Thanks to Sirian for sponsoring the game. It was my first attempt at Prince difficulty and I learnt a lot from it.
Result: Resignation in 1888 AD
My notes below are very rambling and disjointed and I was planning to write a longer report but I took too long to finish the game and at the moment I wouldn't have a chance to write a full report for several weeks, but I will post a summary here.
I think my early expansion plans were fairly good- although I should have kept a closer watch on my backlines to stop barbarian cities coming up in horrible locations (Visigoth was 1 tile off the coast). As often happens in my games, I place cities down quite rapidly and the bottom falls out of my economy for a while- but once I recover I have gained the land that I want, and overall I think I can research more than if I had just placed cities as my economy could handle.
In my game India was wiped out by a coalition of civs, America was nearly annhilated by Montezuma quite early on (the really bad thing was Montezuma capturing the Pyramids from America). Greece and Mongolia were of about equal power, and the Aztecs were the most powerful military civ, and aside from me, the most powerful technological civ. I built a lot of wonders in the game but I wish that I had managed to grab one of the very early wonders- and I could have grabbed an early religion as well if I had known the AI's would be so slow about researching them.
My mistakes in the game:
Not focusing enough on military- for the entire game my military vastly inferior in quantity to the Greeks, Mongols and Aztecs.
Converting to Taoism too early- although I could not spread it to Washington due to him being in Theocracy I should have tried for Greece or the Aztecs. As soon as I converted my state religion I lost all deals with the other nations. I could have won the game by spending the whole time in Hinduism- as my GDP became far larger than Montezuma's.
These mistakes put together forced me to join with the Mongols to fight off the Aztecs, as if the Mongols fell, Montezuma would be enormous and close to a domination victory. I discovered how having a small military of superior units (I had a bit of a technological lead over all civs) is worthless if other civs have 4 times as many units as you do.
The huge mistake I made was building the UN. I completely forgot that Montezuma might be elected. He could not win the overall vote initially, but he could pass votes for civics he did not have the technology for, and if he expanded much more he would win the overall vote. The reason why I resigned (not mentioned in my notes below as I gave up recording the last few turns) is that I had foolishly left my backline unprotected and Montezuma had dropped off some troops and captured a city. Now I could have recaptured it as he only guarded it with one unit, but there were about 5 outside the city, and I am sure the city would have been razed when he recaptured it. Additionally the Mongols were falling apart, having lost Old Sarai a few turns ago, and Montezuma would have had enough votes to win a diplomatic victory.
Here are the notes I took when playing in game- they are a very boring read.
Settle in spot, Paris starts on warrior, starting warrior begins to explore to the NE. Start research on animal husbandry. Meet Genghis Khan's scout to the E of Paris in 3800 BC.
In 3640 BC pop a hut (SE) and get mining. In 3560 BC meet Montezuma, whose scout moves near my warrior E of Paris. Paris starts on a worker. Buddhism is founded in 3480 BC. The hut to the west of Paris
gives me a map. In 3440 BC see the first barbarian animals (lions) who lose to my S warrior.
After animal husbandry i go for Masonry (Quarry for the stone and Pyramids). One of my warriors defeats 2 animals and get Woodsman 1 promotion (accidentally gave it City Raider 1). Washington
moves a scout near Paris. [Screenshot 2760 BC] I have a fair bit of space in my backline, so I will aim to block up the entrance and refuse to sign any ROP, until I
have settled the land.
End of 1st Session.
After the worker finishes, Paris produces 3 warriors then starts on a Settler. My research path is Masonry, Hunting, Fishing, Archery. Monte founds
Hinduism in 1950 Bc. Somewhere along the line I met Alex. In 1900 BC I meet the final AI, Gandhi. Interesting mix of passive and agressive AI's.
Archery comes in 1700 BC and I start on Bronze working. In the same year my settler completes and I move it southwards, Paris starts on an archer.
I will try and reach forward for a few cities before filling in my backline. I need to utilise the creative trait to full advantage, and hopefully
I can start chasing some wonders soon. In 1575 Bc Orleans is founded and I start on a workboat (worker next). In a few turns my culture blockade will be
complete. My next city will go NE of Paris.
And the Mongols founded a town nearby. My settler will go where the archer is fortified, and I presume I will have superior culture so keeping the Pig tile
won't be a problem (there is another one in my backlines anyway). Orleans's cultural borders expand just in time to kick out Washington's scout (and
keep him away from my backlines).
On second thoughts, although I could chase the Pyramids and Stonehenge, at this stage I think it's important to grab as much land as possible (even if my
costs do spiral out of control- that can be fixed later, while land can't easily be taken under the honourable variation. (Cannot be the aggressor in war).
I stop my 2nd session in 1325 BC.
In 1175 BC Lyons is founded 3 NE of paris. It starts on a worker. The first barbarians were seen a few turns ago and Paris starts on archers. Bronze working
comes in, and the nearest copper is by the 2nd Mongol city. In 1125 Bc a barbarian city spawns in my backlines W of Orleans. My warrior investigating the
barbarian city beats an archer who attacks him, and I take the Woodsman I promotion (hopefully I can fortify in the forest and absorb some of the barbarian units)
The barbarian city is in a horrible location, and if it grows unfortunately I will have to keep it. Pottery comes in in 920 BC and I start on Writing (probably
a bad choice).
I end my 2nd session in 880 BC.
I move the archer from Orleans over to 'Visigoth' to try and soak up some of the barbarians. Another barbarian city is seen E of Orleans, and I will again
use an archer to try and soak up some of the barbarians. I am 5th in the most powerful civilisations list (Mongols first, Gandhi last).
In between turns my archer killed an attacking archer at 'Visigoth'. Writing comes in, and I start on Iron Working in 30!!. In 580 BC Rheims is founded.
Not much is happening at this stage... I'm unable to easily dislodge the barbarian archers fortified without catapults or better units. I just need to
claim as much land as I can, and start clearing it (hence Iron Working, should have started on it earlier).
One of the barbarian archers at 'Khoisan' stepped out of the town to kill a Mongol scout, and was badly wounded, so I finished it off with my archer.
Paris starts on the Pyramids in 340 BC. Unfortunately both the barbarian towns have grown, and if I capture 'Visigoth' I will have to keep it. In 240
BC I found Tours, which is sick at size 1. And in 120 BC America has built the Pyramids (at least I get some cash now).
When Iron Working comes in (thankfully!) there is Iron next to Paris.
After sailing comes in I start on Alphabet so I can begin to trade (I get the feeling I am a long way behind in technology). My first swordsman are being built,
and I hope I can capture 'Khoisan' before the Mongols do. In 180 Ad the mongols attack 'Khoisan' with 2 axemen, but only win 1 fight (the defender is down
to 1.8/3.0) Time for me to move in. I lose 1 of the 2 archers in doing so. The mongols demand 'Cow' and I give in, not wanting to have angry powerful
neighbours at this stage.
The next turn Alexander (bottom score) declares war on Gandhi (top score).
From checking diplomacy the two camps seem to be Gandhi/Washington and Alexander/Montezuma/Genghis Khan. According to Thucydides I am the wealthiest civ
in the world. After Khoisan comes out of revolt I start it on a worker.
In 250 AD 'Visigoth' gets captured (somewhere along the line it dropped back to size 1, not sure why, but the game kept it). It's in an awful spot, so
I'll just have to manage it as best I can. Buddhism has spread into Khoisan but since none of my neighbours are Buddhist, it's not worth adopting.
I now sign open borders with every civ, and put a few units on autoexplore. It's frustrating to have a huge abundance of health resources, but having the only
happiness resources requiring Calendar. After building a lighthouse in Orleans I start on the Great Lighthouse- given the number of coastal cities I will have
this should bring in a lot of cash for me (25 turns to build).
In 340 AD I found Marseilles. In 360 AD Alphabet comes in and the only tech I can trade is Mysticism (2 civs have Maths but won't trade it) and I can't
get an even trade for it. It's only 2 turns to research so I start on that. In 380 AD Gandhi asks me to ally with him against Greece but I decline. I begin
research on Metal Casting. I trade Gandhi (only civ that will trade techs with me) Alphabet for Mysticism and Polytheism. I really need Hinduism to
spread to my cities so I can adopt that as my state religion. For the first time in a while I have the top score.
A more serious problem is my sciences. After spending all of my money at 100% research, I find I can only run 30% research and make a profit. I need to get more
cottages into action to boost that, but I have severe happiness problems at this point. I trade Montezuma Meditation for Priesthood, and then I trade
Gandhi Iron Working for Monotheism. I start building the Parthenon in Paris (25 turns).
Once Mathematics is somewhat traded around I get Mathematics from Alex for Alphabet.
Finally in 490 AD Hinduism spreads in my lands (in Visigoth?! over the other side of my lands). In 520 AD Genghis Khan declares on Gandhi.)
I decide to turn my back on Gandhi (I think I can cancel deals under the honourable variant like this?) when Monte asks me to cancel deals with him.
And Washington beats me to the Great Lighthouse by 7 turns
In 570 AD Hinduism spreads in Lyons- thankfully now I can easily start spreading it to other cities.
I end my 3rd session in 570 AD.
By 660 AD my finances are so bad I can only run 20% science... I need to get more cottages down, and I will be able to with Hinduism, plus hopefully
trading for Calendar soon. I am the 3rd most cultured civ in the world behind Montezuma and Gandhi.
I trade wine for rice with Washington, who also converts to Hinduism. In 710 AD I am able to trade Washington Alphabet and Polytheism for Calendar
In 750 AD Alex converts to Judaism, and cancels our open borders deal.
In 800 AD Alex demands Monotheism, and I cave. I change my civics to Slavery and Organised Religion. I trade Gold for Cattle with Washington.
In 860 AD I build the Hanging Gardens in Paris. It really helps my economy with the extra citizen in every city, and in a few turns I'm able to run 40% science. I start research on currency due in 23.
Washington founds Christianity in Boston, and then a turn later completes the Sistene Chapel. Montezuma declares war on Washington. I need to being building
up my military again very soon. I start on the Collossus in Lyons.
I end my 4th session in 970 AD.
I continue on a building phase in the game, but I start to work on my military as well. With my great artist, I discovered Literature, and I traded for
Horseback Riding and Currency (while researching it). I then started to research drama, to then head for Taoism with Philosophy.
Gandhi demands that I convert to Buddhism, and I refuse. I complete the Great Library in 1090 AD and start on the National Epic in Paris. Some other cities
start building up military units (mainly axemen).
Now I am the 2nd most cultured civ after Montezuma. In 1120 AD I found Taoism.
I end my 5th session in 1170 AD.
Hinduism spreads in Khoisan. After Genghis Khan discovers Music, I switch my research to Feudalism (had only a few beakers into Music). In 1140 AD Plato
is born and I send him to 'Visigoth' to build the academy. Genghis Khan declares war on Gandhi- hopefully they will both fight to a stalemate.
In 1175 AD I get another great scientist and I build an academy in Lyons. In 1180 AD when Feudalism comes in, I start research on Code of Laws (I don't switch
to Serfdom as I have almost finished improving all my terrain.
In 1200 AD Montezuma captures Washington. In 1235 AD I build the Angkor Wat in Paris. I trade Gandhi Philosophy for Music and 130 gold. I start research on
Paper after Civil Service comes in and switch to Bureaucracy. I begin building Notre Dame in Rheims (for denial purposes).
I end my 6th session in 1260 AD.
In 1265 AD New York falls to the Aztecs. America won't be around for much longer. In 1270 get another great scientist and build an academy in Paris.
In 1280 AD Lahore falls to the Mongols. India won't be around for much longer either. After Paper comes in I start on Machinery. In 1285 AD Gandhi makes
peace with Alex so hopefully the Mongol/India fight will be more even. Genghis Khan asks me to join him against the Indians but I decline. Then in 1305
AD Montezuma makes peace with Washington. In 1310 AD I build Chichen Itza in Paris. After Machinery comes in I start on Printing Press to get
extra gold from the numerous cottages I have built. In 1315 Madras falls to the Mongols. Then in 1335 AD Montezuma declares war on Gandhi. In 1340 AD
I found Chatres, and it's sole purpose will be to work more cottages and pull in huge amounts of gold. In 1345 AD Bangalore falls to the Aztecs.
In 1360 AD I finally get what I have been waiting for- a great Prophet. My plan is:
1. Build the Dai Miao in Tours (Done in 1365 AD)
2. Spread Taoism to all of my cities (Done in 1445 AD)
3. Spread Taoism to Genghis Khan and then convert to Taoism myself. (1570 AD)
4. Spread Taoism to every other city on the map
In 1365 AD I enter the Renaissance era and start research on Nationalism (Taj Mahal!). I can now sustain 70% research at a profit. In 1370 AD I complete
Notre Dame in Rheims (not much point but at least it stops an AI from getting the wonder). I start on the Forbidden Palace in Rheims (probably not the best location
but I need to build it ASAP).
I end my 7th session in 1440 AD.
In 1470 AD I get another great scientist and he offers Optics as the tech to auto-research. I trade Genghis Khan Philosophy for Optics and the new choice
is 2677 for Astronomy which I take.
In 1490 AD I get Liberalism first, take Representation with it (the most expensive technology) then I start/finish the research on Astronomy. I revolt
into Free Speech to get more culture and gold. After going into Free Speech I can now run 80% science at a profit. I start research on Democracy after
Astronomy comes in.
In 1540 AD Washington gets Engineering and I trade him Printing Press for Engineering, WM and 170 gold. I switch into Universal Suffrage and Emancipation.
Alexander cancels all deals with me because of my civics changes.In 1565 I enter my 10 turns of Golden Age as I complete the Taj Mahal- and I begin building
the Statue of Liberty in Paris- one of the best wonders in the game IMO. In 1570 AD Genghis Khan converts to Taoism, and I immediately follow suit.
In 1380 AD Gandhi is down to just Delhi. In 1390 AD Gandhi is no more. I trade Washington Paper for Compass and 410 gold. After Nationalism comes in
I start on Education. In 1435 AD I trade Genghis Khan Paper for Theology and about 330 gold.
I now being spreading Taoism to Washington. Since Montezuma has gone down to Cautious with me- I will immediately work on building up my military.
I end my 8th session in 1580 AD
In the IBT of 1590 AD Montezuma cancels all the deals I have with him. This is an even bigger warning that he will come for me soon... and I start on some
serious military training in the limitations of what I can do with being honourable (eg no civic changes). I have to spread Taoism to Washington before he
cancels Open Boarders with me. After Chemistry comes in I start on Military Tradition so that I am able to build cavalry. I stupidly forget to check
Washington's civics and he is in Theocracy so I cannot spread Taoism to him.
The most powerful Civ's in order are are Monte, Genghis, Alex, me, and Washington. I need a lot more military to move up the 'power' ladder.
Straight after that message Washington cancels open borders with me
In 1605 AD I end my 9th session.
Finally in 1620 AD Islam gets founded by Mongolia. The last of my deals with Alex and Washington are cancelled by them, so it is just Ghengis who will talk
to me. Once my Golden Age ends my finances get worse, but in about 30-40 turns I will give myself another Golden Age using great people.
Then in 1625 AD Washington demands I convert to Hinduism. I refuse :P. In 1630 AD Alex gets Guilds, so I am able to get it from Genghis along with 50 gold
for Printing Press.
In 1652 AD when Genghis demands I cancel my deals with Washington I accept. I have oil near Paris. I then start research on Banking to switch into Mercantilism.
After that I begin researching Replaceable Parts. In 1664 AD Alexander declares war on Washington. They both hate me so I will stay away from it. In 1666 AD
I trade Genghis Khan Education for Divine Right and 30 gold. After Replaceable Parts comes in I start research on Physics to get the free Great Scientist.
After Physics and Rifling I start on Steam Power. I get a Golden age using a Great Scientist and a newly created Great Artist. In 1702 AD the Statue of Liberty
finally completes.
Unfortunately I have no coal. When Railroads completes I start Biology and use the Great Scientist to partly research the technology.
In 1708 AD I end my 10th session.
I am desperately trying to get a defensive pact with Genghis but he still doesn't like me enough. In 1710 AD Alex asks for help against America but I decline.
Then in 1710 AD Montezuma declares war on Genghis Khan. I hope Genghis Khan requests my help as I will be happy to join him. I move 2 musketeers into
two of Ghengis's cities on the frontline (Ning-hsia and Turfan). After Biology comes in I start research on electricity. In 1714 AD Genghis asks me for help
and I accept (insert screenshot). In 1722 AD Ning-Hsia is under serious threat. This is the biggest gathering of a single force on a town I have seen in Civ 4.
I move about 5 units over toward the town, unfortunately they will all take at least 2 turns to reach it. In 1724 AD Ning-Hsia is razed by the Aztecs.
In 1736 AD Genghis Khan makes peace with Montezuma, and I follow suit. I have to pay 10gpt and 74 gold for peace but I will take it. I need to continue to
build up my military a lot. I start research on Fission to get access to Nuclear Power Plants (I have no coal). I realise that I need Assembly Line for
factories, but I can get that tech path (Economics-Corporation-Assembly Line) straight afterwards.
In 1742 AD I end my 11th session.
In 1748 AD Alex makes peace with Washington. In 1762 AD I am able to sustain 90% research at a slight profit.
In AD 1780 AD I end my 12th session.
When Assembly Line comes in I start research on Industrialism. After that I start on Radio. Not much happens during these turns- I work on Factories and
Nuclear Power Plants, and build a few more troops. In 1802 Monty demands Astronomy and I tell him to stuff it. I start on the Pentagon in Paris after the
Nuclear power plant completes. Then in 1808 Washington demands I convert to Hinduism and I reject him. Once Mass Media comes in I switch Paris to the UN (will
finish the Pentagon later). In 1826 Montezuma demands Dyes and I turn him down. Now he is Furious with me. In 1830 AD I get a Great Merchant and I send him
to Sparta to conduct a trade mission.
The announcement comes that I am the wealthiest civ in the world. I make the trade mission and get 2850 gold (Sparta is size 20). I use the gold to upgrade
as many units as I can. The money gives me quite a few infantry units from my very out of date units.
In 1848 I build the United Nations. I have started research on Rocketry- as I figure space is the easiest way to come out with a win. I just need to ensure
I have the military to hold off any attacks. In 1851 the first election comes up- between me and Montezuma. Unfortunately Monte is the leading candidate as
he gets votes from him and Alex, and I get votes from Genghis. Washington abstains. I just realised building the UN might have been a very stupid move, but I don't
think I will lost the election. The first vote to come up is Single Currency and I vote Yes. Once the Pentagon is built I start Paris on the Apollo Program,
aiming to get off this planet as fast as possible. The next vote is for a global civic of Free Speech and I vote yes for that. The next is for Open Markets,
and I vote no but it passes.
In 1865 AD I end my 13th session.
In 1868 AD Montezuma wins the election for the UN (Mongols vote for me, Alex votes for Monte). After Refrigeration comes in I start research on Computers
(laboratories as the Apollo Program will complete very soon). In 1871 AD there is the vote for the Environmentalism Global Civic- I vote NO. Washington
IBT offers me Wine for Rice, but I decline, no need for happiness and he has no health resources. The environmental civic fails as only Monte and Washington
vote in favour of it. In 1875 there is a vote on Global civic Universal Suffrage, and I vote No, no need to help Monte get in one. It fails again with only
Monte and Washington voting Yes. In 1877 IBT Alex demands Hit Movies and I cave- as I want to avoid a war if at all possible. When the Apollo program completes
in 1877 I start building some of the parts- the only way I will lose the space race is if Montezuma or Alex wipes me out, I am well ahead of them technologically.
Looking at Monte he is still down Rocketry.
The next vote is for Global Civic- Universal Suffrage, and I vote Yes (had a mental freeze, I should have voted no). After Computers comes in I start research
on genetics- due in 14, but that should fall a bit once labs complete. Also Montezuma declares war on Genghis Khan. This means I have to go and protect
him, although I need to wait for him to ask for my help. Monte asks me for help but I reject him. Then Genghis asks me for help and I accept. Monte razes
Ulaanbaatar IBT. I clean up quite a few of his troops, but there are many more around. I have sent several tanks up north to try and hold Old Sarai.
Old Sarai falls the turn before I can get my tanks up but I recapture it and return control to the Mongols. I notice a huge stack of Mongol units heading
for Old Sarai, and I try and get as many units into the city as possible.
In 1884 Monte is elected for the Un and alarmingly Washington votes for him. Extremely unluckily, the turn I thought my tanks could reach Old Sarai, there was
a French revolt in Tabriz and the Aztecs got control of one of the tiles along the way to Old Sarai, so I decided to move all units out of the city. In
1885 Old Sarai gets razed by the Aztecs.
Result: Resignation in 1888 AD
![huh huh](
My notes below are very rambling and disjointed and I was planning to write a longer report but I took too long to finish the game and at the moment I wouldn't have a chance to write a full report for several weeks, but I will post a summary here.
I think my early expansion plans were fairly good- although I should have kept a closer watch on my backlines to stop barbarian cities coming up in horrible locations (Visigoth was 1 tile off the coast). As often happens in my games, I place cities down quite rapidly and the bottom falls out of my economy for a while- but once I recover I have gained the land that I want, and overall I think I can research more than if I had just placed cities as my economy could handle.
In my game India was wiped out by a coalition of civs, America was nearly annhilated by Montezuma quite early on (the really bad thing was Montezuma capturing the Pyramids from America). Greece and Mongolia were of about equal power, and the Aztecs were the most powerful military civ, and aside from me, the most powerful technological civ. I built a lot of wonders in the game but I wish that I had managed to grab one of the very early wonders- and I could have grabbed an early religion as well if I had known the AI's would be so slow about researching them.
My mistakes in the game:
![rolleye rolleye](
Not focusing enough on military- for the entire game my military vastly inferior in quantity to the Greeks, Mongols and Aztecs.
Converting to Taoism too early- although I could not spread it to Washington due to him being in Theocracy I should have tried for Greece or the Aztecs. As soon as I converted my state religion I lost all deals with the other nations. I could have won the game by spending the whole time in Hinduism- as my GDP became far larger than Montezuma's.
These mistakes put together forced me to join with the Mongols to fight off the Aztecs, as if the Mongols fell, Montezuma would be enormous and close to a domination victory. I discovered how having a small military of superior units (I had a bit of a technological lead over all civs) is worthless if other civs have 4 times as many units as you do.
The huge mistake I made was building the UN. I completely forgot that Montezuma might be elected. He could not win the overall vote initially, but he could pass votes for civics he did not have the technology for, and if he expanded much more he would win the overall vote. The reason why I resigned (not mentioned in my notes below as I gave up recording the last few turns) is that I had foolishly left my backline unprotected and Montezuma had dropped off some troops and captured a city. Now I could have recaptured it as he only guarded it with one unit, but there were about 5 outside the city, and I am sure the city would have been razed when he recaptured it. Additionally the Mongols were falling apart, having lost Old Sarai a few turns ago, and Montezuma would have had enough votes to win a diplomatic victory.
Here are the notes I took when playing in game- they are a very boring read.
Settle in spot, Paris starts on warrior, starting warrior begins to explore to the NE. Start research on animal husbandry. Meet Genghis Khan's scout to the E of Paris in 3800 BC.
In 3640 BC pop a hut (SE) and get mining. In 3560 BC meet Montezuma, whose scout moves near my warrior E of Paris. Paris starts on a worker. Buddhism is founded in 3480 BC. The hut to the west of Paris
gives me a map. In 3440 BC see the first barbarian animals (lions) who lose to my S warrior.
After animal husbandry i go for Masonry (Quarry for the stone and Pyramids). One of my warriors defeats 2 animals and get Woodsman 1 promotion (accidentally gave it City Raider 1). Washington
moves a scout near Paris. [Screenshot 2760 BC] I have a fair bit of space in my backline, so I will aim to block up the entrance and refuse to sign any ROP, until I
have settled the land.
End of 1st Session.
After the worker finishes, Paris produces 3 warriors then starts on a Settler. My research path is Masonry, Hunting, Fishing, Archery. Monte founds
Hinduism in 1950 Bc. Somewhere along the line I met Alex. In 1900 BC I meet the final AI, Gandhi. Interesting mix of passive and agressive AI's.
Archery comes in 1700 BC and I start on Bronze working. In the same year my settler completes and I move it southwards, Paris starts on an archer.
I will try and reach forward for a few cities before filling in my backline. I need to utilise the creative trait to full advantage, and hopefully
I can start chasing some wonders soon. In 1575 Bc Orleans is founded and I start on a workboat (worker next). In a few turns my culture blockade will be
complete. My next city will go NE of Paris.
And the Mongols founded a town nearby. My settler will go where the archer is fortified, and I presume I will have superior culture so keeping the Pig tile
won't be a problem (there is another one in my backlines anyway). Orleans's cultural borders expand just in time to kick out Washington's scout (and
keep him away from my backlines).
On second thoughts, although I could chase the Pyramids and Stonehenge, at this stage I think it's important to grab as much land as possible (even if my
costs do spiral out of control- that can be fixed later, while land can't easily be taken under the honourable variation. (Cannot be the aggressor in war).
I stop my 2nd session in 1325 BC.
In 1175 BC Lyons is founded 3 NE of paris. It starts on a worker. The first barbarians were seen a few turns ago and Paris starts on archers. Bronze working
comes in, and the nearest copper is by the 2nd Mongol city. In 1125 Bc a barbarian city spawns in my backlines W of Orleans. My warrior investigating the
barbarian city beats an archer who attacks him, and I take the Woodsman I promotion (hopefully I can fortify in the forest and absorb some of the barbarian units)
The barbarian city is in a horrible location, and if it grows unfortunately I will have to keep it. Pottery comes in in 920 BC and I start on Writing (probably
a bad choice).
I end my 2nd session in 880 BC.
I move the archer from Orleans over to 'Visigoth' to try and soak up some of the barbarians. Another barbarian city is seen E of Orleans, and I will again
use an archer to try and soak up some of the barbarians. I am 5th in the most powerful civilisations list (Mongols first, Gandhi last).
In between turns my archer killed an attacking archer at 'Visigoth'. Writing comes in, and I start on Iron Working in 30!!. In 580 BC Rheims is founded.
Not much is happening at this stage... I'm unable to easily dislodge the barbarian archers fortified without catapults or better units. I just need to
claim as much land as I can, and start clearing it (hence Iron Working, should have started on it earlier).
One of the barbarian archers at 'Khoisan' stepped out of the town to kill a Mongol scout, and was badly wounded, so I finished it off with my archer.
Paris starts on the Pyramids in 340 BC. Unfortunately both the barbarian towns have grown, and if I capture 'Visigoth' I will have to keep it. In 240
BC I found Tours, which is sick at size 1. And in 120 BC America has built the Pyramids (at least I get some cash now).
When Iron Working comes in (thankfully!) there is Iron next to Paris.
After sailing comes in I start on Alphabet so I can begin to trade (I get the feeling I am a long way behind in technology). My first swordsman are being built,
and I hope I can capture 'Khoisan' before the Mongols do. In 180 Ad the mongols attack 'Khoisan' with 2 axemen, but only win 1 fight (the defender is down
to 1.8/3.0) Time for me to move in. I lose 1 of the 2 archers in doing so. The mongols demand 'Cow' and I give in, not wanting to have angry powerful
neighbours at this stage.
The next turn Alexander (bottom score) declares war on Gandhi (top score).
From checking diplomacy the two camps seem to be Gandhi/Washington and Alexander/Montezuma/Genghis Khan. According to Thucydides I am the wealthiest civ
in the world. After Khoisan comes out of revolt I start it on a worker.
In 250 AD 'Visigoth' gets captured (somewhere along the line it dropped back to size 1, not sure why, but the game kept it). It's in an awful spot, so
I'll just have to manage it as best I can. Buddhism has spread into Khoisan but since none of my neighbours are Buddhist, it's not worth adopting.
I now sign open borders with every civ, and put a few units on autoexplore. It's frustrating to have a huge abundance of health resources, but having the only
happiness resources requiring Calendar. After building a lighthouse in Orleans I start on the Great Lighthouse- given the number of coastal cities I will have
this should bring in a lot of cash for me (25 turns to build).
In 340 AD I found Marseilles. In 360 AD Alphabet comes in and the only tech I can trade is Mysticism (2 civs have Maths but won't trade it) and I can't
get an even trade for it. It's only 2 turns to research so I start on that. In 380 AD Gandhi asks me to ally with him against Greece but I decline. I begin
research on Metal Casting. I trade Gandhi (only civ that will trade techs with me) Alphabet for Mysticism and Polytheism. I really need Hinduism to
spread to my cities so I can adopt that as my state religion. For the first time in a while I have the top score.
A more serious problem is my sciences. After spending all of my money at 100% research, I find I can only run 30% research and make a profit. I need to get more
cottages into action to boost that, but I have severe happiness problems at this point. I trade Montezuma Meditation for Priesthood, and then I trade
Gandhi Iron Working for Monotheism. I start building the Parthenon in Paris (25 turns).
Once Mathematics is somewhat traded around I get Mathematics from Alex for Alphabet.
Finally in 490 AD Hinduism spreads in my lands (in Visigoth?! over the other side of my lands). In 520 AD Genghis Khan declares on Gandhi.)
I decide to turn my back on Gandhi (I think I can cancel deals under the honourable variant like this?) when Monte asks me to cancel deals with him.
And Washington beats me to the Great Lighthouse by 7 turns
![frown frown](
In 570 AD Hinduism spreads in Lyons- thankfully now I can easily start spreading it to other cities.
I end my 3rd session in 570 AD.
By 660 AD my finances are so bad I can only run 20% science... I need to get more cottages down, and I will be able to with Hinduism, plus hopefully
trading for Calendar soon. I am the 3rd most cultured civ in the world behind Montezuma and Gandhi.
I trade wine for rice with Washington, who also converts to Hinduism. In 710 AD I am able to trade Washington Alphabet and Polytheism for Calendar
![smile smile](
In 750 AD Alex converts to Judaism, and cancels our open borders deal.
In 800 AD Alex demands Monotheism, and I cave. I change my civics to Slavery and Organised Religion. I trade Gold for Cattle with Washington.
In 860 AD I build the Hanging Gardens in Paris. It really helps my economy with the extra citizen in every city, and in a few turns I'm able to run 40% science. I start research on currency due in 23.
Washington founds Christianity in Boston, and then a turn later completes the Sistene Chapel. Montezuma declares war on Washington. I need to being building
up my military again very soon. I start on the Collossus in Lyons.
I end my 4th session in 970 AD.
I continue on a building phase in the game, but I start to work on my military as well. With my great artist, I discovered Literature, and I traded for
Horseback Riding and Currency (while researching it). I then started to research drama, to then head for Taoism with Philosophy.
Gandhi demands that I convert to Buddhism, and I refuse. I complete the Great Library in 1090 AD and start on the National Epic in Paris. Some other cities
start building up military units (mainly axemen).
Now I am the 2nd most cultured civ after Montezuma. In 1120 AD I found Taoism.
I end my 5th session in 1170 AD.
Hinduism spreads in Khoisan. After Genghis Khan discovers Music, I switch my research to Feudalism (had only a few beakers into Music). In 1140 AD Plato
is born and I send him to 'Visigoth' to build the academy. Genghis Khan declares war on Gandhi- hopefully they will both fight to a stalemate.
In 1175 AD I get another great scientist and I build an academy in Lyons. In 1180 AD when Feudalism comes in, I start research on Code of Laws (I don't switch
to Serfdom as I have almost finished improving all my terrain.
In 1200 AD Montezuma captures Washington. In 1235 AD I build the Angkor Wat in Paris. I trade Gandhi Philosophy for Music and 130 gold. I start research on
Paper after Civil Service comes in and switch to Bureaucracy. I begin building Notre Dame in Rheims (for denial purposes).
I end my 6th session in 1260 AD.
In 1265 AD New York falls to the Aztecs. America won't be around for much longer. In 1270 get another great scientist and build an academy in Paris.
In 1280 AD Lahore falls to the Mongols. India won't be around for much longer either. After Paper comes in I start on Machinery. In 1285 AD Gandhi makes
peace with Alex so hopefully the Mongol/India fight will be more even. Genghis Khan asks me to join him against the Indians but I decline. Then in 1305
AD Montezuma makes peace with Washington. In 1310 AD I build Chichen Itza in Paris. After Machinery comes in I start on Printing Press to get
extra gold from the numerous cottages I have built. In 1315 Madras falls to the Mongols. Then in 1335 AD Montezuma declares war on Gandhi. In 1340 AD
I found Chatres, and it's sole purpose will be to work more cottages and pull in huge amounts of gold. In 1345 AD Bangalore falls to the Aztecs.
In 1360 AD I finally get what I have been waiting for- a great Prophet. My plan is:
1. Build the Dai Miao in Tours (Done in 1365 AD)
2. Spread Taoism to all of my cities (Done in 1445 AD)
3. Spread Taoism to Genghis Khan and then convert to Taoism myself. (1570 AD)
4. Spread Taoism to every other city on the map
In 1365 AD I enter the Renaissance era and start research on Nationalism (Taj Mahal!). I can now sustain 70% research at a profit. In 1370 AD I complete
Notre Dame in Rheims (not much point but at least it stops an AI from getting the wonder). I start on the Forbidden Palace in Rheims (probably not the best location
but I need to build it ASAP).
I end my 7th session in 1440 AD.
In 1470 AD I get another great scientist and he offers Optics as the tech to auto-research. I trade Genghis Khan Philosophy for Optics and the new choice
is 2677 for Astronomy which I take.
In 1490 AD I get Liberalism first, take Representation with it (the most expensive technology) then I start/finish the research on Astronomy. I revolt
into Free Speech to get more culture and gold. After going into Free Speech I can now run 80% science at a profit. I start research on Democracy after
Astronomy comes in.
In 1540 AD Washington gets Engineering and I trade him Printing Press for Engineering, WM and 170 gold. I switch into Universal Suffrage and Emancipation.
Alexander cancels all deals with me because of my civics changes.In 1565 I enter my 10 turns of Golden Age as I complete the Taj Mahal- and I begin building
the Statue of Liberty in Paris- one of the best wonders in the game IMO. In 1570 AD Genghis Khan converts to Taoism, and I immediately follow suit.
In 1380 AD Gandhi is down to just Delhi. In 1390 AD Gandhi is no more. I trade Washington Paper for Compass and 410 gold. After Nationalism comes in
I start on Education. In 1435 AD I trade Genghis Khan Paper for Theology and about 330 gold.
I now being spreading Taoism to Washington. Since Montezuma has gone down to Cautious with me- I will immediately work on building up my military.
I end my 8th session in 1580 AD
In the IBT of 1590 AD Montezuma cancels all the deals I have with him. This is an even bigger warning that he will come for me soon... and I start on some
serious military training in the limitations of what I can do with being honourable (eg no civic changes). I have to spread Taoism to Washington before he
cancels Open Boarders with me. After Chemistry comes in I start on Military Tradition so that I am able to build cavalry. I stupidly forget to check
Washington's civics and he is in Theocracy so I cannot spread Taoism to him.
The most powerful Civ's in order are are Monte, Genghis, Alex, me, and Washington. I need a lot more military to move up the 'power' ladder.
Straight after that message Washington cancels open borders with me
![frown frown](
In 1605 AD I end my 9th session.
Finally in 1620 AD Islam gets founded by Mongolia. The last of my deals with Alex and Washington are cancelled by them, so it is just Ghengis who will talk
to me. Once my Golden Age ends my finances get worse, but in about 30-40 turns I will give myself another Golden Age using great people.
Then in 1625 AD Washington demands I convert to Hinduism. I refuse :P. In 1630 AD Alex gets Guilds, so I am able to get it from Genghis along with 50 gold
for Printing Press.
In 1652 AD when Genghis demands I cancel my deals with Washington I accept. I have oil near Paris. I then start research on Banking to switch into Mercantilism.
After that I begin researching Replaceable Parts. In 1664 AD Alexander declares war on Washington. They both hate me so I will stay away from it. In 1666 AD
I trade Genghis Khan Education for Divine Right and 30 gold. After Replaceable Parts comes in I start research on Physics to get the free Great Scientist.
After Physics and Rifling I start on Steam Power. I get a Golden age using a Great Scientist and a newly created Great Artist. In 1702 AD the Statue of Liberty
finally completes.
Unfortunately I have no coal. When Railroads completes I start Biology and use the Great Scientist to partly research the technology.
In 1708 AD I end my 10th session.
I am desperately trying to get a defensive pact with Genghis but he still doesn't like me enough. In 1710 AD Alex asks for help against America but I decline.
Then in 1710 AD Montezuma declares war on Genghis Khan. I hope Genghis Khan requests my help as I will be happy to join him. I move 2 musketeers into
two of Ghengis's cities on the frontline (Ning-hsia and Turfan). After Biology comes in I start research on electricity. In 1714 AD Genghis asks me for help
and I accept (insert screenshot). In 1722 AD Ning-Hsia is under serious threat. This is the biggest gathering of a single force on a town I have seen in Civ 4.
I move about 5 units over toward the town, unfortunately they will all take at least 2 turns to reach it. In 1724 AD Ning-Hsia is razed by the Aztecs.
In 1736 AD Genghis Khan makes peace with Montezuma, and I follow suit. I have to pay 10gpt and 74 gold for peace but I will take it. I need to continue to
build up my military a lot. I start research on Fission to get access to Nuclear Power Plants (I have no coal). I realise that I need Assembly Line for
factories, but I can get that tech path (Economics-Corporation-Assembly Line) straight afterwards.
In 1742 AD I end my 11th session.
In 1748 AD Alex makes peace with Washington. In 1762 AD I am able to sustain 90% research at a slight profit.
In AD 1780 AD I end my 12th session.
When Assembly Line comes in I start research on Industrialism. After that I start on Radio. Not much happens during these turns- I work on Factories and
Nuclear Power Plants, and build a few more troops. In 1802 Monty demands Astronomy and I tell him to stuff it. I start on the Pentagon in Paris after the
Nuclear power plant completes. Then in 1808 Washington demands I convert to Hinduism and I reject him. Once Mass Media comes in I switch Paris to the UN (will
finish the Pentagon later). In 1826 Montezuma demands Dyes and I turn him down. Now he is Furious with me. In 1830 AD I get a Great Merchant and I send him
to Sparta to conduct a trade mission.
The announcement comes that I am the wealthiest civ in the world. I make the trade mission and get 2850 gold (Sparta is size 20). I use the gold to upgrade
as many units as I can. The money gives me quite a few infantry units from my very out of date units.
In 1848 I build the United Nations. I have started research on Rocketry- as I figure space is the easiest way to come out with a win. I just need to ensure
I have the military to hold off any attacks. In 1851 the first election comes up- between me and Montezuma. Unfortunately Monte is the leading candidate as
he gets votes from him and Alex, and I get votes from Genghis. Washington abstains. I just realised building the UN might have been a very stupid move, but I don't
think I will lost the election. The first vote to come up is Single Currency and I vote Yes. Once the Pentagon is built I start Paris on the Apollo Program,
aiming to get off this planet as fast as possible. The next vote is for a global civic of Free Speech and I vote yes for that. The next is for Open Markets,
and I vote no but it passes.
In 1865 AD I end my 13th session.
In 1868 AD Montezuma wins the election for the UN (Mongols vote for me, Alex votes for Monte). After Refrigeration comes in I start research on Computers
(laboratories as the Apollo Program will complete very soon). In 1871 AD there is the vote for the Environmentalism Global Civic- I vote NO. Washington
IBT offers me Wine for Rice, but I decline, no need for happiness and he has no health resources. The environmental civic fails as only Monte and Washington
vote in favour of it. In 1875 there is a vote on Global civic Universal Suffrage, and I vote No, no need to help Monte get in one. It fails again with only
Monte and Washington voting Yes. In 1877 IBT Alex demands Hit Movies and I cave- as I want to avoid a war if at all possible. When the Apollo program completes
in 1877 I start building some of the parts- the only way I will lose the space race is if Montezuma or Alex wipes me out, I am well ahead of them technologically.
Looking at Monte he is still down Rocketry.
The next vote is for Global Civic- Universal Suffrage, and I vote Yes (had a mental freeze, I should have voted no). After Computers comes in I start research
on genetics- due in 14, but that should fall a bit once labs complete. Also Montezuma declares war on Genghis Khan. This means I have to go and protect
him, although I need to wait for him to ask for my help. Monte asks me for help but I reject him. Then Genghis asks me for help and I accept. Monte razes
Ulaanbaatar IBT. I clean up quite a few of his troops, but there are many more around. I have sent several tanks up north to try and hold Old Sarai.
Old Sarai falls the turn before I can get my tanks up but I recapture it and return control to the Mongols. I notice a huge stack of Mongol units heading
for Old Sarai, and I try and get as many units into the city as possible.
In 1884 Monte is elected for the Un and alarmingly Washington votes for him. Extremely unluckily, the turn I thought my tanks could reach Old Sarai, there was
a French revolt in Tabriz and the Aztecs got control of one of the tiles along the way to Old Sarai, so I decided to move all units out of the city. In
1885 Old Sarai gets razed by the Aztecs.