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[Spoilers] Guerrillas in the Mist: Bob Hates Asymmetrical Maps

By popular (???) demand, here's my thread for the Wargroove FoW game.  

This map is terrible, and while I've already given SD some grief in the Wargroove general thread for picking it, I share a fair amount of responsibility as well for having simply jumped into the game without actually reviewing the map at all.  I even voluntarily picked the fourth player slot!   shakehead

Not only does my corner of the map have fewer production facilities, despite bee-lining the two "contested" barracks to my north & east I couldn't reach either before SD and CH had already captured them, due to player order.  I also had the misfortune of both SD and CH sending their CO's my way, ensuring I couldn't simply power through their units with my own leader.

Realizing I was screwed like four turns into the game, I've had two objectives- A: get a cheap CO kill using a Dragon I saved up for, or failing that B: make my inevitable elimination as painful as possible.  

I almost achieved Objective A after CH got too aggressive trying to capture my exposed barracks, but he used his CO power to heal back up.  I think I've done a decent job at securing Objective B already, as CH came back with a large force shortly afterwards, minus his CO- I was waiting for him however with a charged CO, and over the past couple turns I've heavily damaged or wiped most of his expeditionary force, with few loses.  

Here's my troops disposition:  

[Image: CNFgka1.jpg]

Most of those Spears had been hiding just outside my "fortress" until a couple turns ago; having sprung my trap, I'm advancing to secure the area.  

Also note the 2 health Wagon- I almost lost my CO to SD after I failed to capture the northern barracks, but thankfully had produced a Wagon I used to run to safety.  Wagons are possibly my favorite unit in Wargroove... you don't want to excessively produce them, since each Wagon you deploy is a combat unit you could have had in the field, but their utility is undeniable.

The horde advances:

SD is looking like he's stretched pretty thin, and CH appears occupied with Scooter (?) at the moment; sitting still just means a slower death, and now's as propitious a time to strike as I'll likely ever have.

Following with interest. Hows it looking now?

Let's see... three turns have passed since I last posted. I lost a couple expendable scouts advancing, then cleared SD's Archer and Mage from the forests, while knocking the Barracks down to a few health. SD launched a nasty counter attack, killing several of my units and leaving the following situation:

[Image: uRvSEse.jpg]

Not great, but retreat wasn't an option- he'd just pick off most of my Spears and I'd be hard-pressed to resist a renewed push on my holdings. I therefore decided to go all-out attacking:

[Image: 2O4wPZj.jpg]

My Dragon will either be heavily injured or killed, but I've certainly done more damage at this point than I've taken, and unless he has significant reinforcements in the fog I'll cap his Barracks next turn; whether I can hold it for any duration is another matter.

CH is also aware that I have little left defending my "core", since he must have heard my units all scurrying off and getting into combat in the fog, so I may end up capturing one Barracks just to lose a more important property closer to my HQ. That's a risk I was willing to take, though.

My main impact may have been to throw the game to Scooter, as I've been making favorable trades against CH and SD for the past half dozen turns or so, although Scooter doesn't have a shot at capturing my properties.

Got another round in today.

[Image: 7EFnp0l.jpg]

I was set to kill a few more of SD's units, but CH decided to be obnoxious and neutralize my Barracks, forcing me to recapture it with my Mage, even though I'm busy fighting his opponent.

[Image: 9hA9lFE.jpg]

As a result... I kept fighting SD anyway, including killing his Dragon (got a little lucky with the damage roll from my Vamp), but I won't be able to kill as many units as I could have next turn, due to having to keep the Mage at home. CH is being foolish, unless he has a lot more in the fog besides a handful of Infantry and Dogs; he'd be better off letting me continue to throw units against SD (and he has to know this is happening, even with the fog, since the game still plays audio cues for units shuffling around, fighting, and dying in the fog. Unless he's deaf or playing the game muted, or something).

Unfortunately, SD did indeed have more killers in the fog. I might be eliminated fairly soon, as my CO can't easily get out of that Dragon's range, and CH was a punk and killed my Mage for no evident reason. Situation at the start of the turn:

[Image: xysdBDb.jpg]

I used my CO power and brought up some sacrificial units to cover my escape:

[Image: 8ErLPMC.jpg]

SD may be able to trap me with his power, in which case I'm probably dead. Otherwise I'm not sure, I might be able to flee and regroup, or maybe not. Depends on how much other stuff SD can bring in.

Not getting out of this one alive:  

[Image: RSYQi3S.jpg]

I could have placed my CO on a plains tile instead, but it wouldn't have mattered, Dragon + Swooper hex ability + any ground unit would have done me in, even if the Dragon wasn't able to crit.  

GG, everyone!  My defeat was ultimately something of an unintentional team effort by CH and SD; SD did most of the work, but CH ensured I couldn't make it through this turn when he knocked off my Mage.   I'm not sure who will get most of the spoils; SD has a large force he can move in to secure my former territory, but CH may be able to beat him to my various production facilities by one or two turns.  I suppose I'd bet on SD here, and I'm kind of rooting for him as well; nothing against CH, but I respect how quickly SD was able to reinforce from the losses my push initially inflicted, and I've ultimately done more to throw a wrench in his game than anyone else, I think, so taking my stuff is just recompense.

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