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Game mechanics

(April 27th, 2020, 15:59)Seravy Wrote: Crack's Call does not work on flying heroes.
Either he was webbed, or he had Windwalking instead of Flying.

You are right. Just checked. He has Water Walking. :-oOoo Damn! I confused my current run with previous campaigns, where I had Jaer.  Now I must cast Fly on Malleus immediately!  Thank You! 
HA! No more Crack's Call, stupid Raven! I decided to go after the bastard, as he is continually trying to cast Aether Binding. The other wizards just mind their business and quietly conquering, but my pal Raven is insisting on this Tyrannical spell and it was the last straw!

Undead Fire Elementals:

In a monster lair, I killed two fire elementals with my sorcerer using Life Drain only. They have risen up as undead to serve me for eternity!

How exactly can Fire Elementals become undead??  lol cool jive crazyeye
I like it! They also have a very nice looking overland sprite.
Whoever made the pixel graphics in this game was an Artist God!!
[Image: rQHigyb.png]

Death Wizardry is amazing!  Excellent design JOB!!!

1. The enemy summoned and sent to my island war bears enhanced with Water Walking. None of my regular units nor heroes had water walking at the time, so I couldn't reach other lands overseas.
2. I killed those first bears with Life Drain.
3. Bears of my enemy wizards turn undead and switch over to my side.
4. I now Water Walk his [by now] undead war bears back to his continent and start attacking his units and killing them with Life Drain. This is like World War Z!! :D
5. The one war bear starts to assemble an army. I killed at least three separate enemy units with that very first war bear group, before they got wasted.
6. Then later with Siphon Life I kill two Doom Bats in a dungeon on my enemy's territory - using his solo invading units turned undead as counter-infiltrators.
7. My Two Undead Doom bat + 1 undead water elemental unit just wasted a whole smaller city [Lunatic difficulty], generating 6 zombie units. I have Doom Mastery and Zombie Mastery cast overland by now.  :D
8. Now I have two full Undead Armies, one led by a shadow demon and an other by an undead Doom Bat. .. on my enemy's territory, terrorizing his Kingdom and killing his units. :D

How amazing is this?  You could write a short story of such transgressions, just like those you find in Warhammer Black library. :D

9. The enemy wizard just struck my shadow-demon-led undead army with a firestorm and in the same turn of his he attacked the remainder - my 1 full unit and another just with one man standing - with an army of his own. I immediately cast Mystic Surge on the full unit and started to hit back with those strange new energy-shoot attacks they gain from the surge. Meanwhile - with my wizard - I Life Siphoned his entire army to death. Now I gained four of his units as undead again. :D :D pimp smoke popcorn

Life Drain:

I noticed repeated use sucks less life out of monsters. Are these spells randomized in their damage or chance?  Or should I select 10 Death spellbooks, so my Life Drain gets more effective?

For example I'm in combat with War Bears in a monster lair. I selected Rjak as a custom wizard, because it appeared that if I selected Freya as a custom wizard my Life Drain / Syphon spells were even less effective.

I just cast a Life Drain on a War Bear group with 6 resistance. The spell had no effect whatsoever.   WTH is happening?  My casting skill is 215 and I'm also a Channeler.

I noticed my attack spells have tiny effect on monsters when attacking a Node and trying spells out on defending monsters there. Then I just buff my units, because at least those buffing spells are working under Node influence..

(May 4th, 2020, 15:06)mercy Wrote: Life Drain:

I noticed repeated use sucks less life out of monsters. Are these spells randomized in their damage or chance?  Or should I select 10 Death spellbooks, so my Life Drain gets more effective?

For example I'm in combat with War Bears in a monster lair. I selected Rjak as a custom wizard, because it appeared that if I selected Freya as a custom wizard my Life Drain / Syphon spells were even less effective.

I just cast a Life Drain on a War Bear group with 6 resistance. The spell had no effect whatsoever.   WTH is happening?  My casting skill is 215 and I'm also a Channeler.

I noticed my attack spells have tiny effect on monsters when attacking a Node and trying spells out on defending monsters there. Then I just buff my units, because at least those buffing spells are working under Node influence..

The damage of Life Drain is based on the spell save. The base Spell Save is -5, then apply a roll 1d10. The different between the roll and the Spell Save modified resistance is the damage. I'm not entirely sure what happens with negative resistance after Spell Save; it's not definitely guaranteed damage on Life Drain as I've dealt 0 damage on a 0 resistance unit with -5 after Spell Save before, but the Syphon Life version does seem to deal more damage the more negative the resistance though I don't know if it's guaranteed damage or not.

If you want to deal more damage, use -Spell Save artifacts on a hero. Death books have no effect on it. Your Wizard casted Life Drains and Syphon Life always use the base Spell Save.

(May 4th, 2020, 18:59)massone Wrote:
(May 4th, 2020, 15:06)mercy Wrote: Life Drain:

I noticed repeated use sucks less life out of monsters. Are these spells randomized in their damage or chance?  Or should I select 10 Death spellbooks, so my Life Drain gets more effective?

For example I'm in combat with War Bears in a monster lair. I selected Rjak as a custom wizard, because it appeared that if I selected Freya as a custom wizard my Life Drain / Syphon spells were even less effective.

I just cast a Life Drain on a War Bear group with 6 resistance. The spell had no effect whatsoever.   WTH is happening?  My casting skill is 215 and I'm also a Channeler.

I noticed my attack spells have tiny effect on monsters when attacking a Node and trying spells out on defending monsters there. Then I just buff my units, because at least those buffing spells are working under Node influence..

The damage of Life Drain is based on the spell save. The base Spell Save is -5, then apply a roll 1d10. The different between the roll and the Spell Save modified resistance is the damage. I'm not entirely sure what happens with negative resistance after Spell Save; it's not definitely guaranteed damage on Life Drain as I've dealt 0 damage on a 0 resistance unit with -5 after Spell Save before, but the Syphon Life version does seem to deal more damage the more negative the resistance though I don't know if it's guaranteed damage or not.

If you want to deal more damage, use -Spell Save artifacts on a hero. Death books have no effect on it. Your Wizard casted Life Drains and Syphon Life always use the base Spell Save.

AHA!  So that's why my heroes with their 3 created magic items - to all I selected -1 Spell Save - are doing way more damage and are way more powerful in casting than me, the Allmighty Wizard Super Commander.

I mean, this is ridiculous. A little upstart hero is a more potent spellcaster than me, who can Raise Volcanoes and Summon Heroes.

:D :D  :D   That's farked up big time..

Somehow my wizard should have some kind of RPG attribute, something to collect, some buildings to collect, like Amplifying Tower.

Tie -X Spell Save to occupied nodes or how many Amplifying Towers, or how many heroes I have, so my wizard automatically has -1 -2 -3 -4 -5, etc.. spell saves while in combat casting combat spells.

Number of Spellbooks, I mean, anything acquire-able, buildable, Amassable could be TIED so my wizard doesn't sit there in complete impotency  and is trying to cast weak spells - with all that massive power and truckloads of MANA I have  - and I'm casting weaker spells than my heroes. 

All my heroes are better spellcasters I noticed that.  Didn't bother me too much. 

But that I'm a weak spellcaster, WOW..    This kills the RPG mechanics  for me.  

There are enough parameters in this game that can be increased as the campaign progresses and these parameters could be tied to Achievement 1x then later 2x then later 3x 4x 5x = giving me -1 Spell Save, -2 Spell Save.. .  I should be able to become more powerful with time hoarding stuff.

Suck out magic-force from magic items, for example to acquire another level for my beginner wizard:


1. BEGINNER = Life Drain is as weak as now
2. APPRENTICE = -1 Spell Save on all my combat spells ==> can be tied to retort, whatever
3. ADEPT = -2 Spell Save all on my combat spells  ==> tied to number of enemy heroes killed for example
4. MASTER = -3 Spell Save all on my combat spells  = How many rare spells I acquired or something
5. ARCH-WIZARD = -4 Spell Save all on my combat spells  = how many very rare spells I acquired or how many super-hard Monster Lairs, Towers with Colossuses and Angels I destroyed.

Banishing an enemy Wizard = -1 Spell Save

Similar great achievements should make me more powerful in spellcasting.

On Lunatic there are many units anyway - later many dangerous powerful enemy units - , so I cannot become powerful enough even with acquiring -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Spell Saves for in combat only For My Wizard Only!!!!

For example: -1..-2..etc.. spell save could only apply to direct attack spells:
Life Drain, Fire Bolt, Psionic Blast, any combat spell that is shot like a missile, lightning etc..

Heroes have limited availability and a high cost, that's why they are allowed to wield such a powerful ability. They can use that Spell Save only on a single map tile each turn and can only cast at most ~100-120 MP worth of spells using it. And you, as a wizard, has to spend thousands on creating the artifacts to enable doing so.

The idea to have a - Spell Save retort was considered and we decided not to add one.

Flavor and roleplay are important but gameplay is a higher priority. A global save modifier for wizards would break the gameplay. It's also unnecessary in this case : you made the items so it's your power that is enabling the heroes to do what they do. Also, those heroes would not have more than 0-4 spells to cast on their own, all other spells are ones you researched.

Your wizard grows stronger by finding more retorts and spellbooks in treasure, by raising your casting skill (from nodes) and by researching spells. Your hero will never be able to cast 400 mana worth of spells in combat, only you can.  So what you are looking for already exists, it's the casting skill and research system.

(also, Spell Save has absolutely nothing to do with damage spells. It works on resistance roll based spells only.)

Thank You for the Spell Save explanation!

How to dispel my own spell: Evil Presence?

I cast an Evil Presence on Myrror on the dark-elf city of the last remaining enemy wizard. I decided to not raze the city and have taken control of it. Now Evil Presence is stuck there I cannot dispel it. Disenchant Area description states:
"Attempt to dispel enemy spells on the target map square."
So I have become my own enemy as I cannot dispel my own Evil Presence spell. :D

You can cancel your own spells by clicking on them, curses are no exception.

(May 6th, 2020, 12:58)Seravy Wrote: You can cancel your own spells by clicking on them, curses are no exception.

Thank You very much!!

That's funny smile

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