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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

I found it weird that my invisible unit could not move into area under wizard pact control of other wizard in the same way that stealth unit could. Is this intentional?

Yes. You need Stealth for that, not Invisibility.

Even if the unit itself is invisible, its presence can be detected. There will be servants around bringing gold or food, carrying weapons, carts to transport the ammo, the unit might be invisible but can still be heard (horses running around are loud), etc.
And let's not even imagine how a field will look like after an entire army of swordmen marched through it, trampling all the grass down. I couldn't get any more obvious and a single turn is an entire month of time which is more than enough to get caught.

I modded mystic surge and found that some enchantment not get removed after combat (chaos channel, supernatural from destiny, orihalcon, etc).

After I cast entangle my enemy summons fire elements and catapults that can never move.

Fate mastery fireballs never target units that have fire immunity, is that intended?

Three wizards have been at war with me for ages and lost all their units in every attack they've made and I've barely lost any. Shouldn't they offer peace after suiciding their units for ages?
I seem to remember in Civilisation enemies would offer peace more readily if they were losing more units than you were in a war.

Also for the enjoyment of the game it would be good if they offered peace eventually, the three main wizards on Myrror all suddenly declared war on me soon after meeting and have refused peace for a long time. It's not much fun constantly being on the defensive and there wasn't much diplomacy I could have done as I'd only just met them all.

It seems that every time I use "Disenchant area" with full power in my capital fortress I get a mercenary offer if "Disenchant area" is completed at turn change.

Quote:Fate mastery fireballs never target units that have fire immunity, is that intended?

As far as I remember, yes.

Quote:Three wizards have been at war with me for ages and lost all their units in every attack they've made and I've barely lost any. Shouldn't they offer peace after suiciding their units for ages?

They should unless they still have military that's better than yours or you kept triggering effects that delay peace like, attacking their cities or casting curses or hammering them with peace requests too often.
In general, every turn when they are lower in military than you (or you times 1.25, something like that, don't remember the numbers) the variable used to roll for peace increases, but your actions can still deplete it faster than it grows.
If they have the upper hand in military my a large margin (like, twice yours), the variable decreases over time and they never offer peace unless you bribe them into doing it by raising the variable a lot in one go.

I cast a Disenchant Area with full power on my fortress city and makes sure it finish on turn change. I sometimes get a mercenary, but quite rarely. Completely inline with the normal randomness. I have also tried casting the spell mid turn. I have tested quite a bit, not been able to replicate or found any errors.
Please elaborate further and/or provide a savegame. smile

(August 20th, 2021, 17:11)Mqz Wrote: Cruel100>
I cast a Disenchant Area with full power on my fortress city and makes sure it finish on turn change. I sometimes get a mercenary, but quite rarely. Completely inline with the normal randomness. I have also tried casting the spell mid turn. I have tested quite a bit, not been able to replicate or found any errors.
Please elaborate further and/or provide a savegame. smile
Thanks, it happened so many times that I thought it was a bug. I took care to save the game and will test it a few more times.

I don't think channeler's upkeep reduction is displayed in the magic menu. I have just cause costing 3upkeep, hell hounds and life enchantments costing 1upkeep each. I remove just cause and only earn 1mana/turn (which is appropriate) but the magic menu shows -3 for global enchantments. Look at the bad subtraction math in image below.


Yes, it's not displayed.
The effect is applied to the total maintenance once, not separately to each spell or category. So it could only be displayed on a "total maintenance" row but we don't have such a row and there is no space for one.

It's different from Conjurer which applies to each creature separately, and rounds up or down on each separately so it's already included in the creature maintenance row.

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