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Caster of Magic Release thread : latest version 6.06!

You can have 5 cities + 1/year, +/-25% for each land size setting above/below fair without triggering the overextension warnings. Anything above that number is the excess.

-Item transfer from/to heroes is no longer possible if the hero already finished his/her turn.
-Wrack is renamed to Gate of Hades, and now deals irrecoverable damage which ignores Death Immunity.
-AI is now aware of the changes to Wrack and will use it against creatures with Death Immunity.
-Endurnace now adds 2 defense instead of +1 To Defend.
-Holy Armor now adds +1 To Defend instead of 2 defense if the unit has 6 or greater defense.
-Holy Armor and Holy Weapon now costs 40, Endurance costs 60.
-Zombies lose Poison Immunity.
-Undead lose Poison Immunity. Animated dead lose Poison Immunity.
-Werewolves lose Poison and Death Immunity, and have Regeneration 0.
I'm aware it makes more sense for undead to be immune to poison, but due to the significant role Poison plays in the early game, the widespread immunity unbalanced the realm. Furthermore, this change should allow Death wizards to use Repear Slash to damage enemy undead creatures.
-Being a Death realm creature no longer grants immunity to Poison, Death, Cold and Illusion automatically, unless explicitly defined for the unit. Instead, undead gain Death, Cold and Illusion immunity, but not Poison. Do note that most Death realm creature have all the listed immunities naturally, and will keep having them unless explicitly specified otherwise.
-AI has a higher priority to cast Holy Armor in combat if the target has higher defense, and prefers to target those units.
-Weakness now ignores Death Immunity.
-Swapped the RP cost of Blood Lust and Drain Power.
-The AI will now send units into city tiles on turn 12 instead of 10.
Experimental, hoping for this to improve the AI's ability to catch outnumbered, but fast enemy units - especially those with equal movement.
-Werewolves now lose magic/mithril/adamantium weapons when transformed, and receive +1 To Hit to compensate for it.
-The AI now picks the race to build settlers of based on their home race, own realms, and human player realms, instead of always having the same preferences.
-Sleeping units cannot be raised as undead.
-Life Drain and Syphon Life now generates 2 SP/damage instead of 4 SP/damage.
-AI will prioritize research Wrack and Weakness if the human player has 5 or more Death books.
-Fixed 5.44 bug : AI failed to prioritize most of the spells they were supposed to against a Death player.
-Weakness now affects every type of ranged attack.

I like the new name! It should be "gates" though.

Fixed a small problem :

-Items should now be moveable after combat but before movement points for that battle are subtracted from the heroes, as intended. Do note if you do not move items then and exit the item screen, you can't move them until the next turn.

Did you change something on movement? I started a new one and when I explore a ruin without entering the unit's movement is expended.

I only moved the 'combat spends all movement" elsewhere. A ruin shouldn't count as a combat if you didn't enter...guess I'll have to take a look.

Unfortunately, the "yes/no" window is part of the "attacking the lair" procedure so yes, it does count as combat now and spends all the movement.

I'll try to see if I can move the cost to a better location that doesn't include the cancelled move.

...having no better option I made it save the movement cost and restore it to the original if the attack was cancelled.

I've been playing the mod quite a bit lately and trying various combinations of factions and spheres. My latest test was High Men with Life and Warlord, a combination that really allows me to grasp how a race works with minimal magic interference. As there's not much to be said about the standard units  (they suck as by design although I had success with a cavalry patrol on elite level and could possibly use them as expendable raiders, although they would be much better with literally any other race), I will focus on the exclusives. For now, the priests and the magicians. As I don't have much time right now, I find it cool that they have better priests, but there's no reason to employ them any more than any other race that has the luxury of being able to choose between priest/shAman because their magician is so much better and not much more expensive production wise (both individual units and required buildings) and even the same upkeep . A shame, as I think they had the potential for a protagonist role on the rooster. That could be achieved by making them a preferable option to magicians, even if circunstancial . My two cents, having much fun with the mod and glad it's so active.

Edit: I would like to correct a piece of misinformation. The priests can be avail able much sooner than the magicians, given they only require a Builders Hall + Pathernon for around 200 production, while the magicians would require a Magic Market + Magician Guild for around 600. Also the priests having considerably better melee attack cam give them some more use after they run out of spells (worth putting a Alchemist Guild for them). Still, considering how useful the Magician Guild is compared to the Pathernon, and the not significant production cost difference between the units, I would say that Magicians would still replace priests, at least after the early game. But rushing priests out is far more feasible.

Interesting bug.

In certain cases, selling a Fighters Guild (which gives you the money and shows you the ruiined rubble) doesn't seem to actually sell the Fighters Guild - the next turn I can sell it again.

I've sold other buildings in this city fine, I've sold Fighters Guilds in other cities fine. I can't figure out why this particular city keeps glitching (and I have 2 of them that are infinitely selling Fighters Guilds).

Edit: Never mind, I think it's selling any Fighters Guild. I just assumed I had sold some successfully in other cities.

Okay, I'm confused.
If you already sold it then it's not there. What are you clicking on to sell it again? The rubble? I tested and clicking on the rubble didn't allow me to sell a building, not even if it's a Fighter's Guild.
I also tested and if it's required for a queued building, you can't sell so it won't end up automatically requeued and rebuilt either. (yes, if you have rebuild everything on and sell something the same turn the city is hit by a building destruction effect, then it will be requeued - the game can't tell the difference between buildings destroyed by that particular effect and buildings destroyed before it by selling.)

Which version is it? You didn't happen to mix the experimental version with the normal one or load a save file that wasn't compatible?

Also, the experimental versions had a bug - the rubble never disappeared. That still shouldn't allow you do sell it again, though.

Sorry, I mean on the next turn, it's there again, as if I had never sold it.

So turn x, I sell the fighters guild, it turns to rubble, and I get 110 gold. I can't sell other buildings, or try to sell the fighters guild again.

I hit next turn, do all my stuff (which can include completing whatever I was building in the city in question, it seems to happen regardless of what production is going on or completing). Then I go back to the city where I sold the fighters guild, and the fighters guild is back, as if I never sold it, so I sell it again. I've now sold 4 or 5 fighters guilds in the first city I noticed it with (over 4 or 5 turns) trying to do different things to see what my be triggering it.

This is version .. qx or whatever it's called, the first experimental version, so it may not be the latest version. I have not switched versions during the game, but if there is a later version, this may not exist in later versions?

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