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Codenames 33

Full of light or glowing, I believe.

DAY and GHOST seem like guaranteed answers.
I've seen some SUITs that have LEDs. I think the bullfighter costume is called suit of lights?
MICROSCOPEs almost always have a light to make the subject more visible and provide more contrast.
I like DAY, GHOST, MICROSCOPE, pending input from teammates.

For CRAFTS, I like sunrise's idea of catering tables on Hollywood sets. HAM seems more likely than KETCHUP as a lunch item (although many people in show business are Jewish, so maybe not). Alternatively, TOOTHpicks are often used in crafts.

*Ghost - glows with spooooky light
*Day - the sun
*Microscope - has a little light attachment
*Conductor - in a lightbulb the conductive filament (?) is what glows

High on the first two and then relatively higher on Microscope


Think about a train coming through a tunnel. I don't see any other connections

I like TOOTH for +1. Very common to use a shark tooth or other animal tooth in crafts
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”


I like Ghost for certain, maybe Microscope and Day after that? Also Nut may be a crafts word, craftsmen and DIYers use them all the time along with bolts, etc.


Point to Ghost

Point to Day

Ghost is blue
Day is blue

I guess the question is whether we think a microscope is more luminous than a train. I lean towards the former.

I, too, prefer Microscope.

Majority rules.

Point to Microscope
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Microscope is blue.

How do we feel about a +1? I don’t feel super great about Ham or Nut - ham fits well but is based on a somewhat niche meaning and nut IMHO isn’t very crafty, it’s more hardware.

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