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FFH Adv 7 - dwarf tossing with Miguelito

This was a fun game, and there would be so much to tell - although I feel my game was less dramatic than others reported already. But the new PB is starting so I'll have to make it short, first, victory screen:

Now, back to the beginnings.
Something's unusual right  from the start:

... but nothing of it affects me, so the start's pretty normal. Sadly I didn't take pictures. Second city to the south, third NE, then settle the coast SW until reaching Os-Gabella's border, who apparently didn't feel a need to get cities, with all her super techs. Sabathiel otoh gets quite a few down, including a barb citiy that I would have liked to the south of the mountain range, blocking me out from there. 

This gets buried in snow:

- but notice how the bad guy walks out of the city to the east after casting his mean spell? He'd always do that when approaching with a warrior.

So, we easily bait him, with two stacks waiting out of range of his snowstorm

and after tossing some:

That city of course was a huge thorn in my side, and getting it was very nice. You can see though that I already had claimed a barb city by Letum Frigus, and was now able to expand past the mountains. Mostly by the pickaxe, because the barbs had already settled most of it.

To stay on Sabathiel's good side, and maybe due to some moral feelings, I had joined him fighting Os-Gabella. She would now start sending these random stacks at me:

Nothing nice to fight off when you have nothing but warriors, but doable. Of course she had much more in the cap, and had she used that, or just loaded some on her galleys, that could have been the end of me. But of course she didn't. I actually rushed Aquae Sucellus with the first GE though, to be able to get the plague from the Diseased Corpses off, and not have to send units to Varn Gosam into the Pool of Tears. Think I didn't end up using it, or maybe on like 3 units.

Some fun:

Here's an overview from t144:

Sabathiel dedicated his game to building up increasingly huge stacks of axes, and not using them:

Later on he would fight off some pathetic invasions from Tasunke, but never step outside his borders.

While scouting, I had the feeling that Bob had intended fro Volanna to get into a relevant position in this game:

Spoiler: She did!

Then Falamar attacked, inevitably:

at this point, I was finishing my first siege workshops (and had trade tech) and mage guilds, but was still fielding only warriors. I had to give up the two cities seen here, but then by Letum Frigus stalled him in the mountains, and with the first better units went into counterattack. But the sheer brutality of my fierce gnome warriors was still carrying the  victory:

Important grab:

Dwarves are not very good at magic, and even though I had Sorcery, my adepts were all still mostly brawnies. This one won:

bagged the Celestial Compass.

On t200 I'm pretty sure I'll win this, having seen the AI's tactical capacity. Here's an overview:

Right after, Falamar does something smart for a change:

He had Kingsport full of horse archers and could have obliterated my army. But he preferred to stay at home, so I had to pay the visit:

Here's an F5 from the time:

You can also see the international borders. Differing from other reported games, the Infernals stayed on one city, and remained peaceful until shortly before the end of the game. Volanna grew huge, but later on couldn't make headway against the weaker Kandros Fir, even losing a city, while also making only glacial advances against Auric. I got a lot of resource trades from here, even Mana. Varn Gosam was also in good shape, and I hoped to keep him as a friend.

Still due:

Nice price with city of a thousand slums (actually that cam later t237, two turns before my due date in Khabalg frown ), Tower of complacency, and the OO shrine, but required some work. Also you can see that I rushed the Pillar of Chains into Innsmouth, a quite dubious decision smoke


I'll follow up with the conquest of Dunwich, although that was quite a while later and some stuff happened inbetween, although it was a quiet phase mostly.

I had some mages from the earlier Lanun war, and had teched Warhorses and Blasting Powder to get some oomph on the hitters. My single port city on the inner sea built a few galleys. These were the punching balls:

Did you know that FFH2 cannons can attack off boats, and kill?

well this one didn't shakehead , but they do a lot of collateral - certainly more than fireballs!

I was building arquebusiers as the bulk of the army. With Mobility and Haste they are fast enough (the limiting factor were the 2move cannons), and get more strength than chariots, at least until Mithril (?).
Here you see them entering the stage:


bet they didn't see that coming!  dancing

it would take what felt like half the rest of the game to come out of revolt (that's a lie, I even built a tower there), and was pressed hard culturally by Varn, but still very nice.

Earlier, Amalanchier had walked the whole 180 degrees around the donut going for Os-Gabellas still only city.

I tried to come ahead, but only managed to make the job easier for him, and get some XP out of it:

The fireworks are a lot of pyre zombies exploding on the interturn.

At this pooint, I had understood that Domination would be the probably fastest way to win, but also the grindiest, so I decided to go for the tower win. So I wanted mana and settled this city:

The plan to get it by popping borders and swamping the tiles with culture didn't work, as it turns out that deity elves produce quite a lot of culture. But there are other means of course, we'll come back to it later.

While finishing the Lanun issue, I was increasingly frustrated with Sabathiel:

I mean, I get that we are partners fighting the evil in this world, but the sheer incompetence! He spent all game adding axes to this stack, and never sent it across his border where he easily would have crushed the Sheaim. He just fought off sporadic Hippus attacks, another civ that hadn't gotten anywhere in this game. The absurd stack also likely killed his research, so while he had a legion for the good cause it was useless junk and I just had to rectify that.
I took most of the territory in the first few turns, without resistance (yes, the stack just stood y at the capital:

Basium was giving me some headaches, with my Man-o-wars losing a few high odds fights:

not that it mattered - I suppose the inability to invade navally is what motivated the AI mod in the first place? - On that note, when I still had only warirors, Os-Gabella would send out some frightening galleys past the front - unloaded, of course, and content to just tear nets and then get sunk.

We then got to the heart of the issue:

note that it had grown again. I had of course Maelstroem'ed it when I approached, but I still don't know what would had happened if he had just attacked before the cannons hit.

It took a few turns. I changed to stack attacking in groups. Oops:

killed Bambur with a cannon shhh . Normally I would have gone for something more climactic.

Here we are close towards the end:

Look at how low the cannons got them! I'm stressing this a bit as i nthe other reports I saw no one go for blasting powder, but I feel the cannons did a lot more for me than the few fireball mages, which I also trained.

A fun powergraph, shortly before it was over:

After conquering the rest of the Bannor, I made peace with the Angels, and without his dumb ally Basium found his true purpose:

Note on the scoreboard how we are running out of bad guys! Actually the AC never even got up to blight all game, what a contrast with the other games, in first place Aurorarchers.
And even with the few baddies you could get along:

In the south, Volanna had teched far ahead and was sporting several huge cities. She had a difficult neighbourhood though:

Only got herself to blame though, I think she declared all these wars.
Now look at this, and mind the turn number:

Still the same situation, and almost no progress against those inferior opponents, if any. I actually think she even lost a city to the Khazad. Embarassing. I was starting to think she shouldn't have to live with the shame.

But that's for another day. Meanwhile have some random good news:


-also reserved-

Thanks for the report so for, looking forward to more if you have time!

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