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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Quote:So if it is in a stack with normal units, it walks like it has corporeal movement?

Yes, it has always been that way in every version of the game.

(May 26th, 2021, 11:49)Seravy Wrote:
Quote:So if it is in a stack with normal units, it walks like it has corporeal movement?

Yes, it has always been that way in every version of the game.

All right. I always thought this was a bug. lol

In 1.05.. Does not seem like the minimum values in modding.ini for lairs are being respected. I set all minimums and maximums to 7000 and 7200 respectively, and I am still running across lairs with 1 or 2 war bears, or phantom warriors, and so on. According to the units.ini, the phantom warriors should only have a lair cost of 30, so with a minimum of 7000 I should never run into *just* phantom warriors ever. The maximum side of thing seems to be working, at least.

Unless, something else is happening here?

Yes, something else is happening.

In addition to the normal lairs, each player gets 3 "starting lairs" near their fortress city. The budget for those is not in the modding.ini file yet, and is 100-150.
It'll be added to the file once I reach the starting city generation parameters but it might be only after the next update.

(May 26th, 2021, 14:58)Seravy Wrote: Yes, something else is happening.

In addition to the normal lairs, each player gets 3 "starting lairs" near their fortress city. The budget for those is not in the modding.ini file yet, and is 100-150.
It'll be added to the file once I reach the starting city generation parameters but it might be only after the next update.

I see. Thank you.

Version 1.00.05

At the bottom of the resources window in the city screen, there is a small area where money income pops up instead of research

Just found a very awesome "repeat" function in the build queue, hadn't noticed that one before for some reason, but it still says "2. Trade Goods" as next item on the list.
But the next thing being build arfter this unit is not trade goods. It's another unit. Prolly the main reason I hadn't noticed the function before. Shouldn't it be "2. Repeat"?

From Changes.txt: "Updated Housing formula to contain the "minimal 40" feature already included in CoM I."
But as far as I can tell housing stops at 13 population. Meaning the formula is missing the +40
If this is intended, housing should prolly automatically change to trade goods once housing no longer produce any population growth.

Some minor clipping of the gold into nabouring windows. Income of 306 gold here. (I could prolly reach around 700-800 gold with a little trouble..)
But good to see that you now can have over 255 in gold income, yay! =)

ChaosChanneled units are fantastic units and shouldn't recieve xp, right? Alorra still gets xp as normal. Both turn xp and battle xp.
Edit: Hmm.. Seems that this was changed in MOM 1.4, this is prolly intended then.. Removes quite a bit of the drawbacks from casting chaos channel on heroes..
33% chance to get a flying hero that you can't dispel.. That is a strong uncommon spell..

93) ToHit of 72% on Alorra
40% base +10% overland spell Survival instinct because fantastic +15% blademaster and + 7% soul Linker = 72% ToHit on level 3 no item hero.
A unit that can give Soul Linker to itself, neat..
A level 9 hero would give 22,5% ToHit and ToDefend..
Super Soul Linker (*) would give 33,75% ToHit and ToDefend to -all- my Chaos channeled heros..
A hero with luck and Super Soul Linker would have 73% chance to defend.. I got to try that..
With life spells such as Holy Armor and prayer we reach 93% ToDefend.
With guardian perk or Dark Force we can go above 100% ToDefend.
Looks like Chaos is the new "Buff heros insanely", instead of life books. (And it even can't be dispelled)
This togehter with Warp Reality or Chaos Surge seems pretty neat too.
(A shame the "supernatural"-skill already challenges this immortal hero build..)
Note: I havn't actually tested this out yet.

Hero Abilities: Under Soul linker the manual still refer to the old weaker version of Soul linker.
Edit: Seems a lot of stuff is outdated, guess you know this.

Stasis on low resist units.
Units of low (5-6) resist, affected by an overland stasis, used to get disbanded by the AI. Dosn't seem to be the case anymore.
Was an exploit in MOM when cast on enemy citys because they disbanded most early game defence, but now it just freezes units outside citys for the rest of the game?

Casting stasis on a group of units overland, they can move for their next turn before they freeze. Tested several times. Seems consistent.

AI cast change terrain to make a forest into grassland, then cast change terrain to make the grassland into forest..
Sometimes the same square goes back and forth several times in the same turn.

The AI planeshifted a Trireme with full load of units from a small lake into land on Myrran, was in a group with Wolf Riders (Pathfinding).
One wolf rider also had water walking. The ship managed to move to water from the land tile.
I will have to try and find a save of this later.

Dwarf can build fantastic Stables? I think this is a typo. I can't seem to find this anywhere (Tree of knowledge is cast)

Note: Spell Binding seems to be working now, yay! I can cast it 5 times and no more, no crashes. Havn't seen the AI cast it yet.

88. Fixed for the next update.
89. Will be added to the next update
90. Bug, the minimal 40 was applied one step earlier in the formula than intended.
It'll be still possible to get less than 40 but only through rebels or assigning your workers to do farming.
91. Adjusted the positioning for the next update
92. Chaos Channeled units get XP. Not a bug.
93. Yes, Soul Linker works very well for Chaos heroes.
94. No, I have no idea, do tell me which ones are wrong.
95. Yes, making the AI disband their garrison was an exploit. The frozen units might still be useful by blocking the path or just generally being annoying so the AI keeps them until they would get disbanded naturally for being obsolete. As far as I remember it's also possible to dispel Stasis from units with Disenchant Area tho the AI doesn't do that yet.
96. The spell only prevents units from restoring their move points at the start of the AI's turn, it doesn't set the amount to zero, so units that didn't move last turn likely can move once.
I've fixed that for the next version, let me know if the problem persists. It's possible that there is more than one source of the bug.
97. Likely caused by shared tiles between two cities. I'll adjust the AI to not do that conversion on shared tiles.
98.Technically not a bug, it was always possible to plane shift a boat onto land, it just isn't something the AI should be doing. I'll add a rule to only shift Sailing stacks if the target is water.
99. As far as I remember, that list doesn't check whether the OTHER requirement is already built or available for the race, in this case, Dwarves cannot build normal Stables.

Probably already reported/fixed, but in the current GoG version focus magic nagas don't get the bonus +2 range attack when under sorcery node aura.

I managed to activate the "no extra sliding mana for spell" bug somehow. (See movie)
Not sure how.. Because I just cast every spell in the game in this session.. In many different games.
Entering combat and casting Dispelling wave gave me an active slider and removed the bug again.

While the bug was active I could cast disjunction even though there was no overland spells, without any warning.
Arfter the sliding mana bug was fixed again, it gave me a warning about no overland spells when I tried again.

(Please see the video for number 105, I cast two spells both with sliders. I din't even notice that the sliders was missing till arfter I made the video.. He.)

Dispelling city enchanment, when dispelling more than 4 spells at a time it only reports first 3.

I can track enemy groups that I have no ideer about where is (no vision) with planeshift, Nature's cures and Floating island.

I can track enemy groups that I have no ideer about where is (no vision) by dispelling their spells. Also I can dispel their spells..

I can cast stasis, firestorm and blizzard on enemy groups with no vision.

I can disenchant stasis I have cast on the enemy units, this of course might have some few cases where it is usefull..

I can cast spell blast even though I don't have contact to other wizards

Why is AEther binding SP and units SP red, but Research not green?

No popup text for Sky fires in battle (Fate Mastery is called Sky fires in battles for some reason)

Heavenly Light should give 3 mana but gives 5 mana instead

Eternal Night says "twice the normal amount of bonus attack." And nothing else. But it also gives double defence that it forgets to mention..
Reported this back in number 65. You might have changed this for 1.00.06 already?

Eternal Night says "All non-death units controlled by other wizards lose 1 resistance."
Dosn't seem to be the case. (Tested on 5 groups of Merlins units)

Eternal Night stat boost is active on my unit on the overland map.
Was moving between the planes with the unit when a bad moon event triggerede, was the selected unit and the only affected unit.
Note: +1 hitpoint from charm life. +2 range attack and +2 resistance from Reinforce Magic.
The 2 Melee, 2 range, 2 defence and 1 res is from eternal night. The negative 2 resistance is from bad moon.

Arfter a fight the units stats is back to normal. Removing the overland spell Eternal Night also works.

City Enchantments still have the same problem with scrolling in one game removes the arrows in another game. Same as in number 20 and kinda same as 22 and 67.

City production: Dwarf says 2 production per worker and 50% bonus, this gives +1 production for "Dwarven Workers" meaning it is 3 production per worker. (Same with Klackon).
But this production dosn't count as base production and isn't multiplied by any of the spells or buildings. Meaning that their production bonus is very tiny lategame.

Workers, farmers, smithy and sawmill counts as base production and is multiplied by everything with % in it.
(Terrain, Omniscient, Forester Guild, Miner's guild, Mechanician's Guild, Inspiration..)
But "Dwarven Workers" bonus isn't touched by anything.

The Dwarf 50% worker bonus only becomes a 10-15% production bonus in a big life city with Inspiration (Around 200% bonus).
And around 20% in non-life big citys (around 100% building bonus).
(Looked at some big citys and used 30% for Terrain here, Foresters 10%, Miner 25%, Mechanic 35%). Also nature citys often gets a nice terrain bonus from Gaia's blessing.

Consecration still dosn't remove Corruption. Still same problem as back in number 49. (Removes it on only two squares, the town square and the square that is one up and one left.)
Note: Gaia's blessing removes corruption correctly now.

Because of power link there is some crazy power spikes for a single turn, but that seems to just shortly get me up to 2x power, triggering the win condition. If I fall below 2x power shouldn't it get removed again? Or maybe be at 2x power for a few turns? Dunno.. Seems like a easy way to win vs many.

Yet another monster invasion with no monsters at all. (The one neutral boar unit was spawned from a cave earlier, not from the event).
Samt as in number 51, number 84 at the least spawned some units at the poles. =)
Call the Wild spell is active.

Bad moon event says "All units lose 2 resistance during combat". But it also gives the -2 on the overland map too.
See video in 112

If a hero has Pandora's Box and is in the corner of the screen often the monsters will appear off screen and can't be moved.

I used warp creature + life drain to kill a Guardian Spirit, but it didn't get raised as undead.

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