles* I don't normally need to use autosave for anything as you can tell..

I haven't been able to reproduce it. I have no idea what could have occured that would cause the game to freeze mid animation for 'you have successfully cast ...'.

Ahhhh Ariel managed to get both Charm of Life and Crusade! (I didn't get those! for maxing my slinger strategic value to make the others surrender, this will be very important. I've already threatened her into giving me Charm of Life, now I just need Crusade! I still think Crusade is absolutely atrocious for the AI by the way, simply because they won't combine mono life with warlord except in the rarest occassions.)

(July 23rd, 2018, 14:45)Seravy Wrote: Started a new game, same gnoll life/nature warlord.
Things went well at the start, but I might lose because I was stingy and didn't want to pay 550 gold for a wizard's pact. Seems like me and Vanilla H were expanding rapidly from the two sides while the two AI caught in between are pretty much down to their capital only. Problem is, since I didn't pay, my city got attacked and now we are at war. To make it worse she has early Crack's Call so lost my Assassin hero which I used to conquer like, the previous 5 cities. No items of high value were lost, I haven't found anything really good yet. Now I have no idea how to continue - buffing is an obvious no-go as Life buffs are prohibitively expensive and I can't afford losing a buffed unit to CC. Mass producing might work, but the enemy is lizardmen so questionable, gnolls are good but not that good. I'm still like 30 turns away from researching Transmute and another 30 for Prayer, albeit I could try pushing research a little, not by much, I'll need the mana. I could summon bears but I don't see that tactic working at this point against a pure Nature wizard. I had to abandon two conquered cities in addition to the one lost. So far no enemies are on my continent, the two AI who do have a city each are the harmless ones. I'd also need to research Stream of Life to make sure the High Men cities I got in my first war will have manageable unrest, but right now this is my lowest priority.

Holy weapon jackals?

Gnoll game still, cleared Arcanus about 2 years before towers which gave me just about enough time to build 2-3 jackal stacks, buff my cities (gaea's blessing mostly) and that's about it.
Other side has Yuyuko, 8 Death 1 Sorcery. Focus Magic Wraith doomstack would have likely banished me right away but it seems the "destination plane" procedure still has bugs, they seem to keep their units on the Myrran plane, they only break the towers but not cross them.
For now I'll fix the bug, after that plan is to have my doomstack (the one still alive, another got eaten by the wraiths and two more got used up in knocking out the chaotic Arcanus wizard who was down to just a capital and one hamlet.) and a hero go around and raze cities. Except I need to skip cities with any shadow demon or wraith as I can't attack those, and web doesn't work.
To make it harder the AI has Evil Omens and Dispelling Wave. Albeit our graphs were roughly identical on army and spell power (not on power income though) I might not win this one. Life/Nature has nothing against ghosts at least until I get archangels or something else very rare.

holy armor holy weapon bless jackal riders should kill anything silly enough to attack you in melee, and be strong enough to survive the wraith ranged attacks, so if you have holy word or petrify or something similar, you should be able to whittle them away. shadow demons will be a bit harder as they actually hit hard enough, particularly with focus magic, to hurt those jackal riders. oh, toss resist elements on, that should be enough. oh, you probably aren't warlord, so they won't be elite... you don't happen to have altar of battle do you?

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