So I continue my wonder spam while teching towards military superiority. Hanging Gardens, Colossus, Apostolic Palace, Mausoleum of Mausollos and Taj Mahal are all hand-built. I had embarrasingly good luck with great engineers and was able to rush University of Sankore , Angkor Wat and Sistine Chapel.
I pick up circumnavigation and a music-powered golden age. By turn 167 I'm five turns away from Rifling, and my attack stack consists of 4 longbows and 7 trebuchets. I figure that's enough to start taking out my weakest neighbours.
Moscow is defended by two longbows and three axemen, and thanks to my culture my units can walk straight up to the city:
Russia eliminated on turn 168, 1080 AD.
I pick up circumnavigation and a music-powered golden age. By turn 167 I'm five turns away from Rifling, and my attack stack consists of 4 longbows and 7 trebuchets. I figure that's enough to start taking out my weakest neighbours.
Moscow is defended by two longbows and three axemen, and thanks to my culture my units can walk straight up to the city:
Russia eliminated on turn 168, 1080 AD.
I have to run.