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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Yeah that's a really old post, the unit was improved after that.

Quote:Also i dont think poison works on ghouls ranged attack.

All touch attacks have no effect it seems. Fixed for the next update, coming after I finish today's test play session.


-Fixed bug : Touch attacks have no effect (including poison)

Well, some good came of the discussion then. smile

I agree that Beastmen as a whole are just fine. Minotaurs do their end game work.

I'll try Beastmen out specifically next game to play with the manticores a bit more. Flying poison at range might be more useful for clearing out neutral towns than I think. Sounds like ghouls will be nastier as well now too.

I'm trying to mix up my world size, starting conditions, races, etc each game to facilitate bug searching.

My suggestions are merely thoughts as I play. CoM 2 is further along and more bug free than most early access games I've bought on Steam. It's been fun hunting for the last few bugs to be found, and you fix them so fast! It has been a real pleasure thus far.

I wish people didn't get so hung up on graphics, because CoM 2 is a real gem. Deserving of more attention than it will get, probably.

I would argue CoM 2 is better than Stardock's Elemental series (all of them), all other MoM clones which are usually bug riddled, the AoW series and the Endless Legend strategy games. Paradox as a developer suffers from endless post release game overhaul and feature bloat in all their games such as Europa Universalis, and Stellaris. I have probably 2500 hours played in Civ 5 so that's a tough call, but to even be having an internal debate about this game versus Civilization is a tremendous accolade. I suppose it was all the mods that puts Civ over the top in the end, not the base games themselves.

If you were, in a magical world, able to shift from squares to hexes, and hire the art team from the Blizzard's Starcraft 2 universe this game would be the blockbuster strategy hit of 2021.

Don't sell it to the big studios though. Please. They would ruin it for sure.

Well, Slitherine has the exclusive rights to publish it so that won't be happening.

As if on cue, my game repeatably locked up (no response) upon taking a big nature node.

This is the 22Nov2020 build. Take the nature node next to the hero stack. I suspect it is a spellbook / retort overflow issue. 9N 7L 2C with warlord & myrran. Game freeze occurs upon killing the last Earth Elemental in the node (treasure generation, I'm sure).

On the plus side, I guess I can move on to the 26Nov2020 build now. Was such a perfect game though.

The spell one gets from taking a tower. Is it guaranteed to be a spell you don't have in the research queue? I have been disincentivizing taking towers in the thought process that I needed to finish as much research as possible to maximize the probability that I would get an additional spell.

Stupid question. The treasure in a node is a fixed value, correct? If I throw in a stack to kill part of the node garrison, and the node is taken by a 2nd stack, this doesn't decrease the treasure value of the node. Similarly, the Call of the Wild spell pre-removing part of a node garrison doesn't lower the reward I am guessing. All of that True?

Treasure value and type is predetermined, yes.

Spells are given in the following order of priority :
-Spell you can't research
-Spell you can research but don't see yet
-Spell you can already see
-Spell you already started researching
-Replacement mana crystals if you have all spells of the tier already researched.

This has been that way even in CoM I the past few years.

Updated :

-Fixed bug : Counter for failed attempts to generate a found retort is not increased.
-Fixed bug : Overland hotkeys F9 and F10 were not swapped
-Fixed bug : Finding retorts from treasure fails because it checks for available picks remaining.
-Fixed bug : Doom displays wrong ability icon
-Auto combat will not use the spell Magic Vortex
-Fixed bug : Necromancy causes a crash if there is a dead hero.
-Safe fleeing is now unavailable if any unit on the player's side is affected by an immobilization effect or confusion.
-Fixed bug : Warp Wood animation Y position is set wrong when cast by AI
-The AI will not use Shatter, Warp Creature and Vertigo on units that are good targets for Warp Wood when Warp Wood is known.
-The AI will not target units affected by Shatter or Black Sleep with Warp Wood.
-The AI has a reduced chance to target units affected by Web, Confusion or Vertigo by Warp Wood.
-Fixed bug : The last page in the research book is not reachable if the number of pages is odd.
-Fixed bug : When research is complete the page sometimes doesn't turn to where the research list is.
-Wizard relations are now clickable on the human player's portrait as well.

What does everyone think about the AI's mana saving decision? I didn't have all that many battles this game so far but can't help noticing I lost much fewer units because my enemy is not wasting mana casting Confusion in unwinnable fights. Which ultimately hurts him. The units that didn't die will attack him again later.

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