As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

BobRoberts Wrote:A question - is that 15 unit Ottoman stack heading down to fight Rome directly, or will it be gifted?

That was gifted that turn, and is heading to defend/secure/attack from the India-Ottoman border. The rest of my rabble, 2 lbow 7 axe, are heading for Rome.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0330.jpg]


what are you getting in exchange for gifting away your army to the guy who just attacked you?


And security to not be attacked again. Until he replaces sulla

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0336.jpg]
I razed his city. There are 2 prats in the forest tile south of bronze and the 4 empty galleys. After that I suspect he's wide open. Next stop Kuat, his heroic epic city.

Whosit has been trying to get peace with plako though plako is leaning against it (if we do agree to peace it will be we both me and plako together) and I have told him I'd like to press on a little bit further.

How was the battle?

I cost me some, but overall, went well.

He had 6 catpults able to attack me last turn but for some reason only used 3. I figured I would take the collateral, heal a turn and then attack. but 3 cats on my 31 units wasn't too much damage so I decided to fight. I saw that if I was willing to sacrifice some axes then at my calculation I'd get ~ 3 axe v pratorian battles, and after my collaterial there were prats at like 6.7, 6.2, 5.8, 5.8 and then a drop off to 4.2 and the rest, so i figured I'd axe through his stack and then finish him off in longbows. so with my 11 axes i spent 5 on the xbows (figures about 2 each) and then 3 on the catapults and then I got my prat battles, of which I only won one. And then it was longbows and by then everything was better than 50% odds and I won all but 1.

So all in all I lost all 5 cats, 10 axe and 1 longbow and destroyed 3 cats, 3 xbow and whatever it was, 7-8 pratorians. We both got great generals.

The 3 axes in the shot are 2 units catching up to the front. Behind them I prolly have another 6 axes and now a good handfull of longbow, only 2 cats near the front however. I probably won't even heal and advance right at him - i have about 7 units at full strength that have caught up. I suspect he's paper thin while I still have a ~20 unit stack although mostly wounded.

If you suspect he was paper thin, why'd you raze instead of keeping the city? (It was yours originally right?)

No, it wasn't mine. It was his response to my tiwakanu.

I razed it for the city 1SE. But alot of that might be me stubbornly deciding that long ago. I should have probably kept it. Although it was size 1, it had a terrace

[Image: whositt175.jpg]

Here's how thin he is. Cursor on Kuat. Single prat nearby. My stack of 4 behind is lbow, axe, and 2 cats but looks like I won't even use them here. Suicide it is.

So what happened to make you decide to quit so suddenly, slaze?

Thanks for taking over the civ for as long as you did. It looked like you were doing a great job.

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