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Got my new Graphics Card installed. I wasn't concerned at all beforehand.. I had already changed a GPU once after all. It's so easy!
Well, there's this little cable labeled POWER SW that had come loose from the motherboard when I swapped the GPU's. After 4 hours of grueling troubleshooting and maximum frustration, I finally noticed it.
I wonder how many of those google results I looked up had the same problem and never found the solution.
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I've resolved the text corruption issue in Planescape Torment, at least for now. *Crosses fingers* The trick for the Switch version is to "uninstall" the updates and then redownload them. Now the Nameless One and friends are inside the Great Foundry and are trying to look for Ravel.
As for which game to buy next, I decided on Ni No Kuni.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.
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Planescape Torment is done! The Nameless One merged with 3 prior incarnations, and then The Transcendent One after having a conversation about "What can change the nature of a man?" He resurrected his companions, only to be sentenced to fight in the Blood War.
It's worth playing for the story and unconventional setting, but be sure to turn the difficulty down to Beginner. (And Beginner isn't as easy as Picnic in an Etrian Odyssey game.) Combat is an inferior version of Baldur's Gate, and it's particularly bad in Curst and the Prison.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.
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Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is going well so far. The 1st playthrough is a normal one, but there is potential for variants if I'm inclined to replay it in the future. Some ideas:
Single Element: Only Sun, Moon, Star, or Planet type familiars can be used. Oliver's 1st familiar is Sun type, though he gets a Star summon as part of the plot. Esther the 2nd human character begins with a Moon familiar. You can't recruit more familiars until clearing the Temple of Trials. Haven't seen any Planet type monsters yet, so Planet Only would effectively be Human Only for the early game.
Single Genus: If you want to play Ni No Kuni as if it were Dragon Warrior Monsters, try this. Both games divide monsters into "families". "Aves only" would be the equivalent of a "Bird only" challenge.
No Metamorphosis: Pokemon are more interesting to play as when they don't evolve, right? Forgoing metamorphosis gives you no benefits like learning Spore, as far as I can tell. And familiars use the HP and MP of their summoner, so you can't treat them as disposable troops in boss battles.
Human Only: Attempt this only if you want to repeat the mistake of my Human only challenge in Dragon Quest 5. Large parts of both games are effectively a solo challenge with these rules. (Still have bad memories of that volcano in DQ5. . .) Oliver is a Black Mage with MP inefficient spells that are linked to story progression rather than character level. Esther is the Bard, who also guzzles MP. Swaine seems to be the Thief, but I haven't gotten far enough to try him in battle yet. Grinding will be annoying once all the enemies on the map start running away from you!
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.
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Still having fun with Ni No Kuni. I have to complain about one puzzle in particular, though. In the Vault of Tears, there's a room with two statues and pressure plates with pictures of frogs pointing in various directions. The puzzle suggests that you have to make the statues "leapfrog" around the room, which I understood to mean moving them around the pressure plates.
Guess what you're supposed to do? Switch the two statues' starting locations, since the pressure plates are just meant to distract you. Had to look up a guide to finish the room. This is why I usually dislike puzzles in RPGs. You have to read the developers' minds to figure out the solution. The leapfrog room isn't as bad as the Sierra "throw pie at the yeti" method, but is still frustrating.
(There are a few exceptions to my "puzzles in RPGs are annoying" attitude. Wild Arms has tools similar to items in Zelda. Baldur's Gate 2 has riddles that make you think, but are not obtuse.)
I'm mainly using the same familiars that I acquired early in the game, including the first 3 you get for Oliver before meeting Esther. Metamorphosis requires uncommon items, and leveling up monsters takes long enough that I don't feel like trying out new ones. Feeding monsters treats increases their stats and more move slots too, so Ni No Kuni seems to encourage investing a lot in a few familiars and ignoring the rest.
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.
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I've played a lot of video games prior to 2019 but now I'm on an extended break it seems. Last game I've played was League of Legends, lot and lot of hours spent in that game (thousands). I had fun playing support and mid in ranked. My most successful champ was Nami, I could have 10 wins streak with her. I don't really miss playing this game though.
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"Dorfromantik", a German indie game was released in early access this morning. It's sort of a puzzle/city builder/relaxing zen game. Only 8 Euros, check the trailer to see if it appeals to you  :
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Monster Train - DLC "The Last Divinity" is out now.
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Ni No Kuni is finally over! I decided I'd had enough of this game after a loss in the bloated final boss battles. I dropped the difficulty to Easy to get it over with, which isn't as mindless as you think. Still had to regularly heal, restore magic points, revive fallen characters, and defend against special attacks.
Ni No Kuni should have ended after Nevermore. Shadar's defeat and redemption is a much better finale than the White Witch arc, and it still would have been a 30 hour RPG. The White Witch plot involves a few towns filled with zombies and a true final dungeon.
Can't complain about Ni No Kuni's graphics and sound, but here are some annoyances, particularly pacing issues:
-It takes about 50 minutes to get from the start of the game to the first save point. As far as I can tell, you can't even save on the world map.
-You don't get a "warp to town" spell for a long time, and there's no "exit the dungeon" spell or item that I've found. This makes navigation in the early game tedious.
-You can't recruit familiars in the wild until you rescue Esther, in the second city.
-The AI is suicidal, like in many action RPGs. Swaine wants to steal items no matter how grim the situation is. I controlled him or his familiars for much of the game just to prevent him from doing this. Human characters are especially weak since familiars get all the good equipment.
-If you want to try out different familiars, prepare to grind! Monsters have a low catch rate, and start at a low level once you recruit them. When you metamorphose a monster, it returns to Level 1 while carrying over a fraction of its former stats. Once you get into the high 50s for the final battles, you'll have to hunt down rare "Toko" type enemies for decent experience.
-Item crafting exists in Ni No Kuni, and it's the tedious kind where you have to go out of your way to look for ingredients on the world map. I didn't bother with it for the most part.
To be fair, you can get through most of Ni No Kuni if you do the majority of the sidequests, but I'm getting sick of slow RPGs like this. Does anyone have suggestions for fast-paced RPGs on the Switch? (Super Nintendo style RPGs are close to what I'm looking for.) For now, I might do another Pokemon solo or something. . .
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.
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(March 30th, 2021, 15:21)Herman Gigglethorpe Wrote: Does anyone have suggestions for fast-paced RPGs on the Switch? (Super Nintendo style RPGs are close to what I'm looking for.) For now, I might do another Pokemon solo or something. . .
Don't know whether you already played it or isn't interested in it, but For The King game which already has a thread here at realms beyond, also do have a switch version besides PC (at least in my country).
It is fairly fastpaced, after being used to it, it usually takes 3 hours to finish one game of FTK and you can replay it with different team setups or solo games.