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Texts from the internet about roads:
„In the heyday of the Romans about 25 to 30 legions where sufficient to secure the world empire on three continents, which could be quickly moved by marching streets and by ship.“
The paved long-distance roads where built as military roads for infantry in the first place and a unique Roman thing. 
 In the Middle Ages they still where used in many places, but not maintained anymore.
„The word highway goes back to the elevated Roman roads that had a mound or hill formed by earth from the side ditches thrown toward the centre, thus highway. The word street originates with the Latin strata (initially, “paved”) and later strata via (“a way paved with stones”). Street was used by the Anglo-Saxons for all the roads that they inherited from the Romans. By the Middle Ages, constructed roads were to be found only in the towns, and so street took on its modern limited application to town roads. The more recent word road, derived from the Old English word rád (“to ride”) and the Middle English rode or rade (“a mounted journey”), is now used to indicate all vehicular ways.“
Did anybody read Myrran roads instead of highways & combat roads instead of streets ?

I tried to imagine how low availability of "better roads" would affect the game:
-The start was on Arcanus. After a while a glowing road appears on the overland map. One of the other Wizards employed Dwarven engineer mercenaries !  Me the player wants them. I send troops to turn them undead and get distracted from what I originally intended to do. 
-Human player with slow and expensive Dwarven engineers decides for a better economy. He conqueres some Beastmen or even Arcanus race for faster dirt road building.
-Dwarven engineer and other type engineer build a road together. The game crashes.
-Are Dwarves actually so much perfectionistic, that they just cannot build simple roads?
-The lonely Myrran AI covers the entire map with roads. 50% of the engineers are Dwarves (1/2 speed) and 50% are Beastmen (double speed). The result would be 20% better roads, 80% simply roads, without overwritings. What would be the final result, if they overwrite each other ?
-No Dwarves show up in the game. 

The „Raze-button“ is a very exciting improvement. I guess every MOM-player had it on his wishlist occasionally.
To me it looks like with this button all the issues around razing cities would be solved. And then it matters much less how the roads are.

Quote:The start was on Arcanus. After a while a glowing road appears on the overland map. One of the other Wizards employed Dwarven engineer mercenaries ! Me the player wants them. I send troops to turn them undead and get distracted from what I originally intended to do.
Impossible scenario. Players with no access to the Myrran plane won't get Myrran mercenaries.

Yes, with razing solved the overland roads will matter less. However combat roads still matter even then. Do we want combat roads to swap the usual "ranged and defender has an advantage over melee" situation by speeding up the melee units or not? Do we prefer that over the consistency of all movement costs being the same?

@ Impossible scenario
Aha! I see. Planar AI traveling was basically delayed to around the time it starts researching very rare spells. To have a chance to get better roads in Arcanus during the earlier game, the player would have to break a tower himself. Btw, the custom wizard creation help text still says “Life spells focus on … planar travel”.

@  Combat roads
The effects of a combat road are quite situational and easily overlooked by the player. They make the game more complex. This might be a good feature.

Thanks, help will be fixed in the next version.

Perhaps the ranged/melee on city attack are better affected by city walls giving additional benefit against ranged (like shield ability), than roads?

Combat roads situationally, and also randomly, make a huge difference in melee vs ranged. Some difference would be ok, but twice the movement speed is huge and unrealistic. Smaller fractions are obviously not very doable.

(January 12th, 2020, 04:00)teelaurila Wrote: Perhaps the ranged/melee on city attack are better affected by city walls giving additional benefit against ranged (like shield ability), than roads?

Combat roads change the terrain and are not exactly the same like City buffs. Also many times I saw the AI using them to my disadvantage. They might be balanced.

(January 12th, 2020, 04:00)teelaurila Wrote: Combat roads situationally, and also randomly, make a huge difference in melee vs ranged. Some difference would be ok, but twice the movement speed is huge and unrealistic. Smaller fractions are obviously not very doable.

To check reality it is only to step outside for a small walk. [Image: biggrin.png]

To check very much, take some equipment (armour and stuff to fight, 27-34kg) and marching baggage (cooking pot and food, 18kg). Now walk to a nearby town you never visited before. You have a bad map of the region, but no City maps. Road signs are in a strange language you cannot read. If you where happy enough to find the right road – you go for it !  It might also happen, you get stuck in a swamp. I think this feature is as realistic as it can get within game-mechanics. Also overland turns are measured in months in contrast to combat turns. 

Wait a minute … That’s 22,2km per day x 30days = 666km per square x 60 squares around the equator = 40000km !

(December 7th, 2019, 04:17)Seravy Wrote: Indeed but what else is it supposed to be?
This is a 4X game which means your resources/empire size directly represents how powerful you are.
You're putting your production (or spellcasting) capacity against your opponent.
So it comes from the definition of the genre.

I am appalled to read this so called "justification" for your design. No game designer worth their salt would so blatantly admit to not knowing how to design their game.

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