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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Quote:A tooltip might help (mouseover on the lock screen size check box, for example).
You can already right click that for help though...
A Quit button would be nice but there really is nowhere to put one, unfortunately.
It's actually quite strange now that you mention it, that most software do have a "Quit" in their file menu even though you can simply close the window with the X.

Quote:In the city menu, at the bottom, where the queue, clear, etc is located... perhaps the OK button should be consistent throughout the game
It's there because you typically want to press it when you added something to the queue so your mouse is already on that side. Swapping the queue with the building list then moving the button might work though, it's worth considering. Especially because the "Change" button that enters this screen is on that side too. I've added this to my todo list.

Quote:but there weren't a lot of eligible creatures in evidence when I worked through summons

This spell is mainly there to buff Efreets and Fire Giants specifically, both of which suffer from low resistance and to make the only combat summon better - other Chaos creatures work fine as is. In particular, negating the "low resistance" disadvantage of Efreets make it a gamewinning combo as resistance targeting spells are pretty much the only way to stop multiple efreets.
However the spell also offers synergy for creatures from other realms, especially Sorcery, but even Life has Phoenix.

Cleaning lands against Doomsday definitely isn't fun but removing the spell isn't the best way to solve it. While not a priority, eventually it might be worth adding an UI option to enable units with purify to automatically move onto the next nearest corrupted tile after they finish their work on the current one.
Chaos and Death can't protect cities from each other, but that doesn't mean Doomsday specifically targets Death. It's also effective against any other realm if they missed getting the one spell that can protect cities, or haven't researched it yet. In fact, it's useful even if they do have the spells - the corruption is cancelled but the +5 unrest still works.
I consider Meteor Storm the main micromanagment hell in the game but even that is partially solved by the "rebuild everything" setting that puts the destroyed things back to the building queue. It won't be optimal but I can either get rid of Meteor Storm somehow quickly or I'm losing them game, rebuilding optimally will still leave me with a huge disadvantage over time. So it doesn't matter all that much, and Doomsday is pretty much similar. I can't remember a single game when purifying the tiles made the difference.

(November 18th, 2020, 15:32)Seravy Wrote:
Quote:  Ranged attack icons for Elven Archer are shown as magical.
Not a bug, that hero does have a magical ranged attack.
Alorra Vanilla was modified then. A +attack bow increases her magical ranged attack now. Hm … what if she could equip wand, staff and bow instead of melee weapon and bow? Why would a female Elven Archer want to run around with a Mace?
Quote:There should be tiny scroll buttons next to the enchantments. It's a bit hard to see due to lack of space.
Oh, I didn’t see the tiny arrows! Do I need glasses? Otherwise they work just fine. 
How about writing the globals in the color of their realm and using the light blue color for the inactive arrows?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)


Any chance I could get a download link for the alpha?

I am running Windows 10 64 bit.

I had recently been playing CoM 1 and making comments about CoM 1 in other threads, but I think it might be more fun to join in the CoM 2 conversations instead!

Played an entire game in one sitting on minimal land mass 1v1. Had a GREAT time.

Nearly had a heart attack when I realized how small the world was against a nature death wizard.

The increased number of wizards, and the shockingly large variety in map sizes (huge was HUGE) has been a breath of fresh air.

The only bug I ran into was that a tower which I conquered containing a great wyrm and 2 behemoths... regenerated the next turn. I didn't do anything super fancy, just magician stack and ranged attack damage. Once conquered the tower had the colored broken top graphic (love that), but when I tried to move the next unit through, the nature guardians were alive again.

The other feeback I had was the  altar of peace spell. It should give some tiny amount of research minimally instead of zero. Perhaps make the math 16 + (-12 to +8) instead of 12 + (-12 to +12). Or whatever value you tihink balanced. Feels bad to have a 4 cost per turn city enchant generating... nothing. Personally, I think 4 minimally would make it a wash (you could invest 4 into RP instead of the upkeep) and you lost the casting time already. War is inevitable.

Also, I noticed Earth Lore is very inexpensive (10 cost) but only reveals a 4x4 (very small bit?) of the map. On my huge map game... I shuddered to think how many casts it would take to reveal myrror. Perhaps make it scale with map size if that's possible? Maybe it costs 10 and reveals 4x4 on a minimal, but costs a scaling amount and reveals a scaling amount as game size increases? I don't know how hard that would be to code. Just brainstorming.

Time to dive back in.

Why scale up earth lore if you can just cast more? In the early game you don't necessarily have any more Mana/casting skill than smaller map sizes, so you'd want to cast the small version carefully.

Your comment about early casting skill is very valid. The final answer is that the spell probably isn't worth the hassle of upscaling.

A system with a drop down menu where you picked say, "25, 49, 81, or 121 mana" for 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, or 11x11 would be ideal, but probably a hassle to implement and not worth the time.

When you realize it might take 1000 separate casts to reveal one maximal map, it's a lot. I gave up and just used Pegasi after I broke through. It wasn't worth it even though I had a steady mana income and really really wanted to see what was going on in that plane early.

I'm just providing feedback as I play about things I found excellent, of which there are many, and things which made me pause. I think both are valuable to the development process. Or at least so I hope.

Probably this Earth Lore discussion is a matter of Seravy's intent for the purpose of the spell. It is probably not INTENDED to explore a map (Clairvoyance very rare spell for that), but rather see inside your wizard pact friend next door's empire without blowing up your diplomacy. Which makes the very small reveal size have better relative worth.

The overall game balance is excellent for most of the spells, units, etc. Seravy's work on the enemy wizard AI alone has elevated the game beyond any predecessor. Not to mention the (relatively) bug free experience. The removal of crash inducing caps such as the 18 total unit combat crash is cause for celebration all by itself! There is so much to love in this version of the game.

I'm just trying to provide feedback about the little things as I experience them. There is a delicious tension when you have to agonize over multiple great choices, and I think fresh eyes can help find things. Even if later my ignorance will seem quaint.

Added Earth Lore to my list to test.

Quote:Sometimes if a hero is summoned and the left mouse button is pressed before the summoning animation ends, no hero (or hire screen) will appear.

I wasn't able to reproduce this one. Any special conditions needed to trigger it?

(November 11th, 2020, 17:01)massone Wrote: Stoning Touch on Cockatrices with Confusion seems to be bugged. Just had a battle where a confused Cockatrice is barely damaging War Bears. I replicated by replaying the battle and it was the same result. War Bears have only 6 res, against Stoning Touch -4 on 4 figures they should be getting wiped out easily, not surviving with 2 figures after 4 attacks.

In the upper left area, send Wolf Riders into the neutral stack then confuse the Cockatrices to replicate.

"transfer expired"...hasn't even been 2 weeks, geez.

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