This is one of the more interesting starting strategies I've seen in these reports. Founding ON the stone did give access to it early, but keep in mind that you had to found Paris one tile off the coast in order to do so, which definitely hurt the city's potential long-term. Then researching Fishing out of the gate - interesting, very interesting. You did get the religion, but delaying access to Animal Husbandry no doubt hurt the growth curve somewhat. There's always tradeoffs, and this has been one of the more unique starts to look at. It wasn't bad by any means, just different!
![smile smile](
(Seeing you work all 3 lake tiles so early on was fabulous stuff!)
To be fair, you had a lot more time to get Stonehenge than you seemed to think you had. Some people were able to get it as late as 500BC in their games. You delayed that first worker a LONG time to get it too. Not that this was weed, just kind of "out there" compared to some of the other games. It was rather reminiscent of the RB1 opening, if anything.
Obviously your dot maps are a bit different, since your Paris was the only one I've seen thus far on the stone. That yellow dot (Orleans) looks like it was a good spot for a second city. You did get REAL lucky with that barb archer - this is why I don't send out settlers escorted by warriors!
Indeed, you are correct to point out that shrines vastly increase the speed at which religious spread takes place. I'm somewhat hestitant to base a game plan around this, since you can't actually control it, but here on Epic speed where the turns are slower, it's makes much more sense to base a plan around it.
Wow, Temujin finished the Pyramids and swapped to Police State? Crazy (and scary) stuff. I'm surprised that you didn't go for it with your focus on stone so early on. He built it pretty early though, so I guess you didn't have time. I don't think anyone else has mentioned Temujin getting the Pyramids, so that's another unique feature to this game. I'm sure you were glad to see him head after Gandhi and not you, hehe.
I'm highly amused by you starting a page of your report with "when last we talked..."
Your city of Tours had a ton of food, but there were some tiles wasted between it and Paris, I have to point out. You can get the CivFanatics smileys in your report by putting them in as an image, same as any other (just look up the link on that site).
Hinduism spreading on its own to Athens?
![eek eek](
Yowsa. I think that says a lot for the value of an early shrine! Well played indeed. As happened in several other games, you too used religion to go over to the "Dark Side of the Force" and ally with Monty and Temujin... Funny that the barbs gave you more problems than that gruesome twosome!
I'm sorry to hear that you got caught accidentally with a mistake on the razing rule, but glad that you took the time to report and share anyway. This has been a highly enjoyable report to read!
Gandhi getting roughed up early on, Washington as the opponent. That sounds similar to my game, except I was protecting Gandhi instead of jumping on top of him! Monty's attacks on Washington clearly were a godsend - I think you were right to pay him off! Without sharing a religion though, I think no amont of tribute would have helped you. By getting your dark partners to do the fighting for you, it slowed down the peaceful AI civs and allowed you to take over the tech lead. Again, I'm wondering if this strategy wasn't more effective than fighting the evil civs and allying with the good ones...
Liberalism not falling until 1610? Yeah, your game's tech pace was a bit slower than mine.
![smile smile](
Your picture of the Hindu bloc is a textbook example of forming the dark alliance. "I sense the Dark Side is strong in this one..."
It was all working perfectly - till Temujin became your UN opponent! That's always one of the problems with the diplo win; your allies became TOO strong from feeding on the peacenik civs, and the vote therefore split the Hindu coalition.
What you didn't point out in your report is that your opponent switched in that last UN election: it wasn't Temujin, it was Monty! And apparently Alex didn't like Monty as much as he liked Temujin, which - combined with Temujin's ripping Washington a new one in the east - put you over the top in the election. Amazing stuff! Your Dark Jedi did their work well.
Thanks for sharing. It was definitely a unique game worth standing on its own.