Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 27

Okay then with JR4 joining I’m pointing for Forest as the last Black word. If that’s wrong and we get another round we’d have Screen as our top Black word and Compound as our top Sand word with Bar probably next up.

Point to Forest

I feel comfortable with going FOREST first as well.

Even in worst case scenario where FOREST fail, we now know for certain that the last black word is SCREEN. We'll also be down 3 vs 6+? which mean next clue is very likely unlimited; we can hit SCREEN + (new clue) + (2 sand clues).

Well, if Forest is pointed, then this is natural follow up that everyone seems to agree on:
Point to Compound

FOREST is blue

Blue is up
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

FOREST is blue


Telescope 2

What an unexpected turn of events. I was convinced that DEATH was the third Phantom word, and that superdeath realized it was obvious and clued Black into it so his team would skip past it, and now I'm surprised that we got the Phantom 3 clue with DEATH being red after all.

Now with 2 words remaining and given a 2-word clue, I suppose we should go from there first and not worry too much about trying to puzzle out anything from prior clues.

That said, I'm a bit stumped here...

- a COMPOUND telescope combines with reflective and refractive lenses (as someone who used to have an astronomy hobby), but this feels pretty likely to be a red Sand word
- you might go to the PARK at night with a tripod telescope
- 'telescopic' refers to something that CONTRACTs and expands
- you might use a telescope to view a DWARF star or planet; less plausibly, you could look at a HELICOPTER too
- modern telescopes print their output to a SCREEN, but this is tenuous and is also probably a red Black word

I'm not in love with any pair of those words though, maybe DWARF plus one?


Lol this game. I thought Death was going to be Blue... guess we were supposed to come up with a "haunted woods" connection last round.

Anyway, I actually don't see anything particularly obvious for this clue, but I think we can rule out most words; none of Contract, Slip, Helicopter, Grass, Straw, Dwarf, Cook, England, Church, or Glove make any sense to me.

That leaves the following:

* Bar: a Telescope is in the shape of a bar; likely Sand word though.

* Compound: a Telescope may use a compound lens; another possible Sand word.

* Screen: you can use a Telescope to screen the stars or horizon.

* Park: place telescopes may be found in.

Unfortunately, I like both Bar and Compound the most of the words above, and at least one is surely red. It's possible Death was a sand word (Death carrying sand in hourglass, or quicksand), though that's a weak connection.

None of the words pair very well either.

Lot of text to say that I'm not set on anything except NOT guessing BOTH Bar and Compound.

After looking at El Grillo's spoilers:

Good catch on Contract. I like that for one of our guesses.

Perhaps Contract + Park; Screen and Contract are fairly easy to clue together with something like "Folding"

I don't see anything obvious here. Going ritght to the spoilers, I also like PARK and CONTRACT. Is there a telescope at Bletchley Park or whatever it's called? In any case I think CONTRACT is the stronger word and should be guessed first.

I'm confused. Like El Grillo, I was confident  that DEATH was blue!
Good thing we pointed to AIR first, and Red team did not hesistate to guess DEATH, or we would have blundered into it this round for sure!

So we have two Telescope words? They must be a very odd pair, because I'm not seeing anything.
SCREEN the night sky? That feels weak.

After reading spoilers:
I like CONTRACT and COMPOUND. Telescopes can be collapsible, and they can have compound lenses.

I do not like PARK. Sure, you can set up a telescope in a park, but you can also do it on a hill, on the roof, etc. Also, since the clue we were given isn't clear cut, I can't help but think back at past clues. We had five words remaining when we were clued Phantom. What are the chances that two of them were FOREST and PARK, but Dave chose not to pair them together?

Are we even sure that FOREST was the third Phantom word? I would have though phantoms are just as likely to haunt PARKs and CHURCHyards as they are FORESTs. Maybe we need to look for overlap between Phantom and Telescope words?
SCREEN could be the missing link. By which I mean movie screen. The Phantom Menace was a Star Wars film.
It could also be DWARF, I suppose: dwarves and phantoms are fantasy creatures, and dwarf stars can be spotted by telescope.
Again, it feels like I'm stretching.

I wouldn't be too quick to write off SCREEN and COMPOUND as Red words, either. The final Black word could well be HELICOPTER, while Sand is BAR/STRAW.

Edit: TLDR: In a separate post.

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