As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

slaze, you are awesome. bow

Well I may not be putting much of a report together for the past defensive stand except for a shot of the power graph. Enough time has passed for the battles to be gone from the event log and the combat log is too hard to follow and my memory is a little shot. So ... here's what happened:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0380.jpg]

And to jump back to the present, here's what's happening now:

[Image: t196.jpg]

I spent alot of time deliberating over this. At a glance it looks like 7 Jannisaries can tee off on my longbows but the longbows give actually pretty good numbers when defending on a hill like this, largely to do with their promotions. Down the line, my longbows are
1 C4
4 C3
1 C1G1
5 C2
The C2 longbows defend 9 v 9 on the hill v a jannisary and the way the numbers stand, 35 v 13, I'm eager to take his attacks. I think his best attack move is cats, 4 knights then 7 Janns, which could do decent damage with some losses but then I'm still in good shape to take the city due to numbers. But after fighting with this guy for so many turns now and getting used to how he plays, I don't think he attacks. Maybe just throws cats and hopes I bombard. If unattacked, next turn i probably go cats, suicide Horse Archers and Longbows and the rest to raze the city. Probably cost me a bit and i get another power graph similar to the last one but I can't afford to take down defenses with those 4 Jannisaries heading that way.


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0381.jpg]

Last in everything but not all is bleak. I think I can get to maces in 6-8 turns and that should make attacking janns alot easier.

I took quite the beating there. He had a little more than I expected: 4 cats (I thought 3) and 6 Knights (I thought 4). Longbows went 4-8, not quite the tradeoff ratio I was looking for.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0382.jpg]

Shame about that one...

Nice withdrawal though. Cheers for the updates!

slaze Wrote:Well I may not be putting much of a report together for the past defensive stand except for a shot of the power graph. Enough time has passed for the battles to be gone from the event log and the combat log is too hard to follow and my memory is a little shot. So ... here's what happened:

Too bad - don't think I've ever seen such a symmetrical and big power drop (obviously I need to do more multiplayer). Would be nice if this game had a true "replay" feature like Warcraft 3. Still, thanks for the update.

Thanks alot for the updates thumbsup

The Spulla DoW means an update is in order...

If I may indulge in a bit of rumination on a dreary Friday afternoon:

I see a strong parallel in your experiences to the history of Russian warfare. The Russian method, demonstrated to great success in the Napoleonic wars as well as WWII, involves drawing the enemy deep into Russian territory, forcing the adversary to overextend his numbers and supply lines.

Once winter sets in, the enemy is then mercilessly pummeled by waves of impoverished and poorly armed [strike]peasants[/strike] [strike]serfs[/strike] Russians until attrition weakens the enemy allowing them to be driven out, (napoleon) or destroyed (Paulus, WWII)

I think the bits of conflict you've shared with us are very similar in character to this, for good reason. Like Russia, the Incan empire is marked by being very LARGE. This gives you the advantage the Russians had, and you used it just as well, drawing in the attacker, waiting for his supply lines to be long and for his stacks to split, and then striking with overwhelming numbers of inferior troops.

The comparisons to Russia will have to continue for you into the future as well, as once this conflict is over (like that in Russia) you will have to rebuild every bit as mercilessly as you fought!

I had the update finished and then my computer restarts on me for updates. great bang. Super short version.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0412.jpg]

Athlete wants to quit. Spend the rest of his units on sullla and have me end up with all his cities. I turn him down. If I get what I don't earn Sullla will have reason to fight me.

[Image: 212.jpg]

Taken at the beginning of the turn. I move 2 mounted to C and the guerilla longbows to the city. Sulla took a city at A last turn and Athlete re-took the city at B.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0418.jpg]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0419.jpg]

Oh man, a city raider 3 quechua winning battles after turn 200! That's awesome! bow

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