I learned how to unfocus from linear time with Civ 5, since there's so many subsystems that work best with their own sub-narrative.
I actually didn't know at that moment that I was done with my own castle. I wrote that line in later. I had expected my path to be to send all the early troops one direction, and then on day 8 (when castles produce new troops) chain a hero pipeline all the way from home to the other target (the human plays before the AI so can use his weekly troops before the AI can buy any.) I got lucky in several areas: that one peasant stack was weak enough that I could beat it sooner than expected with just ogres, in finding just enough ore to build the troll bridge early which came to enough power that I didn't need the week-2 troops, and in that the AI's forces were so split up (although that's not uncommon at all in HOMM 2) that I probably didn't even need the trolls.
The entire game took under three hours. I didn't have much of a contingency plan since "just start over" would be such a catchall anyway. I even did so once after my first attempt (with a Knight castle) failed when I lost one fight to an AI hero who got to the free archer dwelling before me.
I actually didn't know at that moment that I was done with my own castle. I wrote that line in later. I had expected my path to be to send all the early troops one direction, and then on day 8 (when castles produce new troops) chain a hero pipeline all the way from home to the other target (the human plays before the AI so can use his weekly troops before the AI can buy any.) I got lucky in several areas: that one peasant stack was weak enough that I could beat it sooner than expected with just ogres, in finding just enough ore to build the troll bridge early which came to enough power that I didn't need the week-2 troops, and in that the AI's forces were so split up (although that's not uncommon at all in HOMM 2) that I probably didn't even need the trolls.
The entire game took under three hours. I didn't have much of a contingency plan since "just start over" would be such a catchall anyway. I even did so once after my first attempt (with a Knight castle) failed when I lost one fight to an AI hero who got to the free archer dwelling before me.