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RBP3 [SPOILERS] - Zara of the Ottomans

Bad news:

Quote:Hey Cuddle,

Just got this from Babylon:

"So- i suck. Whilst i'm really sorry, i can't justify to the rest of PAT giving away Currency to one of the non-PAT civs.
If one of your group has currency, that immediately allows the whole group to assign funders and techers and tech significantly faster as a whole."

He waited until Currency had finished before telling me, I checked with Byz and they aren't receviing it either. Babylon did offer me some money for Sailing/Hunting? so maybe I could convince them that I owe Ottomans money for IW? and ask them to pay it directly to the Ottomans. Long shot I know and probably not worth giving away the fact that Ottomans are researching Currency.

I'm having trouble finding someone willing to run merchants from today. It's absolutely critical that we get CS as quickly as possible. Byz can apparently only run a single merchant from today and slowly build up to 3 over the next few turns so as that's not fast enough for a CS bulb I think they should instead focus on generating one for Guilds.

We have put a turn into 4 scientists already (so should have 12 GP points), not sure how that would affect our odds of generating a merchant if we were to swap over to merchants now. Anybody know? HRE apparently can run 4 great people from t97 so would generate their first on t104. Could I hear everyone else's great person capability?


Quote:One more thing - we should get each of us spending EPs against 1 of the PAT guys then sharing our charts. Next time you are in the game - grab a screenshot of your EPs and let us know who you would like to spy on.

Someone out there has 180k in power and Gen SRise would like to know who.



Re Currency, while that sucks, I suppose it was to be expected... Anyone finishing Pyramids soon so Ottomans can get the fail cash? smile

Regarding the Great Merchant, I'm afraid Portugal is in the best position to get it. You should still get good odds of getting a Merchant (88% chance) if you switch now. The other teams would have to revolt first to Caste System.

England is n° 1 in Power

Ilios - DIM

No currency for Portugal, which means we'll probably have to get the gold ourselves. Sent back this:


lol on Pyramids. Actually that might not be a bad idea. Any other wonders that anyone knows might be falling soon?

That sucks, but kinda expected. Guess we'll have to kill all Postmen now.

Anyways, the good news is that Currency will only be delayed by 1 or 2 turns. An exact ETA will come closer to the date but T98-99 is a good estimate if we can't get the cash from somewhere.

We can probably start hiring the specialists on T98 and get one on T105. If Portugal get a GM then we go GS and vice-versa? Although if we aim for a GS then we should be teching something and not become a gold civ temporarely. We might head for Construction while HRE head to Literature or vice-versa. Anyone have any other ideas?

England is indeed 1st in power. We have the graphs of Krill, Carthage and England. If you want the power graphs then I'll give them to you. Does someone have the remaining 3 graphs?

Enough Talking!
WarriorKnight of A4

If we're not getting funding from anyone it's best we dial down research for a bit I think. I'm not sure if it's best to run binary science in this case, since we need to be careful about how we spend our cash reserves.

It's 3 turns at 100% which we can't fund (40gpt), but it's still 3 turns at 90% which costs(33gpt). We've got a treasury of 55g at the moment. I propose we save gold for a turn at 0% earning 36g. Then we run two turns at 90% and a turn at 80%, at current rates that sums to 91g, which is 55g+36g. Now there's probably going to be some minor changes in costs, etc. (Total beakers = 76*2 + 67 = 219 )

The binary science alternative is to save for a turn, run 100% science for two turns and 60% for the final turn. Again we get pretty close to exhausting our treasury. (Total beakers = 84*2 + 50 = 218 )

At 10% science it's 27turns @ 8bpt, which suggests that 216 beakers is enough to complete research.


i'd suggest the first option of dialling down research.

On the diplo side, has any decision been made on who we will attack, if it is not Carthage should we be trying to extend our NAP even if it is with just a cool off period. Their reaction will be a good indicator of their future plans.

i noticed the HA on the way to Zingara, are we going to use it to keep an eye on Carthage as they are doing with us.

Got caught by nakor when i was checking e-mail, Inca want to extend NAP, i can't really see a good reason why not, i can't see us going North in the near future now.

Well, Ruff has created a online document to stop CUDDLE sending endless e-mail messages around. Check it out if you want but bear in mind that someone else can head in there and modify stuff the same time as you are. Kinda funny to chat this way. smile

Hopefully we'll get this sorted out though. I think we'll be going for scientists for paper now.

BTW, it has a page for research ability, and we should try to update that every turn.

Turn rolled.

Not much happened, only thing to note is that we now have a trade route with India. Also got demog's of Inca, switched to Carthage since they have started spending EP's on us again.

Also, we need to start organising our military a bit better. Currently, we are guarding a worker near Zingara where I would much rather guard the city. Other units need to be given priorities. I'd like most to be able to head near Zingara where we can defend if neccesary.

Looking at the military situation a bit more:

Belit and Livia should probably head to the sentry spots we've marked. After that I think we don't have to worry too much about any attack.

I'd like to build a settler or two after the HA in Aquilonia now that both Mali and India are up to 6 cities (can't let them catch us smile). One for the iron spot and another for somewhere else (was thinking pigs/spices, but maybe one near Inca could work too).

Ok worker micro done. You've been handling most of the military/scouting up to now WK, do you still want to do that? I can easily mark how many garrison troops I need in each city, leaving you a free(ish lol) hand with the rest of the troops.

Agree about the sentries, would be nice if Livia could scout through Krills border city too though (if he's got a decent road network it might work out quicker too).

Agree on city count too, Settler next for Aquilonia it is. We might whip one out of Ophir after we've generated the GP needed for teching. I presume we're heading back to slavery once we've got our scientist/merchant.

I've put Zingara on a monastery for the moment. I'm not sure we ever got to a consensus on spreading Krill's religion, I guess we're waiting for Apo palace before we make a decision either way there. At the very least we'll get 10% science bonus there, and we'll still be able to build missionaries if we switch out of OR, although I can't see us getting Theocracy any time soon. If you want a military build here feel free to swap it.

Military wise I think we should consider getting an axe into Ophir at some stage, I'm a bit wary of leaving it defended with only a single warrior (I know our HAs and chariots can get there quickish, but would like a heavy hitter on the ground. Maybe we can send the warrior out as a scout later and build an axe next in Cimmeria?

i think the sentry idea is a good one, i guess from Carthages EP spending and constant scouting we're rapidly becoming they're number 1 target.

City placement wise i like three city sites, the iron site and the pigs/spice site but also a more aggresive silks/corn as shown on the attached. (ignore the reference to wheat it is corn.) i think this actually is the best city spot of all three in the long run.

My rambling and possibly inept justification is as follows.

It is only one tile further than the pigs/spices location (and brythunia) and consequently maintenance shouldn't be that much greater.

The two silks will provide extra happies as well as quick gold while the corn means quickish growth.

Plenty of forests for chops and quick infrastructure and once forests are chopped no where for enemies to park themselves and get defensive bonus's

Stops krills northern expansion and forces him to expand towards india and portugal if he wants to go that way.

Good jumping off point to attack krill in that we can go along a hill line to get next to his closest city.

Feel free to criticise :neenernee

[Image: Aztec-Ottoman-HRE-India-Carthage-Kr.jpg]

ad hoc Wrote:Feel free to criticise :neenernee

OK. lol

ad hoc Wrote:i think the sentry idea is a good one, i guess from Carthages EP spending and constant scouting we're rapidly becoming they're number 1 target.

Well, not sure if they will attack us but we do expect warfare around here in the near future. They are (or will be) more advanced but we have the edge in production. Should be fun. smile

ad hoc Wrote:City placement wise i like three city sites, the iron site and the pigs/spice site but also a more aggresive silks/corn as shown on the attached. (ignore the reference to wheat it is corn.) i think this actually is the best city spot of all three in the long run.

Iron spot is obvious and IMO the next spot. Blue is ok but it could also go 1SW (don't really have a preference). Don't like red since it's too close to Krill's city (and he might be attacking us, we can't defend it). If we had Krill's city then it would be fine but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

i guess i'm outvoted on the red dot but i'll make one more plea.

i don't think Krill is anywhere near ready to attack us (how is his power graph), i'd guess one of his four cities (at last count) is building the AP leaving only three cities to produce units. He can't even claim that we are being aggresive as he planted his city 8E 7N of his capital while we would be only going 7W 4S to plant red dot.

Tactically as well when (if) we attack Krill attacking along the hill line will be so much easier than going across open ground from Zingara

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