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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

The total number of spells in each spell tier has to stay the same.

10 of each common, 10 of each uncommon, 12 of each rare and 12 of each very rare. Otherwise most spell related functions expecting these numbers will malfunction.

But Arcane has less spells than the other realms. So how does making spells from a colored realm Arcane work?

It generally doesn't work unless you want an Arcane spell to become Nature common.
More extensive spell modding will be added at a later time but I'll need to first come up with ideas how to do it.

Switching around the realms of Summoning Circle and Nature's Eye also crashed, so no, even that doesn't work.

I thought AI wizards had a cooldown before breaking treaties? I made a wizard's pact with Ss'ra (ruthless personality) and he broke it the next turn. Here's the save file for the turn before he breaks it, although I can't be sure he'll repeat:

Also quick question. I've seen people discussing 1.1. My Gog version is on 1.01.00. Is that what is meant by 1.1? Or is Gog stuck back on an old version?

Bug report: Disabling spells doesn't stop neutrals or animated dead units with Caster from casting them.

Disabling spells prevents wizards from researching or obtaining the spell.

To disable spells on heroes or neutral units, you have to remove the spell from the hero or unit data.

(July 4th, 2021, 17:29)jhsidi Wrote: I thought AI wizards had a cooldown before breaking treaties? I made a wizard's pact with Ss'ra (ruthless personality) and he broke it the next turn. Here's the save file for the turn before he breaks it, although I can't be sure he'll repeat:

Also quick question. I've seen people discussing 1.1. My Gog version is on 1.01.00. Is that what is meant by 1.1? Or is Gog stuck back on an old version?
Yeah, 1.1 is 1.01.00.

I got the win condition before I've even broken through to the other plane. 

I got some early sorcery nodes and a few neutral cities with sprites and then there was a sorcery conjunction where I put all my magic points into SP, so my power income and spell power were much higher than other wizards, which might have triggered it. But I'd not actually conquered any other wizard's cities yet.

151) (again)
Pestilence on all the AI's city and no dispelling for 130 turns, that game have the same error. So will wait for update before anything more on this subject.
(...) finished casting Disenchant Area
No target, spell failed!

Sharees army is something like
Fantastic units: 130 Arch angels, 30 Werewolves, 30 Shadow Demons, 15 demons

Sharee starts casting Heroism
Sharee finished casting Heroism
Spell target :Swordsmen
Casting heroism on swordsmen, at this stage of the game, that is a bit underwhelming..

A few turns arfter she is casting Herosim again.

Sharee starts casting Heroism
Total cost : 49
Sharee casting progresses by : 49
Sharee casting progresses by : 0
Sharee finished casting Heroism
Spell target not found!
No target, spell failed!

Her normal units are: 1 swordsmen with heroism, 1 spearmen with heroism and a group of stag beetels without heroism..
(The stag beetls are all Elite rank already).
Se savegame in number 182

Advanced AI Sharee have 3 citys that are in complete ruins. She have her standard mana income from her fortress, 2 Magic markets as only mana buildings and one node that gives 17 mana.
That should prolly be around 60 power income. That really should limit her in power income, but nope.. She has power income of 1947.
No spells, skills or retorts that give mana income..
Power Income =1947
Mana upkeep to pay =1340
Remaining Mana Income =607

(She have 10x my power Income that is only 237, from my node and maxed out citys).
Demon lord and Arch Angel has an upkeep of 18, both give Primal force that give 12 mana income.
She have 123 Arch angels x primal force (12 mana) that is 1476 mana income. That is still way off.. But wait, the AI gets a 25% bonus to mana income too.. 1476*1,25=1845 neatly explaining her massive power income.

This is only an advanced game, so the upkeep reduction should only be 50%. 123 Arch Angel x 18x0.5 = 1107 upkeep, her city spells, overland spells, unit buffs and other summoned units seems to match the rest.
Each Arch Angel/demon lord on just Advanced difficulty gives 15 mana and cost the AI 9 mana in upkeep. (On Lunatic that is 27 mana income for 5,4 mana cost).
Because of the large upkeep reduction and mana bonus the AI have, all death and life AI wizards can cast infinit units and gain unlimmited power income. That.. Feels broken to play against.. Especially on smaller maps with limited mana income and high levels of difficulty..

Why does she still have swordsmen and spearmen guarding her citys in turn 255 when she have 123 Arch Angels? (Prolly because her citys are small and broken, but still..)
Se savegame from 182

Didn't we already fix this back in number "37 (again)"?
Holy weapon text "giving +1 to-hit bonus in combat" should maybe be "+10% to-hit bonus" instead?

The Elven Archer have 10% too high chance of hitting ranged attacks. I'm guessing this is intended too? Like in number 174 with the Huntress.
A bit weird that two heros have a hidden bonus to hit..
See savegame in 186

Holy arms gives 10% to hit in melee, but the beastmaster also gets 10% ranged bonus from this spell..

I belive that I read somewhere, that Fortress citys shouldn't spawn in node auras anymore, can't seem to figure out where/if I read that?
AI fortress just spawned in node aura..

CASTERWIN.html - Levels and Experience
For heroes: +1 defense at level 4 and 8. But ingame it says +1 defense at level 3 and 7.
Should prolly be a space between Hero and level too.. I always thought that Ep instead of exp was a strange choice too..

CASTERWIN.html - Hero Abilities: Lucky also gives +1 resistance now

CASTERWIN.html - Hero Abilities: Charmed says it gives 50 resistance, but ingame it says 'never fails' (Same thing I guess, but still..)

CASTERWIN.html - Hero Abilities: Armsmaster says that it gives Nonhero exp, but ingame it mentions that heros can also gain a max of 2 exp per turn too..

CASTERWIN.html - Hero Abilities: Leadership gives +0.5 missile ranged ATK per 3 levels, ingame it says 1 per 6 levels. (Also missile.. He. Wait, so not ranged magic? Ingame it just says ranged)

CASTERWIN.html - Hero Abilities: Guiding Beacon says All units in combat gain +1 ranged ATK per experience level, ingame it says 1 per 3 levels

CASTERWIN.html - Hero Abilities: Supply commander says (This bonus is applied at the end of turn 1 in battle), that dosn't seem to be the case anymore, they have the ammo right from the start. Also overland.

Sharee AI turn, phase 8 execute      
Stack of 6 units moves from 2,5,7 to 3,6      Stack arrives to 3,6 plane :2
Stack of 7 units moves from 2,8,7 to 7,7      Stack arrives to 7,7 plane :2
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,5,7 to 4,6      Stack arrives to 4,6 plane :2
Stack of 1 units moves from 2,6,9 to 3,6      AI stack failed to move,6,9,3,6
Stack of 6 units moves from 2,4,7 to 4,6      Stack arrives to 4,6 plane :2
Stack of 2 units moves from 2,8,6 to 7,7      Stack arrives to 7,7 plane :2
Stack of 7 units moves from 2,8,6 to 5,9      AI stack failed to move,8,6,5,9
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,4,7 to 3,7      Stack arrives to 3,7 plane :2
Stack of 2 units moves from 2,6,4 to 3,6      AI stack failed to move,6,4,3,6
Stack of 5 units moves from 2,6,2 to 4,2      Stack arrives to 4,2 plane :2
Stack of 6 units moves from 2,2,6 to 3,7      Stack arrives to 3,7 plane :2
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,2,6 to 1,7      Stack arrives to 1,7 plane :2
Stack of 6 units moves from 2,2,8 to 1,7      Stack arrives to 1,7 plane :2
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,4,1 to 4,2      Stack arrives to 4,2 plane :2
Stack of 1 units moves from 2,5,6 to 5,9      AI stack failed to move,5,6,5,9
Stack of 1 units moves from 2,7,8 to 5,9      AI stack failed to move,7,8,5,9
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,2,8 to 3,8      Stack arrives to 3,8 plane :2
Stack of 2 units moves from 2,5,6 to 9,4      AI stack failed to move,5,6,9,4
Stack of 6 units moves from 2,4,9 to 3,8      Stack arrives to 3,8 plane :2
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,9,6 to 9,4      AI stack failed to move,9,6,9,4
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,6,9 to 5,5      AI stack failed to move,6,9,5,5
Stack of 1 units moves from 2,7,8 to 9,4      AI stack failed to move,7,8,9,4
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,4,9 to 5,8      Stack arrives to 5,8 plane :2
Stack of 2 units moves from 2,6,9 to 6,7      AI stack failed to move,6,9,6,7
Stack of 1 units moves from 2,6,4 to 9,4      AI stack failed to move,6,4,9,4
Stack of 3 units moves from 2,6,4 to 6,7      AI stack failed to move,6,4,6,7
Stack of 1 units moves from 2,7,5 to 9,4      AI stack failed to move,7,5,9,4
Stack of 6 units moves from 2,7,6 to 5,8      Stack arrives to 5,8 plane :2
Stack of 1 units moves from 2,6,6 to 6,7      AI stack failed to move,6,6,6,7
Stack of 1 units moves from 2,8,8 to 6,7      AI stack failed to move,8,8,6,7
Stack of 2 units moves from 2,8,7 to 6,7      AI stack failed to move,8,7,6,7

That is alot of failed movements, some turns it looks like there is very little AI movement..
But most of the time she moves around just fine. Maybe the small plane is just too overcrowded or trying to get through the towers?
Same savegame as in number 182 (log file)

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