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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

(September 22nd, 2021, 08:41)Anskiy Wrote: I have to admit, that's quite amusing. Do you plan to make a solution for this? I suspect it's pretty rare for heroes to get this busted in stats, but you never know...

Yeah, I will change the variable to be 64 bit so it won't crash in future versions.

(September 22nd, 2021, 08:00)Seravy Wrote:
(September 17th, 2021, 07:24)Suppanut Wrote: This savegame play continously from 1.0.9, I continue this save game up to current official version (1.1.2) due to I heard that 1.2 would not longer compatible with this save. I want to end this playthrough before release of 1.2 but after a few long turns played in version 1.1.2, I have this save crush upon click end turn.

The lag seems to be created by calculating the city road bonus.
omg, there is a road on every tile. No wonder. Ok, I'll classify that as "not a bug".

The crash comes from "integer overflow" when calculating the unit rating of unit 713, the Beastmaster.
This unit has 32 defense with a To Defend chance of 82% and 40 HP.  Also has a hit chance of 93% with 30 attack and 33 ranged attack.
Yes, that does exceed 2.1 billion during the calculation. This should use a 64 bit variable instead of a 32 bit one.
The only way to fix this bug is to remove the hero that causes it or at least make it weaker.
Fortunately, it's your own hero so you can easily do that.

I have habit of build road on every tile on map, you could consider this as OCD. About exceed 2.1 billion, did I end up break the game?

About hero in question, this beastmaster is mine and he is just become demigod this turn (he could reach this point due to combination of warlord, crusade, and enlightenment as well as buff from chaos surge through chaos channel and Inner power through insulation on item as well as self-buff to-hit and to-defense due to chaos channel make him viable for soul-linking buff).
after I replace one artifact which give insulation with some item else, game to transit to next turn smoothly.
Thank you for help me solve this problem.

Actually I consider Rakir could be much-much stronger than currently is due to current game has only 2 wizards casting Chaos surge among surviving chaos wizards which are 6 if them so I think unit value should become 64 bit as there are potential for much stronger heroes to appear in the future.

B36. In the given save file, you're at war with Kali and the Shadow Demons attack your units instead of the stonehenge.
If I edit the diplomacy data to force a peace, the Shadow Demons don't move, but they don't attack the Stonehenge either way.
Cannot reproduce, need more instructions on what to do.
(the other file confirms the unit is on the tile but provides no information on why/how that happens.)
S55. Illusionist hero is already powerful enough. No need to buff them even further.
S56. Heroic Heart is meant to be a less efficient version of Healing for non-Life wizards. It was never meant to be equal. Works as intended. A temporal attack buff of +1 might make it more interesting but cost has to stay as is.
S57. There are two display modes. Cities below 25 population are displayed as normal. Cities between 25 and 48 population are displayed with halved distance between the people. Implementing variable distance might be possible but low priority and won't use all space perfectly either way - only integer pixel distances can be used so between the current 4 and 8, we can at best use a distance of 5, 6 and 7.

B37. Absolutely no information provided on which army has to attack what unit and what needs to happen in the battle to create the bug. I can't work with this little information.
Zombies should be raised from both own and enemy units. However units immune to death or killed by irrecoverable damage don't raise.

B38. The change to improve text location was only applied to buildings. I copied them to destroyed buildings so it should work better in the next update.

B42. Never had this happen. You probably clicked a few pixels further than expected and moved 2 tiles. Maybe your windows mouse settings are wrong. The game uses the "MouseDown" and "MouseUp" events so it's not possible to read one click as two. The UI processing clears the mouse clicked state every game tick.

B44. Again, no information provided. If I load the save and press next turn, the game does not crash.
B45. Confirmed. The x=0, Y=0 tile wasn't excluded from the valid fleeing locations. It also didn't set the unit's Plane position to the plane they were fleeing on which matters in towers. Should be fixed in the next update.

“B36. In the given save file, you're at war with Kali and the Shadow Demons attack your units instead of the stonehenge.
If I edit the diplomacy data to force a peace, the Shadow Demons don't move, but they don't attack the Stonehenge either way.
Cannot reproduce, need more instructions on what to do.
(the other file confirms the unit is on the tile but provides no information on why/how that happens.)”
OK. I attached the previous turn too to show what happened. I was able to reproduce. Beat the Tower. AI will Plane Shift into Stonehenge and will stay there without killing them.
“B37. Absolutely no information provided on which army has to attack what unit and what needs to happen in the battle to create the bug. I can't work with this little information.
Zombies should be raised from both own and enemy units. However units immune to death or killed by irrecoverable damage don't raise.”
For example, attack the Storm Giant group of 9 with the 9 Warlocks on Tower. I reproduced. I killed 4 with Doom Bolts. They killed all my 6, with Storm Giant shots, melee, Psionic Blast, and finished off my last 3 with Wave of Despair. AI raised only 6 Zombies.

“B44. Again, no information provided. If I load the save and press next turn, the game does not crash.”
I was able to reproduce. Click next turn. Shower waves of incoming enemies with Doom Bolts. Cast Possession on Pikemen and if successful, kill the Engineers. Win the battles if possible. Once I had only 3 Warlocks who survived, the next wave of attack by 9 only get 2 Doom Bolt and 1 AEther Sparks. Flee. Then the Paladins attack my 9 Warlocks and a Crash happens. Same as before. But somehow it is probabilistic. I remember I tried to reproduce in the past and did not crash.

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B36. So the Shadow Demon got their via Plane Shifting. That's what I needed to know. Indeed there is no check for the destination tile to contain no lair. It only checks for units. Should be fixed in the next update.
B37. Wave of Despair does irrecoverable damage. That prevents zombies. Seems this works as intended then.

(September 23rd, 2021, 09:39)Seravy Wrote: B37. Wave of Despair does irrecoverable damage. That prevents zombies. Seems this works as intended then.

No. As I wrote I killed 4 and they killed 6 without Wave of Despair. 4+6=10>6. No other reason seems to be there. Seems it only takes Zombies from one side, but not both.

"owner=loser" line was copied from undead creation. It shouldn't be there. Fixed for the next update.

B47. I have 10 life books. But the 16% research discount does not work. For example, Prayer costs 2140, Holy Weapon costs 260, Holy Armor costs 320. Same as with having fewer books. I also do not get more RPs as I use the slider.

B48. 1 figure Apprentice did not heal for 9 months while patrolling in the Fortress city. Maybe because in the battle before vs. Guardian Spirits I cast Heroism and Discipline on it. Otherwise normal situation. ApprenticeDoesNotHeal1.sav, ApprenticeDoesNotHeal2.sav, ApprenticeDoesNotHeal3.sav, ApprenticeDoesNotHeal4.sav

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