Quote:To be successful, keep looking tanned, live in an elegant building (even if you're in the cellar), be seen in smart restaurants (even if you only nurse one drink) and if you borrow, borrow big.
--- Aristoteles Onassis
I stumbled over OSG29 on Sunday i.e. one day before the deadline and wanted to try for a short and easy game (ha ha), so I decided go the Onassis-route and pump 200.000 bc into Hoard albeit with the intention of at least paying it back - if possible with interest - before the 2500 deadline. Still, the game turned out to be surprisingly hard (for low values of "hard" - survival was never in question, but it was far from the march-through I expected it to be): not only b/c our prop. and planetology tree was seriously crippled but also because the lack of reserve spending turned out to be a serious handicap as it took ages to mount proper defenses on newly founded planets. Also, the huge Nebuala coreward from our homeworld was not helpful.
I played with embryonic_18 and also used threats routinely to turn back incoming fleets from races I was not at war with. While the threats were - thanks to the reserve dump into Hoard - not completely empty (I always had a somewhat competitive fleet), some might consider this exploitive. Also, I did not really play for score, so I have no problem if this ends up in the shadow report.
2326 have 5 planets: Hoard, Rigel, Reticuli, Anraq and Mu Delphi. Any further expansion will require either Barren or Range5, none of which are available. In fact the closest available techs will turn out to be Toxic and Range8. So I build LR-larges to defend exposed planets as I won't be able to colonize then soon. Also, I dial up constr. to enable LR-colships which turned out to be a good move after I found that my only prop. option after nukes was sublights.
2357 meks declare; I'm not too worried as they have lousy range, no navy to speak of and can't land on the nearby planets. By this time I got Toxic and have settled the second ring form Denubius to Iranha; 11 planets in total.
2382 cats declare more or less out of the blue and catch me somewhat on the left foot, as they have toxic and my final expansion round is just underway. birds refuse to join and want range8 or contr.rad. for fusion bombs - go figure!
2383 the ants just got a vision - this could get ugly ..
2389 cats capture nordia - nothing to be done about it
2392 cats capture kulthos and nab robo4 and range8!!!- I wasn't aware that I even had factories left ...!!!
23xx after barely repelling 3 attacks I finally lost protheus to the ants
2400 reserve is 9.800.839, deal birds for bc2 and fusion bombs againt my robo3 and shields3, also buy peace for 900 from the ants - time to go on the offensive
2433 the meklars are no more. took misha, meklon and darrian anticlockwise with their huge SOD too slow to follow. Attack fleet was 8 large bombers with shields5 and 20 fusion bombs (which were invulnerable to their nuke bases) covered by larges with NPGs which happend to be my only available gun.
2435 steal it4 from the ants - just in time for adv. soil and with armored ex. about to pop (so I can skip a bracket)
2446 fieras taken using small impulse fusion bombers with IS backed up by a huge ARS craft with ISP.
2447 kulthos retaken destroying a nasty huge prototype in a close battle losing most of my bombers
2449 could have taken the vote here (have 30/57 plus birds and darlocks vote for me) but I have still a debt to pay - and some open bills ...
2459 cats and darloks gone
2466 begin large scale reserve spending
2476 proteus recaptured
2479 ants terminated
2485 break even (cache-wise, not score-wise), reserve is 10.014.426 bc
2486 everything except artefact worlds on reserve
2487 the birds - my allies and friends whom I never did any harm (although they would have been easy prey) and even left all those poor and ultra poor ant-worlds to colonize - declare, oh well ...
2500 reserve is 10.315.476 bc so we got positive ROI (although barely so with only 115k profit for 200k taken, that's a measle 0.23% p.a.); birds conquered except for poor Vulcan
2502 Vulcan destroyed, extermination victory
score: 20.116.315 bc
Even though I went Onassis mainly for convenience and didn't really play for score (except to pay back my debt, as Ref claimed it to be impossible ;-) ), I would not be surprised if the eventual winner also has used reserve spending on the homeworld. If your development is sped up by more than 10 to 20 years, it's a profitable investment, even though you have to pay back 4-fold to break even score-wise.