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Almost forgot to play my turn due to the little pause.
The peace deal with Lazteuq is up next turn. As you can see he garrisoned his border city again with some wounded units. So there was some fighting between him an GKC. Now I don't see a way to break through his border city in the near future. Only catapults and/or knights will break that. But I don't need to break through his border right now. There is enough internal development that I can do and here on the border I have every advantage on my side:
- Freeja has more food (3 resources) and production (1 stone 3-4 more hills) capabilities then Hampback (0 food resources and 1 hill)
- Best way to secure the border will be by cultural dominance via my religion and culture buildings
- Thanks to the mountain 2N I will always have vision on his border city
- I plan to station a galley with 2 units on it 1E of the fish tile. Those can easily be shifted to Freeja or Fireburg in case of an attack
- Speaking of water another good way to break his defense is a naval assault on his coast. But even that is more difficult due to his AGG trait and well trained axeman.
I'm also very happy about my western ans southern border, because Mjmd and Ramk are at war again. My scout is almost at the northern border of Mjmd and it has  with it.
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Next turn I can change civics again, which I will do. Returning to Slavery and Organized Religion. For that I setup almost every city to be whipped next turn. This will not only give me a noticable boost in power, but I will also overflow into libraries and religious buildings almost everywhere. Religious buildings because I do want to get the AP and Spiral Minaret and libraries to turn my massive hammer output into science without Alphabet. After that short time of slavery I will return to Serfdom and Paganism for a longer time, because I don't have anything important to build and can grow my cities real big and running scientist everywhere.
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Switched into Slavery and Organized Religion as planned this turn. This is F2 before the switch
and after:
That's 18 gold less just because of the civic swap. I then started whipping away 10 pop in total and assigned tiles apropiately. This is F2 after the sacrifice.
Even though I lost 6 commerce from tile yields and specialists the overall loss is only 1, because maintenance also shrinked.
In international news Mjmd settled a jungle town on the isthmus between us, which is absolutely fine. I also wanted to mention that civac ate AT almost completely and is already a beast of an empire. Rusten/Miguelito is the next strongest power on that continent. I hope they can resist him long enough, before the concessions drop like flies.  Just for the record I won't concede even if he owns his whole continent.
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Haven't reported in a while due to lack of any interesting stuff happening domestically. Of course there is some development internationally like AT being eaten by civac. Hi AT
If you look at crop yield you can't really tell that I whipped away 12 pop by now. Major event this/last turn is that GKC also declared war on Ramk. This might be a dogpile on Ramk. Good thing I have a galley ready in case I need to step in as new manager for Ramks islands to my south. But I will only do that if he's obviously falling apart.
Also had a nice little chat with Mjmd, which reminded me about the great small talk back in PB52. Really enjoyed that back then. Since our two work boats are on the same course to world's end we named them Batman and Robin. Wonder if people ever noticed all the names I gave my workboat.
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The war between Ramk and GKC is real and GKC captured the border isthmus city between them. That city is actually very close to Ramks core. I think Ramk might sue for peace with Mjmd soon as he will need everything to defend against GKC. In order to help him defend against the leading player on our continent I gifted my fur to Ramk, which he has none off. I have more then enough happiness as of now.
What can also see there is that I settled another city this turn: Snowding Town from this little game called Undertale. It's the first real and proper town of the game, home to one of the hilarious main characters and comes along with some beautiful music. Listen here to a beautiful orchestral arrangement by Materia Collective of the track:
By the way does anybody know if there is anyway to embed aboves link here in the forum similar to like you can display and play youtube videos here?
Main purpose of settling Snowin Town was to grab and secure some additional mainland territory as well as making it harder for Lazteuq to settle that wine island. In the long run this will be a minor commerce city.
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It doesn't look like RB supports bandcamp's embedded player code:
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 470px;" src="" seamless><a href="">FALLEN: An Undertale Tribute by Thomas Kresge</a></iframe>
Youtube works though:
Thank you for your reports as always. I do mean to play Undertale at some point, too...
June 20th, 2021, 16:39
(This post was last modified: June 20th, 2021, 16:39 by Charriu.)
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Yes, I also unsuccessfully tried that in the testing section of the forum.
Also try to go unspoiled into Undertale. It's worthwhile that way.
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Switched into Serfdom and Paganism again. Reduced maintenance by 10 and commerce increased by 7, so +17 in total + the added worker turns for my now 7 workers.
Ramk accepted the fur gift. I also found GKC's main army heading towards Ramk's capitol. It's not looking great for Ramk and should he not die by this then he's definitely out of the race. Mjmd is still at war with Ramk. I doubt he will sign peace with Ramk, but nonetheless I felt it's important to know for him that GKC is a much bigger threat. Therefore I send Mjmd a "stop trading with GKC for stop trading with GKC" deal. I noticed that GKC only has open borders with us two and Rusten. If we both close borders it will hurt GKC's economy, while ours are unaffected due to more then enough trade partners that we found on our world tour. This might also serve as a warning for Mjmd.
As you can see Machinery is in in 2 turns. After that I will do a quick dip into archery to be able to build crossbowman and then everything goes towards Theology in order to build the AP and then bulb Divine Right.
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Ramk lost a city to Mjmd and his capitol isn't well defended right now. I might need to act sooner on his island city then expected, but I also need to wait until it grew once as I discovered with one of my galleys. I doubt it already grew. But his workers chopped the jungle and he worked a 3 food tile last turn, so it must be at atleast 3/22 food, so at least 7 turns. By the way his island city only contains an archer and I hope that stays that way.
Mjmd didn't accept my trade embargo offer.
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I have to say it always feels good not to be the - or one of the - first to die in a big PB.