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1.51 release candidate!

Then why are your other files not created in 2019?
To begin with a file can't be created after it was modified. The wrong date was changed for some reason when patching the file, probably compatibility issues between windows and dos.

I tried the setup on another computer and everything updated fine so I have no idea what was going on. Thanks again for all your help and patience while I figured it out.

RC9 is now available! New patches : 675-707.
As usual, report any bugs or issues you found.
This time, the majority of patches were provided by Drake178 and it contains some feature patches as well : combat now has river and swamp effects and mini unit window in combat displays to hit, to defend chances and thrown/breath attack strength.

Reuploaded because there were some issues, patch 675 wasn't compatible.

Another new RC available! (RC10)

Would it be possible/feasible to have the original treasure generation behavior included as an optional patch? I really enjoy getting items and spells often from encounter zones even if they're not always useful. I don't enjoy the rebalanced behavior nearly as much and it's the only thing holding me back from playing 1.5x instead of 1.31. It would be great if such an option could also be made for CoM.

Okay, so 1.51 has all the included patches available in separate file with the possibility to reverse them individually. So you can remove any unwanted changes, although keep in mind if multiple patches depend on each other, you have to reverse them all in the correct order. This is unlikely to be an issue for treasure changes though. Also, most of the treasure changes are in the optional folder, so they are not included by default. There are only a few you need to remove.
However, 1.51 is based on insectice which was made by kyrub and didn't use this patch system. Treasure changes originating from him can't be removed unfortunately.

These are the wiki pages for each :

These are the Insecticide treasure modifications :
Quote:    Base encounter budget for Normal Lairs increased by 200 on Arcanus and 150 on Myrror. (M $39584, $39598)

   Encounter budget for Weak Lairs tripled on both Planes (multiplier changed from 10 to 30). (M $3967B)

   Colored Lairs (Abandoned Keep, Dungeon, Monster Lair, and Mysterious Cave) now feature Icon Chaos.pngChaos monsters 50% of the time. 1.31 code is botched and yields Icon Nature.pngNature enemies all the time (instead of its intended ratio of 40% Icon Death.pngDeath, 40% Icon Chaos.pngChaos, and 20% Icon Nature.pngNature). (M $39951, $3996C, $3A151)

   Divisor roll maximum range for secondary monsters in Encounter Zones reduced by 1 (9-[primary count] instead of 10-[primary count]). Slight increase in average secondary monster strength at the cost of a decrease in variety. (M $39B6F)

and these are in 1.51, you can remove any of them if you want to :
Quote:Adjustments in monster lair costs. Allows Werewolves and makes value more appropriate for strength of the monsters. (001)
Adjustments of monster points for various types of Encounter Zones (013)
Encounter Zones can have up to 6 of the primary monster selected instead of up to 4. (015)
Treasure points per monster point in Encounter Zones is stable instead of being random. On Arcanus, treasure points are exactly the same as monster points, on Myrror there is a +25% bonus. Original game code sometimes produced completely invalid amounts of treasure for an unknown reason, which is also fixed by this change. (016)
Treasure points always receive a +75 additional bonus to avoid Encounter Zones that contain "Absolutely Nothing" (017)
Towers of Wizardry no longer bypass treasure point checks to include a Spell. However, if the points are insufficient for the chosen spell type, the Tower will not contain a spell. (018)
Treasure can contain larger sums of Gold or Mana. (019)
Higher amount of treasure points can be reserved for an Item in the treasure. This ensures items created by the player through Itemmake.exe will usually be possible to find. New cap is 6000 mana, items more expensive than that will not be possible to get this way. Original maximum was 3000. Furthermore, for each 100% treasure points spent, the actual item value added is 120%. (020)
Treasure points required to add a Prisoner to the treasure, and the about of points spent are now identically 400. Originally, it required 400 points, but subtracted 1000 instead. (021)
Spell treasure rolls are no longer cumulative and cost more treasure points to prevent disproportional rewards. (022)
Adjustment of the chance for Book/Retort treasure (023)
Book/Retort treasure no longer disables all other treasure automatically (024)
Adjustment of the chance for each treasure type (025)
Failing to find a retort or book due to having too many in treasure now grants twice as valuable items as replacement. (054)
if a Rare or Very Rare spell is to be awarded in treasure, the Arcane realm cannot be chosen as the reward - all spells in it are common or uncommon, so that would waste a potential good spell find.(329, 507)

There have been discussions about how to remove patches either here, or the 1.50 thread, that should tell you exactly what to do. Apply the reversals from highest to lowest number in order.

CoM uses an entirely new encounter zone, monster and treasure generator. I can't restore it, but it has been fine tuned to give the best game experience. Items are quite frequent, I often have more than heroes I can equip with them. Spells are, too, except the higher rarities, but let me tell you it's not fun when the AI finds a very rare spell early and wins the game using it, like Suppress Magic, Armageddon or Sky Drake. I didn't remove that to make the game less fun, on the contrary.

Edit : The above list doesn't contain treasure changes listed under "bugs", see the wiki page for those.

Hi Seravy, many thanks for your work on MoM.

I'm running into some serious bugs with 1.51RC10. I've download the original MoM 1.31 from and unpacked the contents of the "" file into the game directory.

Starting a new game, with default options and Merlin/High Elves, gives me a black world map (with buttons at the top and (empty) minimap, gold/food/mana counters on the right).

Pressing one of the number keys on the numpad draws the world map and moves the units, however:

- I can keep moving units forever (instead of the single move that they are allowed each turn)

- units can be moved into ocean squares

- moving them diagonally in NW-direction (i.e. the "7"-key) often leads to the unit traversing the whole map horizontally.

I've attached a save game that shows the bug.

Attached Files
.gam   SAVE9.GAM (Size: 120.41 KB / Downloads: 1)

That's not a valid 1.51 save file. It was created by an earlier version? The file should be 155.588 bytes long. These errors happen because of that.
The most likely problem is you haven't replaced the magic.exe file with the 1.51 version, only the wizards.exe. Magic.exe is responsible for the main menu and new game generation, but wizards.exe is the game itself. If you are on linux, case sensitivity of filenames can be an issue.

(July 19th, 2019, 15:34)Seravy Wrote: That's not a valid 1.51 save file. It was created by an earlier version? The file should be 155.588 bytes long. These errors happen because of that.
The most likely problem is you haven't replaced the magic.exe file with the 1.51 version, only the wizards.exe. Magic.exe is responsible for the main menu and new game generation, but wizards.exe is the game itself. If you are on linux, case sensitivity of filenames can be an issue.

Wow many thanks for the quick reply!

You're right: I'm on linux and the names of the original game files are all in caps. The files in mostly have all caps names, but "Wizards.exe" is one of the exceptions. So after copying into the original game folder I had both "Wizards.exe" and "WIZARDS.EXE". Removing the latter and changing the name of the former into all caps solved the issues I was having.

Thanks again!

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