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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

I didn't see you released that last fix so I played for a bit on the older version before upgrading. A couple of the below bugs may be related to the fixed issue -- couldn't tell for sure.

- Crash on right-clicking Tlaloc's portrait in the wizards screen:
- End turn exception, looks like it happens when Sharee moving units; I updated to the new version to see if that prevented it, but it still happens on this turn. Didn't save the old turn files, sorry.
- A neutral fire giant is highlighted instead of my unit, click wait if it's not already showing. Seems like somehow a reference was switched with my war bear:
- A turn or two before that happened I got an exception on a turn then an in-game popup (which I'm guessing you made) that said battle had not been exited properly and wouldn't close; so I had to shut down the game. However, I wasn't able to get that to repeat. Let me know how I should handle these in the future.
- A lot of towers are now generating on single tiles in the ocean. I recall that was a bug from MoM so I thought the same might be happening there. You can see a some in the above save file at 1,61,38 and 1,7,11 and 1,34,43.
- Disrupt causes an exception and crash when clicked, either in a city battle or non-city battle. Probably says something about this spell that it's so unused nobody noticed this until now... I actually clicked it by accident and didn't even mean to use it.
- I'm still losing fame if an enemy hero dies in a battle that ends by my fleeing (no units lost) or running out of time. Thought I saw a fix for that in one of the patch notes.

- When heroes level up, they get a +1 dialogue for all skills even if those skills can't level up, such as Charmed or Noble.
- Node info (the one shown with F1) should show who owns the node -- the sparkles are kinda hard to distinguish a lot of the time. It could just say it in the meld type, e.g. "Sharee's Magic Spirit".
- Got a special event notice about Atlantis appearing. That's nice but... where? What is it? Even using the Shift+O cheat I couldn't figure out where it's supposed to be. I think the message should be more informative, whatever it is (a neutral city?).
- Is an animation supposed to play for corruption? My gem keeps getting corrupted and I have no idea it has happened until I happen to see it on the map.
- At the very beginning of the turn, units with queued moves perform their moves before anything else happens. I would prefer if they didn't, because there are always unexpected events like monster stacks appearing or enemy wizards moving into position. Preferred solution: start the turn on a unit without queued movement, if one is available. When all the units without queued movement have moved, or if the player chooses "Wait" for all of them, then start cycling through the queued movement units and performing their moves. In case there's no unit available without queued movement, then I guess it should just proceed with all the queued movements.

Quote:- Got a special event notice about Atlantis appearing. That's nice but... where? What is it? Even using the Shift+O cheat I couldn't figure out where it's supposed to be. I think the message should be more informative, whatever it is (a neutral city?).

It's a 3x3 square island with 3 new lairs. I can't make it more informative because map coordinates are not a thing outside debug mode and it's in the middle of nowhere, the ocean, far from cities usually.

Edit : it should be easy to find on the F2 map. It's the 3x3 square island that has all mountain tiles and a volcano in the center.

Quote:- Is an animation supposed to play for corruption? My gem keeps getting corrupted and I have no idea it has happened until I happen to see it on the map.
It should, yes, probably a bug.

Quote:- Disrupt causes an exception and crash when clicked, either in a city battle or non-city battle. Probably says something about this spell that it's so unused nobody noticed this until now... I actually clicked it by accident and didn't even mean to use it.
I don't see it in the overland spellbook so I assume you had that during the "combat on overland" bug.

Quote:- A neutral fire giant is highlighted instead of my unit, click wait if it's not already showing. Seems like somehow a reference was switched with my war bear:
No idea what happened here but for starters, the tile has 19 units, it has a red city, and you are green. And it's on the other plane with no obvious way you moved it there. The problem isn't that it shows the neutral fire giant but that your bear, the neutral fire giant, and the red city are all on the same tile, they had to go there somehow and they belong to three different players.

Quote:- A turn or two before that happened I got an exception on a turn then an in-game popup (which I'm guessing you made) that said battle had not been exited properly and wouldn't close; so I had to shut down the game. However, I wasn't able to get that to repeat. Let me know how I should handle these in the future.
What were you doing to reach that state? Like, did it happen during your turn, during the AI turn, during battle, outside battle, while casting a spell, etc? Basically the popup is there to immediately make the problem known so whatever were the last action(s) taken that caused it, they can be remembered.

Update :
(this update aims to deal with poor AI performance in the first 2-3 years of the game)
-The AI will only buy magic market and marketplace early if they intend to do relevant amounts of housing in that city.
-AI Buy priority of Sawmill was increased to 1 if population<7
-AI wil not build an early ship yard if they already have one built in another city
-Adjusted amount of defenders pulled into cities. Amount depends on city size, turn count and difficulty, in general, lower difficulties in the early game pull fewer defenders. This should allow cities to produce their own garrisons better instead of relying on "swallowing" the good units the AI should be using for lair hunting.
-Fixed bug : Hero abilities that had no levels showed a bonus in the levelup dialog
-When units are being sent to the main action continent, they can now pick a destination tile that has the owner's units on it if the number of units is 6 or lower. This helps gathering the units into a stack even when there aren't enough in the area to trigger the doomstack function.
-Added logging of the number of units the AI wants to pull to each tile
-Implemented missing feature : Desired land stack size shouldn't always be 9, very early turns should use lower amounts
(The lack of this prevented the AI to take advantage of the earliest turn fortress garrison requirements being less than 9.)
-Units above the desired garrison size defined in "pull defenders" for cities are now allowed to leave garrisons for stackbuilding
-When a stack is built, the stackbuilding isn't considered complete if the units are on the same tile, but the tile is a garrison tile, instead they have to move to a nearby free tile, leaving the city.
-Fixed bug : Plague continued having effect after it expired.
-Fixed bug : Water Walking Settlers keep waiting for a boat on shore if they are part of a stack that does so.
-The AI will build a Ship Yard as mandatory building if they have no ship yard, ship, floating island spell known, and the continent is less than 60 tiles large.
-Gift event now happens no earlier than turn 80
-Added missing requirement for Rebellion event : current turn must be 120 or higher
-Plague event now cannot happen before turn 100
-Fixed bug : Crash on wizard view due to hero owned count not excluding dead heroes
-Fixed a bug in tower generation on sea
-Instead of 100 now 1000 tries are required before a tower on sea is allowed.
-Allowed distance between towers gets reduced slower as number of tries increases.
-Added debug key Shift-A : show continent IDs, mark tiles that aren't mutually connected to the other plane as red. (due to the difference in plane sizes, the larger plane has such extra tiles.)
(basically, it shows the tiles not valid to place a tower on as red. Also units shifting planes from these tiles will not return to the extact same tile after shifting back to their original plane.)
-Fixed bug : Disrupt checks for Warp Wood targeting requirements instead of warp wood, causing Disrupt to crash.
-Fixed bug : The loser loses fame for dead heroes instead of the hero's owner
-Added missing feature : dead heroes reward fame for the other player equal to the amount lost by the owner

Today's second update :

-Improved spell animation visibility conditions.
Enemy tile targeting spell animations are now shown if Detect Magic is on and the tile was scouted
OR if the tile is visible by the player's units/cities.
Hostile tile targeting spells are shown even if enemy spells option is off if the target is the human player's city, unit, node, or territory.
-Nodes will display the owner's name.
-Fixed bug : AI players sign a Wizard's Pact after they already have an Alliance.
-Added logging of treaty status changes
-Added debug key Shift-T : Next turn plays 12 turns, and Shift-M is activated. Any events that require user input are suppressed.
-Global enchantment cast notifications now automatically get clicked away after 1000 gameticks.
-The game will no longer mention "razing orders cancelled" if the wizard was defeated and game is over.
-Fixed bug : Monster Invasion event causes a crash. (haven't I fixed this recently? weird.)
-Mana upkeep is now logged.
-Fixed bug : Low relation war declaration against the human player was checked multiple times instead of once per AI turn/player.

Gosh, you're working hard, huh?

- Take the active naga west onto the hero stack with Reywind. Cast psionic blast on Reywind. The next turn doesn't begin and when you click again, there's a crash. He has True Sight, could be related.
- Warp wood causes an exception again, try taking the great lizard into battle with Sharee's stack (yellow) and casting it after she casts create catapult. 
- Your engineers destroy your own walls that they're adjacent to in battle. Just click next turn for the endturn battle:
- Raise volcano does not destroy any minerals or wild game that are present on a tile unless it replaces it with something else.

- Mithril seems very infrequent. In all my test games so far I've owned 0 cities that had mithril, I haven't seen any AI troops with mithril weapons, and it's generally not present anywhere unless someone is Nature. I mentioned this before and you looked at my map and counted 2 spots of it, so I decided to generate some maps and count it, all at normal size. So... Map 1: 0 mithril. Map 2: 0 mithril. Map 3: 1 mithril. Map 4: 0 mithril. Map 5: 2 mithril. Map 6: 3 mithril. ... OK, so the last two maps did have some. But is 2-3 mithril enough for a normal map? IMO, no, because it's unlikely I'll ever see it until it's not very important anymore. I'd prefer if there's more; it's a nice strategic reason to try to conquer specific cities or fight for specific settlement spots. All the other minerals seem fairly frequent, no issue there.

Looking at the minerals table, Mithril is 3-7% per ore generated depending on mineral settings and plane.

Normal mineral setting is 5% mithril on both planes and land types. This seems to match CoM I perfectly (1 slot out of 20 has Mithril on both hills and mountains).

(September 23rd, 2020, 22:59)Seravy Wrote: Looking at the minerals table, Mithril is 3-7% per ore generated depending on mineral settings and plane.

Normal mineral setting is 5% mithril on both planes and land types. This seems to match CoM I perfectly (1 slot out of 20 has Mithril on both hills and mountains).

OK; be that as it may, I checked multiple test maps that had 0 mithril. That doesn't seem like a system working the way it did in CoM, whether or not the number is the same. Unless it was normal in CoM1 for mithril to rarely appear in an entire plane.

(September 23rd, 2020, 23:48)jhsidi Wrote:
(September 23rd, 2020, 22:59)Seravy Wrote: Looking at the minerals table, Mithril is 3-7% per ore generated depending on mineral settings and plane.

Normal mineral setting is 5% mithril on both planes and land types. This seems to match CoM I perfectly (1 slot out of 20 has Mithril on both hills and mountains).

OK; be that as it may, I checked multiple test maps that had 0 mithril. That doesn't seem like a system working the way it did in CoM, whether or not the number is the same. Unless it was normal in CoM1 for mithril to rarely appear in an entire plane.

I'm guessing it was normal even in CoM I.
But better try than guess.

Map 1 : 0 mithril
Map 2 : 0 mithril
Map 3 : 0 mithril
Map 4 : 1 mithril

So yeah, mithril is actually super rare on Arcanus.

...also I have the feeling this slot based table isn't what CoM I currently uses but an older one.
Yep, the new CoM I table is literally the exact same table as CoM II's. I'm pretty sure it was even discussed on the forum and carefully adjusted for each mineral.
(( OreIron,    50,24,28,18,16,12,42,16,30,20,16, 8,0,0,0,0,0,0),
( OreCoal,     12,15,15,18,16,17,20,23,30,24,30,25,0,0,0,0,0,0),
( OreSilver,   18,25,25,18,25,15,25,40,12,18,12,13,0,0,0,0,0,0),
( OreGold,     16,30,25,36,33,41,9, 15,21,28,27,33,0,0,0,0,0,0),
( OreGems,      0,0,  0, 0, 0, 0,0,  0, 0, 0, 5, 7,65,20,65,20,65,20),
( OreMithril,   3,4,  5, 5, 7, 7,3,  4, 5, 5, 7, 7,0,0,0,0,0,0),
( OreAdamantium,0,1,  0, 3, 1, 3,0,  1, 0, 3, 1, 3,0,0,0,0,0,0 ),
( OreCrysx,     0,0,  0, 0, 0, 3,0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,30,55,30,55,30,55 ),
( OreQuork,     0,0,  0, 0, 0, 0,0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 2,0,20,0,20,0,20 ),
( OreOrihalcon, 1,1,  2, 2, 2, 2,1,  1, 2, 2, 2, 2,5,5,5,5,5,5 ));
Columns are in the order of
(arcanus, myrror) poor first then same for fair then rich for hills. Then next 6 column is the next tile type (mountain) then last 6 are deserts.

...wait, aren't Crysx the better crystals? I think those two are swapped...

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