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Chain shipping


"ship moves 2 and is now adjacent to land on both sides and then a land unit with 4 base movement moves 2 and goes from one continent to the other"
This is not a problem from a gameplay viewpoint.
From a flavor viewpoint the timing isn't a perfect match (ship gets there at 2/3 of the turn done but unit moves 1/2 of its movement for the turn afterwards which is more) but there is a limit to how much detail we can have without the players tearing their hair out from frustration so let's ignore that.

"'ship moves 2 and is now adjacent to land and a land unit with base 4 movement moves 1 onto the ship. Then ship moves it's thirds square, then the land unit disembarks'"
For flavor it's the same deal as before, the unit shouldn't be able to disembark.
However gameplay takes priority here, the unit has to be able to leave the ship because AI naval superiority is a thing. So this should be allowed too.

"ship moves 2 and is now adjacent to land. Land unit with base 4 movement moves 1 onto ship. Ship moves 1 and is now adjacent to another ship, and the second ship is adjacent to land. Land unit moves 1 onto other ship, and then moves 1 to disembark."
Again from a flavor viewpoint this is problematic. In addition to the above, the "standing" ship in reality obviously has to move between the first ship and the shore to let the unit move "through" it.
But from a coding perspective the second ship is not moving or carrying units, it's merely enabling that tile to be walkable for land units. It's no different than a piece of land. Even if I wanted this to work differently, I can't, but I also don't want it to.

Flavor, ease of understanding and gameplay requirements are clearly conflicting so we have to draw a line somewhere. We have to make an easy to understand rule. A unit can't be carried by two different transports the same turn" is such a rule.

In case of your cavalry example, we have no gameplay reason to allow it. It merely allows the unit to travel further, which we already deemed undesirable. Flavor clearly says it can't be done (turn ends for the calvary by the time the first ship is out of movement points. And finally the easy to understand rule also says it can't be done. So it can't be done.

By the way, if we want to cut down on overland movement in general, maybe we should consider having slower ships. Move 2 Triremes, Move 2 or 3 Galleys and move 3  Warships for example.

Windwalkers allow units to participate in battles and can move onto land so the gameplay argument that you have to be able to disembark doesn't exist for them. Which means there is no conflict of flavor and gameplay there so it works entirely as flavor dictates : when the windwalker ends the turn the carried units do as well. (ok this isn't entirely true, if the carried units were faster, they'll have movement remaining. We can't do much about that, the units might disembark somewhere halfway or only get carried a single tile in which case windwalk eating up extra movement of the carried units would make no sense.)

Ok, then I don't think we should make a rule that says you cannot be carried by multiple transports in the same turn.  

Reasoning: I don't think it's going to be intuitive to enough players that traveling on a second ship distinguishes between when that ship moves and when that ship doesn't move.

In which case, I believe that we should make a disembark move use all remaining movement.

However, this then becomes a problem if someone forgets to unload a ship at the end of a turn. At the start of the next turn they would lose all their movement.

Additionally, this prevents two ship 'bridges' which we may not want.

So in that case, making all units carried by a ship immediately drop to 0.5 movement AND making a ship unable to move if a carried unit has 0 movement would solve these problems, while still allowing bridges (crossing ships that aren't moving).

That still ends up with this being slightly different to windwalkers, so I'd suggest the same change for them as well.

But I'd then refine it so the transported units movement only reduces to 0.5 if it moves across a square it could not otherwise traverse. (So fliers being transported could still move around)

Why do you guys keep doing these walls of text? That's so circular. Just do a poll already...
Keep it simple. What is ship abuse?
A: having a stack of 7 +1 ship that moves to another ship, repeat forever
B: A and having a stack of 8+1 ship that moves adjacent to another ship, move the stack, repeat until the stack is out of MPs
C: A+B and having a stack that loads, moves on a ship and unloads totalling more than its movement
D: moving units, ever

Nelphine, ships are supposed to be able to transport units that have zero moves. That's the whole reason why we did the very complex "select unit with no move" solution. At this point there is no chance I override that even if hell freezes over. Either way NONE of your suggested changes stop actual chain shipping. You're again ignoring the bigger issue in favor of fixing the smaller.
Your solution is extremely complicated and absolutely not intuitive, you needed that much text just to describe it. "you can't transport a unit on multiple transports" is fairly simple, I don't see what's your problem.

I don't think the rule of no transportation with multiple ships ill be up in the poll. Using two transports is obviously an abuse.
The only thing we might want to have a poll about is whether units leaving the ship should still be able to use their full moves or not. But even there I'm strongly leaning towards keeping the current system. If the unit could use all their movement before entering the ship, why not after? Makes no sense. The only case when I'm willing to add this is if we agree the extra steps the units can take after leaving the ship are a major, critical game balance issue, which I currently do not think is the case.

...however I do see one problem with the proposed system. If you transport a stack that contains windwalker(s) on the ship, they can't leave the ship because it counts as using a second transport. This is somewhat confusing because in this case you aren't actually using the windwalker as transportation. You just want it to get out of the ship. So maybe windwalkers should be excluded afterall. Although you can probably leave the ship if you move the windwalker and the other units separately. Confusing but works...

That's fair enough, but I still maintain that for many (particularly more casual) players, trying to identify the difference between crossing a 2 ship bridge, and moving 1 square on each of two ships will simply not be intuitive. Further the discrepancy between a draconian airship (you can't transport a unit that has 0 moves)  and a draconian warship (you can transport a unit with 0 moves) will continue to be non intuitive.

Neither is moving a ship between two diagonally adjacent ocean tiles cut off by land but you can do it anyway. Games tend to have some of these not-intuitive details that players eventually learn. It's not like the world will end if a player doesn't realize they can walk through boats as if they were land. It'll just be one more of those things that makes a difference between a beginner and experienced player. (although if you try to think with the computer's brain, it's common sense if the boat isn't moving then there is no transportation being done. It doesn't really matter how that works in real life, games use game logic and game common sense.)

I disagree. A computer could equally validly be coded so that transport means any time a unit allows a second unit to move onto a tile it could not otherwise move onto OR move farther than its movement would otherwise allow it to. More specifically I would expect the computer definition to be any time you move into a square at a different movement cost than if you moved without the transport.

Moving onto an unmoving ship absolutely counts as transportation under those definitions.

That's irrelevant though. I disagree with your interpretation of the problem and therefore on what the solutions should be. I'll unfortunately probably bring it up again some time in the future if a new wrinkle appears but I understand why you're leaning towards the solution you are.

After some more time thinking about this, I see a critical flaw in the solution.
Let's say you have a stack of 2 ships and 7 units. You move it two tiles to the west, find land, then split it up, and send one ship with 3 units to the north, another to the south with 4 units.

There is nothing wrong with that, right? Yes, it wouldn't work in the new system. No matter which boat the system considers as the one carrying the units, the other boat won't be able to carry anything once split from the stack.

It's unfortunate but I have to accept this mess is unfixable.

I only browsed through most, so perhaps this was suggested, but what about a global max carrying movement? So a unit that has been carried by ship or ww 5 tiles can no longer be carried. (I think 5 only cuts off ww heroes as "natural" movement, and that could be fine). I could even be fine with "no unit can move more than 5 tiles overland in a turn, by any means".

Intuitively a turn is time, and move speed is speed of travel. Units that in a turn move both transported and their own, should move at average of their own speed and speed of transport, but max of them would be good. Global max is again a bit worse, but at least cut-off the worst.

But what do when a ship moves out of a stack with units that are not "allowed" to be carried? Leave units dead in the water?

I don't think I'm able to implement that. This would have to go into the "stack remaining movement" function, and override how many tiles the stack can move with a lower amount. However, once the stack finishes the movement, as it does have actual movement points remaining, it'll infinitely try to keep moving further if on automove and the player will be asked to move them manually if not. Removing the movement points is not an option, the unit should be able to move if not being carried.

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