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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Quote:I guess this feature took its current form for a reason; does it need the weaker towers, maybe for the AI?

Mostly yes. While the current automatic combat is more detailed, I can't imagine the AI breaking down a tower with rare or better creatures early on.
In fact it might even be harder for them now because flying is relevant - melee land troops will never clear a lair that has flying creatures and ranged normal units can't compete with things like efreet.

A shorter one for today

CoM2 Version_2020-09-08

o - Program not responding after end of turn: Don't know why. Here's the Savegame. Just press "End Turn" (Game Settings: Advanced, 13, Normal, Average, 0.5, Normal, Rich, -- Modifiers: Dumb Neutrals, Targeting Aid, Order Please, Smart Familiar)
[savegame: ]
The same happened in another new game too
[savegame: ]

Don't know if intended / not implemented yet:
o - A lot of roads: Neutral towns have quite a lot of roads built in between them. Looks weird and somewhat funny.
[screenshot: ]

Debug Mode Disclaimer: If you add any Debug-Features, maybe you can mention them in the Alpha-Version Disclaimer or somewhere on the Title screen. If someone joins testing now and doesn't read your slightly hidden "added debug Shift-P" entry, he wouldn't know about this feature.

Quote:o - A lot of roads: Neutral towns have quite a lot of roads built in between them. Looks weird and somewhat funny.

Not a bug. It's the first time I see more than 4 neutral towns on the same continent though, especially all within range to have road connections.

Agreed, the debug keys should be mentioned somewhere, not sure where though.

Quote:- Destiny seems a bit overpowered. Using just one unit as an example, Destiny-affected Hammerhands have 6 figures with: 18 attack, 8 defense, 15 resist, 11 health (for a total of 66). I walked them into a tower and killed a Great Wyrm in one hit, and I imagine they'd take out anything else in the game, too. Other high-end units like Nightmares and High Men Magicians (or Rangers, if you want to kill some Sky Drakes) would similarly out-scale any other fantastic unit in the game. I love the concept of transforming normal units, but maybe the effect should be more like Chaos Channels, adding something to the unit; can help brainstorm if you're open to a change.

Those numbers are odd.
Should be 16 attack, 8 health for hammerhands. (base amounts are 8 and 4 per figure)

Bug? Or the unit had other buffs?

If you think the balance of the spell is wrong, we can discuss it in a separate thread.

Today's update was exhausting but at least we are getting closer to having a playable game at the speed of light :

-Fixed bug : Requesting an Alliance gives the player a Wizard's Pact instead
-Fixed bug : "AI attack target optimizing system" causes the AI to be stuck in an endless loop replacing which stack attacks a target due to distance variable set incorrectly.
-Fixed bug : If the AI rolls too low on simulated damage when casting a direct damage spell, it fails to select a target and casts the spell on whatever the previous contents of the target variable was.
-Fixed bug : Combat healing was always able to grant extra hit points over the maximal even if it wasn't supposed to.
-Fixed bug : hit points on units is displayed wrong
-Fixed bug : Drain Power targeting causes errors
-Fixed bug : Diplomacy relation display overlaps with MP display when targeting spell blast, drain power.
-Added "Cancel" button for Drain Power, Spell Blast, Disjunction targeting
-Drain Power cannot target banished wizards.
-Wizards screen will shorten spell names if they are too wide and would overlap with the next wizard.
-Fixed bug : City enchantments are cleared wrong from cities after combat.
-Fixed bug : Wall spells can be cast in combat even if they are already in effect.
-Fixed bug : Spell of Mastery started plays sound 113 instead of music 113
-Fixed bug : Demon Lord casting a spell causes error
-Fixed bug : Demons Summoned by Demon Lords have MP
-Implemented missing feature : Demons summoned by Demon Lords should change name to "Lesser Demon"
-Demons summoned by Demon Lords have Life Steal -2
(I don't remember if we wanted these to have any ability? Maybe not?)
-Fixed bug : Life Steal ability is not loaded from units.ini. (delete your units.dat file to refresh contents)
-Fixed bug : Regeneration amount granted by spells and items is undefined.
-Fixed bug : Entangle, Terror, Supreme Light applies to the wrong player or not at all.
-Fixed bug : Entangle applies to the wrong player
-Fixed Fireball animation skipping the epxlosion frames
-Fixed bug : Call the Wild effect doesn't apply
-Fixed bug : Fairy Ring causes range check error or summons wrong monster
-Fixed bug : Fairy Ring doesn't check for the summon spell being known to pick monsters
-Implemented missing feature : Human players can use Earth Gate to move units
-Fixed bug : Chaos Surge has no effect is cast by the human player
-Fixed bug : At most one vortex can move per player per combat turn
-When Vortex is being moved manually, the selection marker appears on the vortex that needs to move
-Fixed bug : Ranged check error if 3 vortexes are summoned.
-Vortex movement now plays "heavy flying movement" sound.
-Implemented original game restriction : Magic Vortex cannot turn more a quarter when moving randomly.
-Fixed bug : Range check error when the AI has zero stacks to move
-Fixed bug : Neutrals get turns during Time Stop
-Fixed bug : Game stops during Time Stop instead of progressing to the next AI's turn.
-Fixed Zombie Mastery image having black pixels
-Fixed bug : Holy Arms has no effect
-Fixed bug : Destiny doesn't set the "fantastic" flag on the unit, only changes race to Life.
-Fixed bug : Final Wave and Great Unsummoning does not check the unit's owner or the unit being still alive
-Fixed bug : Summoning Efreet, Chaos Spawn, Doom Bat, Chimeras causes a crash
-Fixed bug : Apocalypse freezes if attempting to Chaos Channel the same unit twice.
-Fixed bug : Range check error on victory screen
-Increased Doom Bolt animation speed
-Fixed bug : Chaos Channels can cause the game to freeze
-Fixed bug : Game crashes when AI is casting Chain Lightning
-Fixed bug : Music doesn't play for victory screen
-Shift P no longer adds Spell of Mastery
-Added debug key Shift-C : show map coordinates. When referring to units and locations in save files, use these instead of "that stack behind the ghouls near the archangel" please.

That's a huge list of fixes! You must have put in a long day.

One major bug in this version: all battle summons, including phantom warriors and fire elementals, are now listed as "Lesser Demon" and have life steal -2 and are intermittently raising things as undead. You can check them in the endturn battle:

oops. Fixed and reuploaded.

Thanks, but... I now get an infinite loop range check error when starting a new game :P Will just reload an older save file to mess with.

The aspect ratio also seems to have changed, it's vertically squashed.

(September 9th, 2020, 23:04)jhsidi Wrote: Thanks, but... I now get an infinite loop range check error when starting a new game :P Will just reload an older save file to mess with.

The aspect ratio also seems to have changed, it's vertically squashed.

Strange, works fine for me.
Something missing from the data folder again?

Aspect ratio is in the window.ini file, delete it to reset to default.

Edit : tried running it from the folder that was uploaded and it worked fine. I have to assume the problem is on your side, try unpacking it to a clean folder.

Yeah, a fresh download and installation worked. The first time I downloaded it my connection was having trouble. Very odd that the game would function in the first place if the download was corrupted. Something must have been missing, because all the game options were also turned off (animations, sound, etc).

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