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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

I'm not sure if the Archmage retort is working. When Omniscient increases power, gold, production etc it's shown somewhere, but adding mana to skill with Archmage has no visible effect. I thought that on previous games where I had Archmage, the Magic screen would show the bonus I'm receiving from the retort.

Anyway, here's a save where I have it:

It isn't shown separately, like Sage Master it is simply added to the total as part of the distribution calculation. Basically, it's coming from the power (or research) which was already listed as power income, it just converts at better than 100% ratio. So if anything it should appear below the wands not above as it is added after distribution. However it's already included in the amount shown in the wand so that would be confusing.

...or at least that's what it should be but it seems it's not included in the wand either. Might be a bug?
...Yeah, Archmage is completely missing in the SP calculation function. Now the question is, when should it apply, before or other AEther Binding and AEther Mastery. As far as I remember it applied last so it increased every source of SP.

Just downloaded and loaded up a new game, and I noticed that game is over1 GB now. I can't remember if this was the case in previous builds, but anyways, the graphics don't seem to be that much more complex than MOM. Is there a particular reason that the game files are so large now? Or is just a lack of compression during the non-release build?

The sound/music. Wav files are huge unfortunately.

Makes more sense to me for Archmage to apply on top of all sources. I feel like AEther Binding is a bit overpowered, though, so I can imagine it would specifically exclude that skill. AEther Mastery seems fine.

I believe you recently changed how rampaging monster stacks route -- they choose the least fortified city, right?

The problem is, they change targets each turn. I hope that's a bug. The result is a game of whack-a-mole -- you see the stack headed for a city, so you garrison that city a bit more. Then it reroutes to the next city. Repeat for as many cities as you have.

Also very exploitable -- to avoid a monster attack, just move some units out of a city that's too far for the stack to reach.

No, that's not a bug. It has been like this ever since the earlier versions of CoM I.
They only change targets if the difference in stack strength outweights the additional distance, compared to the monster's own stack strength. Basically weaker monster stacks are easier to scare away while stronger stacks won't care unless the change in garrison is significant.
In the current formula, 1 tile distance equals 1/32 of the monster stack's strength. This is identical to CoM I... or not. It looks like 32 was the initial version but it's now 24 in CoM I. So this needs to be updated.

-Fixed bug : Archmage has no effect.
-Fixed bug : Neutral stack targeting formula was outdated. (1/32 instead of 1/24 ratio of distance to stack strength difference)
-Neutrals now check for a path to exist to their intended destination.
-Debug keys will now display enabled/disabled status in a floating text message.
-Q button in combat now displays enabled/disabled status in a floating text message.
-During auto, when spells are countered, this is shown as a floating message.
-Added combat info icon for Inner Power.
-Added combat info icon for Good Moon.
-Added combat info icon for Bad Moon.
-Fixed bug : Mislead doesn't affect ranged attack.
-Fixed bug : The AI doesn't use healing on targets with 3 or less damage instead of 2 or less damage. (this caused neutral Shaman to not heal themselves. Note that they will still not heal if the attack damage outprioritizes the healing spell.)
-Fixed bug : random event help text doesn't show up
-Fixed bug : it was possible to raise irrecoverable dead and combat summons as undead.
-In automatic combat, instead of damage applying to all type of health pools at the same percentage rate, special health pools take damage equal to the actual damage amount whenever the attack is capable of dealing damage to them.
For example, when 15% damage is dealt to an army that has 100 HP out of which 20 is flying HP then the army will now have 85 HP and 5 flying HP remaining, instead of 85 HP and 17 flying HP.

When units lose a buff that includes extra HP after a battle, and they have taken damage, are they supposed to retain all of the damage at the lower health level, even into negative health?

I had a Halfing Bowmen buffed with Heroism and it lost all but 1 health in battle. Afterwards, it was showing up without any figures in the sprite, and in the next battle the top right corner their health bar was fully empty. When I healed it, instead of going to full 6 figures 1 HP each as I expected from what would have been a minimum of 1 health, they instead only recovered to 4 figures.

Quote:When units lose a buff that includes extra HP after a battle, and they have taken damage, are they supposed to retain all of the damage at the lower health level, even into negative health?

That's how it worked in the original game but sounds like two important details from CoM 1 are missing :
-Entering battle should set hp to 1
-The displayed unit should show 1 hp even if it has less.

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