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[SPOILERS] Charriu and Zalson are fighting the honorable post count war!

I'm leaning red dot: it's more compact with your other settling and protects us from immortals. We can probably get the cows spot based on where the rest of the cities are -- when can we get both?

12 points is the oracle + the tech I'm pretty sure?


Not sure about open borders from Couerva -- I think it would benefit him a little more than you?

He's almost certainly heading for currency at this point; can we take a bite out of him before he gets iron working? If he has no iron, we may want to take down the big dog...
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

(August 15th, 2018, 16:09)Zalson Wrote: can we take a bite out of him before he gets iron working? If he has no iron, we may want to take down the big dog...


(August 15th, 2018, 15:16)Charriu Wrote: About that 12 points mystery. Of course 6 points must be from bulbing a tech with the Oracle. But what about the other 6 points? If he would have bulbed another tech with a Great Person it would have shown those 2 bulbs in 2 seperate score increases, right?

The Oracle itself is worth 18 points.

The value of a tech depends on which era it's from: 5.988 for Ancient, 11.976 for Classical, 17.964 for Medieval, etc.  That gets rounded down, so your starting techs are worth 11 points, not 12.  It takes until about the Renaissance to have enough techs that you "lose" another point from rounding tech score down.

You can do things quickly enough that they show as a single score change on CivStats.  In practice, this only happens if people pause the game, do a bunch of stuff that changes score (usually whipping cities), and un-pause.

(August 16th, 2018, 01:30)Dark Savant Wrote:
(August 15th, 2018, 15:16)Charriu Wrote: About that 12 points mystery. Of course 6 points must be from bulbing a tech with the Oracle. But what about the other 6 points? If he would have bulbed another tech with a Great Person it would have shown those 2 bulbs in 2 seperate score increases, right?

The Oracle itself is worth 18 points.

The value of a tech depends on which era it's from: 5.988 for Ancient, 11.976 for Classical, 17.964 for Medieval, etc.  That gets rounded down, so your starting techs are worth 11 points, not 12.  It takes until about the Renaissance to have enough techs that you "lose" another point from rounding tech score down.

You can do things quickly enough that they show as a single score change on CivStats.  In practice, this only happens if people pause the game, do a bunch of stuff that changes score (usually whipping cities), and un-pause.

Ah thanks. Of course I totally forgot that Alphabet is a classical tech. Thanks for that. Hey that means I'm now also getting KTB on some techs, nice.  goodjob

(August 15th, 2018, 16:09)Zalson Wrote: I'm leaning red dot: it's more compact with your other settling and protects us from immortals. We can probably get the cows spot based on where the rest of the cities are -- when can we get both?

12 points is the oracle + the tech I'm pretty sure?


Not sure about open borders from Couerva -- I think it would benefit him a little more than you?

He's almost certainly heading for currency at this point; can we take a bite out of him before he gets iron working? If he has no iron, we may want to take down the big dog...

You meant "protects us from impis from Superdeath" right? The red dot is near Superdeath. And what exactly did you mean with "based on where the rest of the cities are"? The next settler will be out on T73 and can settle either spot in T76. I don't have planned any more settlers as of now, but I will look into where and when to build another one for the blue dot. It will propably be the last spot to settle, before I have to start conquering more cities.

I don't see how I can bite something off of Coeurva. His gold city will be well protect with it's 2 archers. It will be very costly to take it, right now. Conquering RFS is still the easier target and gives me more good cities.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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I've looked into how to secure my red dot settler route. This mainly a reminder for me, but why not share it with you, too.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot160.jpg?raw=1]

Pink: Archer
Red: Archer
Violet: Settler
Yellow: Road finished

So I found a way to secure the settler for red dot, for the whole movement and keep a unit in Siren. A chariot there would not be a good defense against those pescy impis. A chariot will be finished in T72 in Wing Raptor, so it will remain happy.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

(August 16th, 2018, 01:46)Charriu Wrote:
(August 16th, 2018, 01:30)Dark Savant Wrote:
(August 15th, 2018, 15:16)Charriu Wrote: About that 12 points mystery. Of course 6 points must be from bulbing a tech with the Oracle. But what about the other 6 points? If he would have bulbed another tech with a Great Person it would have shown those 2 bulbs in 2 seperate score increases, right?

The Oracle itself is worth 18 points.

The value of a tech depends on which era it's from: 5.988 for Ancient, 11.976 for Classical, 17.964 for Medieval, etc.  That gets rounded down, so your starting techs are worth 11 points, not 12.  It takes until about the Renaissance to have enough techs that you "lose" another point from rounding tech score down.

You can do things quickly enough that they show as a single score change on CivStats.  In practice, this only happens if people pause the game, do a bunch of stuff that changes score (usually whipping cities), and un-pause.

Ah thanks. Of course I totally forgot that Alphabet is a classical tech. Thanks for that. Hey that means I'm now also getting KTB on some techs, nice.  goodjob

(August 15th, 2018, 16:09)Zalson Wrote: I'm leaning red dot: it's more compact with your other settling and protects us from immortals. We can probably get the cows spot based on where the rest of the cities are -- when can we get both?

12 points is the oracle + the tech I'm pretty sure?


Not sure about open borders from Couerva -- I think it would benefit him a little more than you?

He's almost certainly heading for currency at this point; can we take a bite out of him before he gets iron working? If he has no iron, we may want to take down the big dog...

You meant "protects us from impis from Superdeath" right? The red dot is near Superdeath. And what exactly did you mean with "based on where the rest of the cities are"? The next settler will be out on T73 and can settle either spot in T76. I don't have planned any more settlers as of now, but I will look into where and when to build another one for the blue dot. It will propably be the last spot to settle, before I have to start conquering more cities.

I don't see how I can bite something off of Coeurva. His gold city will be well protect with it's 2 archers. It will be very costly to take it, right now. Conquering RFS is still the easier target and gives me more good cities.

Blue dot is vulnerable to immortals. A spear protects against 2-3 immortals but not against 4-5 which is what we can expect as a rush.

The "where the rest of the cities are" is that there isn't really a good option for for him to settle on the plains cow. So I think we can probably get both, especially if we reinforce effectively.

Getting something off Coeurva would be purely optimistic and based on us having a knowledge of iron's location and denying his access to iron. It's more a contingency if anything else: if Couerva doens't have iron, then we attack him.

That said, RFS is probably a better choice.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

I've worked on my plan to produce more units. Exdeath, Wing Raptor and Siren will go in full unit production with emphasis on hammers and stagnating at the happy cap with the occasional whip to speed up production. Currently I'm looking at the following on T86. Most of the units are build from T80 onward:
  • 2 archer in Forza
  • 2 archer in Galura (red dot)
  • 1 archer and 1 spearman in Karlabos
  • 1 archer in Siren
  • 1 warrior in Exdeath
  • 1 warrior in Wing Raptor
  • 7 worker
And this will be my attack force all of them build with exp from barracks:
  • 2 axemen
  • 4 swordsmen
  • 6 chariots
  • 2 galleys
I may not have to wait for T86 to start my movement towards RFS as most 1-movers will be transported by galleys anyway. I think this may be enough to conquer Lighthouse. After that some units may have to heal, which gives me time to come in with more reinforcements and scout ahead with some chariots. Cornflakes plans will come in handy, but I hope that RFS chops at least one forest between Lighthouse and Wing Raptor, so that my chariots have an easier time moving around. I will look at a concrete plan of conquest at around T80 by that time it should be clear how the terrain will look there.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0161.JPG?raw=1]

Shallow showed up with an immortal. It's still amazing how Shallow manages to move around my border without ever finding it. I doubt that this is an attacking force towards me because of the direction he came from (1NW). Maybe he was just annoyed by my scouting warrior, so I moved it away.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0163.JPG?raw=1]

Should I see no immortal on the hill I will move my warrior back to his scouting position. Also as you may have noticed from the above screenshot, Superdeath took another city.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0162.JPG?raw=1]

This time Superdeath took Libyan. Great now he has (another) border with Coeurva. I really do hope that those two start fighting at some point. I also whipped the settler for the red dot city spot. I highly doubt that Superdeath will have any settlers going in that direction. They would be too slow anyway, because of the terrain.

As you can see Coeurva also moved the archer 1E of Schilda into the city. The other vanished into the fog, maybe standing on the gold. RFS started retreating his axeman/settler combo. I do hope that he builds the city in that pig region of his. Otherwise he will just loose that land to Coeurva pretty soon. Also this will be another city that I can conquer later. I must say I pitty him a bit. Reminds me about a certain players first MP game. mischief
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0164.JPG?raw=1]

The turn started with this nice offer by Shallow. I had hoped that he offered the crab for crab deal, because that way I trust him a lot more to stay peaceful. Of course I accepted the deal.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0165.JPG?raw=1]

Shallow also finally found my border, which may have been the reason why he gave me that crab for crab deal. I moved down to have a better look at the sea. Karlabos will soon (4 turns) pop it's border which is a nice additional security insurence. But even then I think it will be wise to move War Wilhelm back to his scouting position, or am I too untrustworthy? I also have to deceide if start a settler in Karlabos next for the blue dot city. I'm a bit hesitant to settle it right now. I would rather have an additional spearman first.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0166.JPG?raw=1]

Back on the other side there also intersting things happening. First Coeurva connected Schilda to his road network from the NW and as you can see he put a spearman into the city. My chariot is currently just protecting my workers, who finished the rice farm this turn. You can also see my archer approaching red dot. Speaking of red dot, I found the best thing that could happen to red dot. Superdeath did not keep Libyan and razed it. I think he just wanted Coeurva to deny this city. Keeping it would have really been hard for him. But this gives us the option to secure that wine resource for me, great.

Also in offtopic notes. This will be my last report before my vacation. Like I already said in the IT thread I will be on vacation from Saturday 18.8. to Sunday 26.8. I have my trusty laptop with me and expect to  be able to play my turns normally. In case that I may have any problems I left my password in the initial post and my spreadsheet should give very detailed instructions. I'm currently following StartingUnitProduction.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0167.JPG?raw=1]

Shallow took a look at the inside of Karlabos, fortunately another archer was finished there this turn, so it does not look totally weak. I will send War Wilhelm to Wing Raptor to keep it happy once the invasion starts.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0168.JPG?raw=1]

RFS border finally popped and Coeurva only left one archer in Schilda, interesting. contemplate RFS still hasn't found his 4th city, but of course his settler has to work the long and hard way back to his territory. He could be 1SW of the copper now and may soon settle. I would say he settles on the jungle 1S of the pig in T76.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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