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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!


Unit buffs don't check for valid targets when they are chosen to be cast because they assume there are always enough normal units to target something.
It's not normal to have enough casting skill to buff all units, unless you use the debug key to give them that ability.

182. Sounds like it works as expected.

Smaller maps are unlikely to reach very rare spells due to small size resulting in shorter games and having less resources overall to spend on research.
Life and Death are the two weakest realms for the AI in the late game so this advantage is definitely intended.

183. The AI will keep X best units in the city depending on personality where X is 1-3. The rest will be used to build armies. It's inefficient to keep more than 3 Archangels guarding a city when they could be conquering stuff.
If there is an enemy, it's better to attack. If there isn't an enemy, garrison doesn't matter yet.
Again, in a real game the AI won't have this many archangels on such a small map with nothing to attack.

185. Yes, that hero has 40% chance to hit.

186. Holy Weapon adds a hit bonus to melee and nonmagic ranged attacks.

187. That's a feature in the DOS version. It was Drake178's idea. I'm not planning to add it to the windows version, at least not yet.

189. Updated the texts where necessary.

190. It's crowded and there is no enemy to attack. So it's all regrouping moves.

(July 5th, 2021, 07:12)Seravy Wrote: Life and Death are the two weakest realms for the AI in the late game so this advantage is definitely intended.

Are you sure about this? Death is definitely weakest in the late game thanks to too many resistance targeting tools when resist is very high, but Life is fairly formidable thanks to Archangels + Supreme Light...

(July 5th, 2021, 07:12)Seravy Wrote: Life and Death are the two weakest realms for the AI in the late game so this advantage is definitely intended.

Agree that Death is weakest late game, but not sure for life. Life is weakest at during rare spell period compare to other realm but once very rare spell coming in, Life wizard is powerful, sometimes even research much faster than others in high margin.

Idk, I'm always happy when I have a life wizard at the end. They can't cast any nasty globals, and they always have some weak spot...

(July 5th, 2021, 06:35)Mqz Wrote: 187)
I belive that I read somewhere, that Fortress citys shouldn't spawn in node auras anymore, can't seem to figure out where/if I read that?

I think you read it and you didn't. This is probably the sentence you're referring to. It's from the DOS CoM 6.08 change log:
Quote:Towers will never be in a node aura.

It has nothing to do with Fortresses though. tongue

(July 5th, 2021, 07:12)Seravy Wrote: 187. That's a feature in the DOS version. It was Drake178's idea. I'm not planning to add it to the windows version, at least not yet.

It was Simtex's idea. I just restored it when the circumstances that originally called for its change no longer applied.

Oh, you are right, it was towers.

Does anyone remember if we removed Wind Walking from Archangels on purpose or it's a bug?

Well you had clearly intended them to have Wind Walking according to the manual:

Quote:However it shines at supporting other units, not only buffing them with Holy Bonus 2 but ensuring they can keep up on the overland map thanks to the added Wind Walking ability.

I doubt that Wind Walking in particular makes them overpowered, it's more the other Life buffs and especially Supreme Light that does that.

That text if from the old DOS manual though, much older than when Archangel was adjusted.
I also suspect it might be a bug but an ability doesn't randomly disappear from a unit, either I removed it or it wasn't there in the first place.
Wait, didn't we actually have a bug like Djinn not having windwalking because the ability wasn't converted from the DOS version?
I wonder... Air Ships have it though.

Edit : I looked at older backups and the ability was removed at the same time as the MP reduction happened.
It seems intentional.

I mean, fine by me. Archangels not having windwalking doesn't change much, only makes lategame Life mildly weaker for the AI. But I think lategame Life is mostly fine for the AI so whatever.

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