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1.51 release candidate!

No idea, but I do know setting music to certain sound cards makes the game load much longer.

Should i just set itto general midi for themusic and sound blaster for sfx then?

I didn't care, you play this game for many hours so an extra 10 seconds to start it isn't relevant.

RC8 is available for download!
Contains patches up to W674.TXT. (This includes the removal of the maintenance patch which broke maintenance costs)
Additionally, the difficulty table has been updated to the following :

Diff/City Gr/OP Gr/Prod/Gold/Power/Research/Food/Upkeep

Do let me know if the difficulty table needs further tweaking.

(February 20th, 2019, 08:12)Seravy Wrote: RC8 is available for download!
Contains patches up to W674.TXT. (This includes the removal of the maintenance patch which broke maintenance costs)
Additionally, the difficulty table has been updated to the following :

Diff/City Gr/OP Gr/Prod/Gold/Power/Research/Food/Upkeep

Do let me know if the difficulty table needs further tweaking.

Hello, how do I download and use the latest version of MoM? I've been playing this since the game originally came out onto the market. I *believe* I've been using the insecticide patch for a while now.

I have no idea how to update using your files.

I'm currently using whatever version that's being offered for sale at but I also believe it's from GOG.
It uses Dosbox.

I'm hoping to find a version with better AI and also quicker game play. 

I'm tired of having to wait 30+ seconds for a turn to go by when the map is explored and utilized.

I feel the AI builds too many ships unnecessarily and this is why turns take too long.

I'm also playing for a conquest win without using heroes and thus need to play for many turns.

Thanks for responding.

EDIT: Turns out I've been playing the version that allows 8 item slots in the vault.

So I believe I'm using 1.51 RC1.

How do I update this to the new RC8?

Download the file MOM151RC8 from the folder linked in the first post. This version should have significantly better AI, however if you want the best AI, you can try Caster of Magic instead. It's a mod though, different spells and units, etc.
AI turns are long because they build many units in general, it's not specific to ships. In fact, the insecticide and earlier versions, the AI was unable to use ships for attacking targets intentionally so they didn't really affect performance at all as they were not being actively used.
30 second turns are really fast - consider the AI has to decide what to do with hundreds of units, actually move them, find the path to travel on, manage cities, cast spells etc and there are up to 4 AI players. Yes, it could be way faster if it was a modern game, but emulation makes things a lot slower, and DOSBOX is an emulator. However the most important is, you have to configure the emulation speed (CPU cycles). I recommend 100000 or higher, experiment with how much your computer can handle. It's in the config file, probably named DOSBOXMOM.CFG, the default settings the game comes with are very very low.

# core -- CPU Core used in emulation: normal,simple,dynamic,auto.
#         auto switches from normal to dynamic if appropriate.
# cycles -- Amount of instructions DOSBox tries to emulate each millisecond.
#           Setting this value too high results in sound dropouts and lags.
#           You can also let DOSBox guess the correct value by setting it to max.
#           The default setting (auto) switches to max if appropriate.
# cycleup   -- Amount of cycles to increase/decrease with keycombo.
# cycledown    Setting it lower than 100 will be a percentage.


(February 25th, 2019, 15:47)Seravy Wrote: Download the file MOM151RC8 from the folder linked in the first post. This version should have significantly better AI, however if you want the best AI, you can try Caster of Magic instead. It's a mod though, different spells and units, etc.
AI turns are long because they build many units in general, it's not specific to ships. In fact, the insecticide and earlier versions, the AI was unable to use ships for attacking targets intentionally so they didn't really affect performance at all as they were not being actively used.
30 second turns are really fast - consider the AI has to decide what to do with hundreds of units, actually move them, find the path to travel on, manage cities, cast spells etc and there are up to 4 AI players. Yes, it could be way faster if it was a modern game, but emulation makes things a lot slower, and DOSBOX is an emulator. However the most important is, you have to configure the emulation speed (CPU cycles). I recommend 100000 or higher, experiment with how much your computer can handle. It's in the config file, probably named DOSBOXMOM.CFG, the default settings the game comes with are very very low.

# core -- CPU Core used in emulation: normal,simple,dynamic,auto.
#         auto switches from normal to dynamic if appropriate.
# cycles -- Amount of instructions DOSBox tries to emulate each millisecond.
#           Setting this value too high results in sound dropouts and lags.
#           You can also let DOSBox guess the correct value by setting it to max.
#           The default setting (auto) switches to max if appropriate.
# cycleup   -- Amount of cycles to increase/decrease with keycombo.
# cycledown    Setting it lower than 100 will be a percentage.


Thanks a lot.

I'm on a laptop with a decent enough processor.
Intel i5 6200 and 8GB of RAM, Windows 10 64 bit.

How many cycles should I be able to handle? I have no idea what these cycles are but I'm assuming it's how many cycles per second the game will use from the processor? I assume the processor can do more than 100,000.

Also how am I supposed to update my game? Do I just copy all the files from the new download you provided and paste over the old ones?

Well, my CPU is 2 Ghz and it can handle 100k. Not sure what CPUs nowadays are capable of, the actual frequency isn't much higher on yours and Dosbox doesn't use multiple cores so honestly I have no idea. 100k is definitely possible, maybe it can handle a lot more, but I can't say for sure, DOSBOX is old and likely doesn't take advantage of what new hardware offers. Just try and you'll see, if it's too high the sound starts to lag and you'll notice.

It actually says right there, "# cycles -- Amount of instructions DOSBox tries to emulate each millisecond." so basically how many lines of machine code it will try to execute per time. If you set it higher than what your computer can actually manage, you'll start to have some lagging instead of the speed going up but otherwise nothing bad can happen.

RAM doesn't matter - this game uses about 8 Mbytes, you have 1000 times as much.

Yes, overwrite the files and it should work, make a backup just in case.

(February 25th, 2019, 16:05)Seravy Wrote: Well, my CPU is 2 Ghz and it can handle 100k. Not sure what CPUs nowadays are capable of, the actual frequency isn't much higher on yours and Dosbox doesn't use multiple cores so honestly I have no idea. 100k is definitely possible, maybe it can handle a lot more, but I can't say for sure, DOSBOX is old and likely doesn't take advantage of what new hardware offers. Just try and you'll see, if it's too high the sound starts to lag and you'll notice.

It actually says right there, "# cycles -- Amount of instructions DOSBox tries to emulate each millisecond." so basically how many lines of machine code it will try to execute per time. If you set it higher than what your computer can actually manage, you'll start to have some lagging instead of the speed going up but otherwise nothing bad can happen.

RAM doesn't matter - this game uses about 8 Mbytes, you have 1000 times as much.

Yes, overwrite the files and it should work, make a backup just in case.

I remember playing this on my dad's old Packard Bell when the game first came out.

I had to go into the computer settings some how and figure out how to enable expanded memory for the game. This was in 1995 I believe and I was 12 or 13. I believe the game needed 16MB and we only had 8MB. I remember when I got it to work for the first time. That feeling was awesome.

Lightning Bolt from the fortress hits enemies every turn, what strength is this Lightning Bolt?

I'm considering adding it. Thx

ALSO - it is not letting me apply optional patches, saying that my 64bit Windows is not compatible. Is there a way around this?


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