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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Update : Renamed the thread to simple "bug reports" as alpha testing ended a long time ago.

I would like to test the game please.

I guess warlord is not yet implemented. Also i didn't find an exit button and you can not leave some screens with a mouse, only with escape(like cities screen or wizards).

The in game font for help text looks a little blurry, maybe it has anti-aliasing on it?

My farmers give me 4 food rather than 2.

I can see the whole map and every enemy move from the start of the game.

When you go to enchant a unit, you can't click on the minimap, but have to right click to move on the main map.

It threw an error at the end of the battle with an error box that said "ranged error check". Maybe the priests were trying to target a unit after the battle ended.
It then went on to the "you have been defeated" screen again and then back to "ranged error check" in a loop when you click ok in the error box.
I have the save for this one attached, just attack the neutral city full of priests.

Actually I got the "ranged error check" again later at the start of a battle when fighting ghouls.
Also again during the diplomacy screen when another wizard offered a spell exchange.

The battle screen is not so clear where is forest and where is grassland. Also almost every tile seems to be forest rather than just a few tiles.

Flag colours seem a bit too pale, especially on the minimap

Could white be the neutral colour for cities and node auras? Then it would be clearer on the map.

I noticed 30% gold bonus on a hills coastline tile (no rivermouth).

The rally point is good, clicking it again should toggle it off I think.

My barbarian swordsmen have lost some health, but still have 6 figures on the map and battle screens. The 6th figure has an empty heart.

When one of my barbarian swordsmen tried to attack a zombie it said "This unit cannot attack that unit"

A prisoner I found appeared in my capital, not the lair in which I found it.

Rjak was peaceful and declared war on my because of "news about a magic spirit" which was at most 2 tiles away from his city for 1 turn. Seems a bit harsh?
Also Sharee declared war too about 10 turns after my magic spirit was near his city because "his people are terrified of the magic spirit"

Heroism on the Dervish hero gave him +3 to attack and only +1 to ranged. I thought these go up at the same rate?

The screen that shows relative army strength, power production and spell power has gone?

How do you quit the game?

When showing enemy moves it moves away where your camera was focused instead of returning it to that position for your turn after.

The accept/reject buttons have swapped places, so I almost rejected heros I was offered.

Missing features (that you probably know about):

No mouse over for fortress or summoning circle in your city screen.
No sound
A lot of right-click help text is missing.
No right-click on spells in your spellbook yet.

Requests :

Can we choose which realm we want specialist in? 
When you don't have enough gold to buy something in the city screen, can it tell you how much you need to complete it?
I notice that bonuses from levels are in a different colour, which is cool. Would be nice to right-click the stat and see where the bonuses (or minuses) come from.

Quote:My farmers give me 4 food rather than 2.

Feature, please read changes.txt

Quote:I can see the whole map and every enemy move from the start of the game.

Oops, I forgot to turn off the debug vision again. It helps seeing what the AI does, though, and AI bugs are as important to find as any other.

Quote:It threw an error at the end of the battle with an error box that said "ranged error check". Maybe the priests were trying to target a unit after the battle ended.
I have the save for this one attached, just attack the neutral city full of priests.
Yes, please post the save file.

Quote:Actually I got the "ranged error check" again later at the start of a battle when fighting ghouls.
Also again during the diplomacy screen when another wizard offered a spell exchange.
I would like a save for these as well. It's probably 3 different bugs.

Quote:When one of my barbarian swordsmen tried to attack a zombie it said "This unit cannot attack that unit"
That should happen if either the target isn't on an adjacent tile or it' your unit.

Quote:Rjak was peaceful and declared war on my because of "news about a magic spirit" which was at most 2 tiles away from his city for 1 turn. Seems a bit harsh?
Also Sharee declared war too about 10 turns after my magic spirit was near his city because "his people are terrified of the magic spirit"

The generic war declaration type that previously used generic messages that didn't really let the player know what the problem was, were replaced with a message that refers the strongest unit you own instead. (based on production cost I believe)
This is the war declaration triggered if your total military power is too close to the AI's.
Did you really have no units better than the Magic Spirit?

Quote:Heroism on the Dervish hero gave him +3 to attack and only +1 to ranged. I thought these go up at the same rate?
Quote:Regular : + 1 melee, +1 ranged, +1 resist total.
Veteran : + 2 melee, +2 ranged, +1 defense, +1 resist total.
Elite : + 2 melee, +2 ranged, +2 defense, +2 resist, +1 health total.

So it does seem like a bug.

Quote:The screen that shows relative army strength, power production and spell power has gone?
Yes, these are integrated into historian now. (click the button at the top to cycle between them)

Quote:How do you quit the game?
Like any other windows application, click the X in the corner to close the window.

Quote:When showing enemy moves it moves away where your camera was focused instead of returning it to that position for your turn after.
Not sure how this is an issue? Once your turn begins, it should move the camera to the first autoselected unit to be moved anyway.

Quote:The accept/reject buttons have swapped places, so I almost rejected heros I was offered.
Yes I made that mistake too. Maybe I should swap it back.

Quote:Can we choose which realm we want specialist in?
You mean in case of a tie? Yes, that should be possible but will need an additional screen to do it. I'll consider it during milestone IV. Or maybe it simply should ask in a "yesno" window, like "Do you want Specialist to apply to the Sorcery realm?" and if No is pressed it asks the next one and keeps lopping until the player hits yes for one.

Quote:When you don't have enough gold to buy something in the city screen, can it tell you how much you need to complete it?
Good idea.

Quote:I notice that bonuses from levels are in a different colour, which is cool. Would be nice to right-click the stat and see where the bonuses (or minuses) come from.
That would be quite time consuming. Definitely not until milestone 5.
Also, right clicking the stat opens the help entry for that stat, so it would need to be left click instead.

I can't add attachments on here anymore. It tries and fails when I click "add attachment".

Quote:The generic war declaration type that previously used generic messages that didn't really let the player know what the problem was, were replaced with a message that refers the strongest unit you own instead. (based on production cost I believe)
This is the war declaration triggered if your total military power is too close to the AI's.
Did you really have no units better than the Magic Spirit?

I had buffed swordsmen too, maybe a generic message that your army is too strong would be clearer to understand.

Quote:Not sure how this is an issue? Once your turn begins, it should move the camera to the first autoselected unit to be moved anyway.

I think all my units were patrolled at the start of the game. Maybe only an issue as I could see all units on the entire map because of the debug settings.

Quote:You mean in case of a tie? Yes, that should be possible but will need an additional screen to do it. I'll consider it during milestone IV. Or maybe it simply should ask in a "yesno" window, like "Do you want Specialist to apply to the Sorcery realm?" and if No is pressed it asks the next one and keeps lopping until the player hits yes for one.

Well in case of a tie or if you want to have a different realm other than the one with the most books to have it. Life is better to have it on for example as you normally have more life buffs.

A list would be more elegant as I often change my picks several times at the start.

Quote:Like any other windows application, click the X in the corner to close the window.

Most games have a way to do it in game too, I prefer to do that.

Quote:That should happen if either the target isn't on an adjacent tile or it' your unit.

I think they were adjacent, but I'll post a screenshot if it happens again.

Quote:I can't add attachments on here anymore. It tries and fails when I click "add attachment".
Weird. The files are probably too large for that anyway.
Use google drive or something.

Quote:Most games have a way to do it in game too, I prefer to do that.

If you have a suggestion where to put a quit button, I can add one. I don't have a good idea for that at the moment.
It probably should return to the main menu instead of closing the game though, and we can put a proper exit function there.

I don't see anything that indicates level up stats being gold icons was an intentional feature. It might be a bug.
Yes, it's a bug. If I put weakness on the same unit, it won't show the 2 "bonus" icons as grey and gold, they simply disappear because they were never registered as bonus icons.

Heroes actually gain less ranged than melee per level. That doesn't seem to be a bug.

Updated the file (download link is unchanged) :

-fixed warlord
-can click the minimap during spell targeting
-Fixed desert adding a gold bonus
-Fixed a crash during calculation of terrain production in surveyor
-Fixed terrain gold bonus applying to the wrong tiles
-Fixed bug : rivers sometimes aren't rendered near the X edge of maps
-Fixed : failed prisoner generation does not add 400 gold properly
-Fixed : prisoner appears at the fortress
-Fixed : unit stat icons are sometimes displayed wrong, showing base stats with a gold icon or penalties having no icons.
-Fixed : unit bonus hp (from elite level) is not visible
-Swapped the Hire and Reject buttons.
-Buy button now shows how much gold is missing
-Added spell : Tree of Knowledge, 108 MP, 180 Research, casting it enables building Armorer's Guild and Fantastic Stables.
-Tree of Knowledge will be the first spell to appear for research after turn 54. (Year 1404 July)
-The AI will prioritize researching Tree of Knowledge low if their starting race is Halflings or Barbarians (they can't build the unlocked buildings)
-Fixed : research wasn't completed when the produced RP was exactly equal to the remaining cost.

Ah the files are 35mb instead of around 150kb in the original.

You can download them here:

The priests bug you can attack the neutral city with the buffed swordsmen who should lose and it throws that error. 

The other one there should be a swordsman with less than 100% health, but the 6th figure is still there with a grey heart.

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