Ok Turn 70 report with all the pictures and graphs and things and ramblings.
1st quick city counts: Gira T66 Ramk T67 and Vanrober T70 just got to their 4th cities. Meanwhile GKC, SD, and myself are sitting at 5.
Next graphs showing that I'm not doing that hot, but not bad either. BTW can lurker see if Plemo is writing in English or German over on the German forums and post a link in the lurker thread for later. He is crushing scoreboard and I would love to read it later.
Demos: highlighted by my 4th in GNP. Food and pop should continue to go up a little although I'm now back to working all the best food tiles and won't really be picking up new ones with city #6.
Crop Yield: SD is scary. If you see what he is doing in the diplo game there is clearly a food production focused individual. On all of these graphs its pretty evident the Ramk vs Vanrober war. I don't yet have GKC graphs as he is farthest from me and I'm just assuming they are good.
GNP: Only Gira is beating me of the people I know. Inflated number due to Stonehenge culture probably. I didn't see a mineral resource that he settled. That does mean that the other two are likely Plemo and probably Lazteuq (also culture assuming). With that extra space on the assumed landbridge I'm scared of Plemo and El Grillo. I suspect Ramk is currently not researching though and is building a library. I also suspect he settled a mineral wealth resource due to past numbers.
Finally my empire which doesn't look that embarrassing after a few turns of growth.
I'm not going to do screen shots of each city like I know SD does (props to him on reporting), but here is a run down of plans for each in order of settling:
Lemmings: Currently growing every 2-3 turns just started a library. I'm chopping at least 2 forests for the library, worker from Sim city will probably drop by to do 1 of them and then will see if need a 3rd. Will eventually give up grassland deer to Leap Frog as library 1 pop whip will probably be its last whip except to keep from unhappy. 1 worker will be staying after chops to full time build cottages.
Leap Frog: Currently its purpose in life is to work that silver. Will get the deer full time from Lemmings and then should shine. Will probably build a workboat after granary to go scout the islands to my SW. Only good thing about it being a holy city is that culture will get the fish by the time I would settle that island. Once it has the grassland deer and is size 3 will 1 pop whip a worker to go improve the horse as I have no spare workers that can go down there atm.
Oregon Trail: is very sad it can't work that extra wheat. Size 4 will build a settler and 2 pop whip it for city #6, but will then build a library. Lot of tile swaps have happened / will happen. Its been growing a nice village for the capital on the floodplains and will give that up soon, which is why I'm working on a strinky grassland farm. It currently has the plains sheep, but Space Invaders will need that back once #6 is settled. That worker will then go mine the river plains hill. I keep hoping for natural spread here.
Space Invaders: got to work that plains sheep for 1 turn before giving it up. Will 1 pop whip a worker out at size 3. Either that worker or one of the ones over at Sim City will need to go improve city #6 and other will improve 2 tiles for Space Invaders which will probably just be a worker pump for a bit; albeit not the best of one once it switches which sheep its working.
Sim City: the place I probably most want a religion spread but the least likely to get. Currently 2 workers building a grassland farm which will help a bit. 1 worker will stay behind after to improve the elephant and then start some prechops.
I'm currently earning 20 gold a turn with slider off. Still working on library micro. Max time is 8 turns with 3 chops and a 1 pop whip. Other option is I think I can get with a 1 pop whip 2 chops in 6 turns if I work the grassland hill after Lemmings grows. I'm going to see what growth looks like next turn with the floodplain vs the hill. I think working the hill will still enable me to have a 5 pop city turn library finishes which is fine and shouldn't delay scientist by more than 1-2 turns. Can work all 3 major commerce tiles, lake, and the tundra deer. Once at 6 can stop working the tundra deer for 2 scientists. After I turn off research can swap the lake back to deer. Math timing I have at a priority as I will be doing chops for city #6 about this time and need to start on the aqueduct in Sim City as soon as possible.
Overall tech path is math > masonry > organized > then either sailing or currency. Sailing would be for trade routes especially if Vanrober will open borders. Also maybe plant a city on that fish island before hanging gardens.