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Old World Succession Game

sorry didnt see this till now but all good.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

T80 (inherited)
Bought the archer from the event
Appointed an ambassador
[Image: 2020-05-31%2013_01_59-Window.png?raw=1]
and a chancellor
[Image: 2020-05-31%2013_20_43-Window.png?raw=1]

We lose a hoplite to the Gauls to the west of Eretria, where he was on his own

Looks like they have a camp we haven't seen yet in the area?

We find a spy

[Image: 2020-05-31%2013_33_53-Window.png?raw=1]

Since we're attacking Babylon soon, I don't have any qualms pissing them off

And our wife wants a tutor

[Image: 2020-05-31%2013_36_13-Window.png?raw=1]

We have plenty of cash and would rather stay on good terms with our wife, so I accept

Moved some units from Corcyra to Eretria
Spent 1000g to buy food and start a settler in Athens for a site we will clear in the near future

Monastycism finished. Adopted Monotheism for more orders

Next research options

Took Manor on the way to longbows. 7 turns is longer than I expected tbh

Couple of culture events. Took an Axeman over a Worker in Sparta, let barbarian immigrants in in Thebes
Cleared raiders and tribe units. Sent workers to build some farms

Princess finished her studies. Take judge over zealot for her archetype, we still need more science and still struggle with orders, so I don't expect zealot's ability to carry over orders will be useful. If the game even lasts long enough to see her take throne

[Image: 2020-05-31%2015_01_25-Window.png?raw=1]

Make this guy a governor of Athens, biggest research bonus we can get is worth the small civic penalty due to him being bitter

Found the Gauls camp to the west of Eretria

Yeah we're taking it

Our heir wants to see the world

[Image: 2020-05-31%2015_26_53-Window.png?raw=1]

The option to stay home made the most sense for her stats, so picked that
A culture event

[Image: 2020-05-31%2015_29_12-Window.png?raw=1]

Took a free Acolyte, surprisingly we went through most of our stone, but we're still making over 50/turn, 300 stone is not that impactful
And this event

[Image: 2020-05-31%2015_49_00-Window.png?raw=1]

Took the second option, we're about to need a lot of training for upgrades and promotions and order buying, and I don't care too much about two more citizens in a city focused on military

Took out the Gauls camp, wish there was something interesting to say but I just overpowered it with 6 units against one

The princess can marry a great soldier I have in court... or a nobody with no stats

[Image: 2020-05-31%2016_09_08-Window.png?raw=1]

I wonder who would I choose?
Take out the Danes camp in the south

[Image: 2020-05-31%2016_14_23-Window.png?raw=1]

Science is way more useful than gold, and 120 beakers is still a sizeable amount, a full turn of research

Finally got the orders to move workers around and build some more farms
Finding more Scythian camps in the south

Settled the northern city

Decided to give it to Riders, we had to give them another city to avoid envy, and since they're our main unit builders, it was good to give them one closest to the future action against Babylon

Literally nothing noteworthy. Building farms and roads, moving units

Manor research done

Bodkin Arrows (Longbow tech) not offered, went for Doctrine next, mostly just because it was the cheapest tech, but it's also useful as we can get orders from temples

Found another Gauls camp even further west

Lost a scout I couldn't hide in trees in time (the unit at the bottom of the screenshot was the one to take it out)

Got an event where I could give Monastycism to Babylonia

[Image: 2020-05-31%2017_10_18-Window.png?raw=1]

Chose not to, the Babylonian ruler is 62 years old and we don't really care about her opinion anyway

Actually struggling a bit with the camp, they managed to bring the health of my units down by a lot. Had to burn some training to march them back to my territory and heal, and also to bring the Axeman into the action

Settled the southern city

Killed the units around the Gaul camp. Should be good to capture it next turn. Alhazard will have to decide if we want to settle the spot. It will be a little exposed to Babylonians when we attack them - but maybe we have enough time to fortify it before that war starts

Sorry for slightly lax reporting, but these turns haven't been particularly interesting - more about unit movement and workers building farms than about action. These turns are all about setting up an attack on Babylon, and while we probably can attack without Longbows, Longbows will make it so much easier

I managed to fix our food situation, we're back to over +70/turn, so I kept us in Colonisation for now - there are still some tiles we may want to buy. We did save up a lot of civics as I haven't been using them much, I've been using our religious units for spread as we get orders out of it with Monotheism, but it may be time to start building temples and monasteries and spend civics to develop our religion

Couple more notes for Alhazard:

I bought some tiles to get a waterway between Athens and Sparta, hopefully it will be helpful for unit movement

There's a settler on the way to the coastal city site. Another one is in production for the one in the west, and we need to build one more for the site further west if we want it. You should be all set to capture the last Gauls camp next turn

I left you with only two orders for this turn, sorry it's not much. One should probably be used to send a luxury to the riders and get them to friendly, thought I already did it but apparently not

Apart from that looks like your turns are still going to be about moving units west more than anything else, assuming we want to wait for Longbows before attacking Babylon. They do have some decent units, although I only saw 4 around Borsippa (their most advanced city)

I think we would be fine to attack without waiting for Longbows tbh, if you choose to do it

Good luck!

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Sorry for the delay


My take was that we are not ready at all to wage another war.
Need build-up in resources.
Why are there still macemen around? Should be all axes at this point.


I think I should have mentioned this previously but now need to build religious buildings ASAP for science and orders.
Also every city should have forum and archives built at this point. Latter is really important because of Professional army.
Rerouting units to Argos incase of Rome attacks.


Took great minister since I didn't think unit mattered at this point given numbers.
Luxuries to keep families happy.
Courthouses starting to build.
More unit shuffling.


Not much comment on character events. I don't think they matter too much at this point.
Realized that Citadel is available, which means capital just hit legendary. Will start Grand Bazaar, that the AI's love rushing soon.
Concerned about scythians to south.


Ugh big decision regarding steel. But if we are going to move-in to Babylon, must keep Rome and Persia happy. I am ok with giving it away when longbows are about to be available.
Wish I saw the ambitions before courtier. Choose last one since it seemed easiest.
Just realized that our economy is not good at all. Need much more bigger yields for military build up and our stone buildings.


Salt give away. Want to give resources up fast as possible to avoid war threats over luxuries
Not building archers while Longbow tech is so soon.
Rush worker because I have too many orders.


Ok on the Jewish temple in Thebes. I made bad call. It really should be N of the Northern most theater and hamlet since the W area can accomodate more urban buildings. We need quarries on all tiles adjacent to mountains given the lack of stone so unlikely that we would build further urban buildings to north


Follow plan of isolating Babylon with dinner event.
More worker rush given civic surplus.


Ugh barb invasion event. Should have checked events before moving units. I don't expect a lot of force on the Eastern front because of the raiders we just killed but the western front is going to get hit hard.


Unit micros.
Wow realized that our relations with Rome and Persia are getting bad. Dinner event. Side with Rome who has stronger military.


Was able to get truce but on hindsight, should have cleared the camp to the east before trucing. Very fortunate nevertheless.
Should have taken ambition before rest of events so the greater soldier counted toward ambition.
Just feel like we need more of everything.

How to close the game?
Actually we can take the open city spot and the scythians for the VPs and build more wonders so we might not need to war against an AI?
Would like opinions.

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Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

If the current test branch is ported over to main, we're going to only need 2 more vp to meet the newly added early victory condition (double vp of the nearest rival), and we can get that in the next 10 turns without doing anything. Sparta is due to hit legendary in 7 turns, Grand Bazaar will be done in 10 - that's it, unless Rome or Persepolis hit legendary during this time

If not, I would prefer to go to war, even if strategically it would be a better choice to spam wonders and kill the Scythians. Would be a shame to not showcase fighting against another party who uses orders

So as of now, I don't believe that was ported over. I should have time to get my turns started or maybe finished and posted tonight.

What is the rough plan? Get longbows, upgrade units in prep for war with Bablyon?

It was ported over yesterday, although I loaded the save with the new build and didn't see the early victory condition mentioned. I think we should assume we're going to war with Babylon, and if victory condition triggers at the end of your turnset (or start of mine), so be it

I wouldn't touch the units Alhazard put to sleep in the east, we don't want to end up defenceless if Rome or Persia decide to attack. Moving the rest to the west and upgrading sounds good to me

Also I noticed that the ambassador post is vacant and there's an 8 charisma candidate, I think we should appoint them to minimise the chance of a surprise attack from Rome/Persia

There were some errors when I loaded regarding the tech tree. Hopefully this will cause problems further down the line. I didn't take as many screenshots this time, mostly it was just moving troops, upgrading archers and building improvements.

Turn 101

Our mother, the spymaster, has died.

We discover the Bodkin Arrows I take orders boost as it's fairly quick and will help move troops, heal troops and get workers started on projects

I Build a citidel, upgrade some archers, get workers on task and set cities on archives.

Turn 102

I start research on Sarrissa in retrospect, this was a very long to research choice. , start several western cities on longbows, and heal some of our wounded troups. There is a barbarian event in the southwest that will tie up some troops/orders.

Turn 103

More prepartions, fighting off some of the barbarian event,.

Turn 104

Built a few quarries to support more religious buildings infrastructure. Also finished off the Barbarian swarm.

Turn 105
More building up of infrastructure. Restocking the lumber I used for Longbowmen. The Babylonian queen visits court and demands every kisses her feet. She left with hurt feelings when we declined...

Turn 106

Healing some of the troops, building religious building and archives.

Turn 107
Persia demands tribute in training or we end up at war with them. Oddly, the event seems to indicate that we're at war with Rome, which we are not.

If were only myself, I would have choose to go to war with Persia, however, I decided to stick to the plan and give them tribute instead of declaring war.

We finish a legacy ambition.

Turn 108
More amassing of resources

Turn 109
Seleucids convert
Another Barbarian raid, this time to the south

Turn 110
Still fighting in the far south. I’m leaving you with some orders and production decisions. I've added to the troops ammassed on the west for attacking bablyon. There is one more barbarin to fight in the far south. Otherwise, good luck!



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