Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB59] Charriu welcomes all the townfolk

Well I found my answer in my curious civ player segment:

(March 29th, 2021, 06:54)Charriu Wrote: But the next part inside the for loop is interesting. Here we iterate across all the tiles inside the BFC. If any of those tiles contains a visible enemy unit towards the best player, then nobody benfits from liberation and in turn no liberation popup comes up.

I was not able to liberate because of Miguelito's ships being present in the BFC. Totally forgot about that aspect.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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Not that much happened in the war. Miguelito killed two of my knights, but they in turn killed 4 musketeers of his. I'm fine with that. Miguelito once again offered gold for peace, which I once again rejected. Interestingly Mjmd gifted me 100 gold which I accepted. After all I am helping him in his war unlike other players on our continent (I am looking at you Lazteuq Argh ) But maybe it's better Lazteuq doesn't get involved. I expect Lazteuq would have taken Miguelito's money at the first chance. I have 4 more turns of peace with Lazteuq and very soon I can produce courasiers. I'm very much tempted to go to war with Lazteuq again.

Meanwhile in other parts of the world. Ichabod declared war on Cornflakes. It does not look like a full invasion yet, because there are few galleons visible. Cornflakes is way behind in tech, but two of his culture cities need fewer then 100 turns for legendary. But his third city still needs 140+ turns. Then again Cornflakes has 8 Great artists in reserve. It would be really amazing if he manages to win this by culture and I have no intention of warning the others about this danger. If Cornflakes gets a culture victory he deserves it.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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Lazteuq starts to get annoying again, but unlike his non-warring-against-Miguelito this is without his fault I think. Basically all the relevant border cities got a border pop and start reclaiming tiles that still had his culture on it. I will keep a passage into Esther City though. Hopefully with the third border pop in Esther City this will get better. Oh and I get Military Tradition as the first player in this game this turn. devil

Nothing new on the western front. I only moved my knights 1 tile behind Mjmd's city to draw out Miguelito. Mjmd is basically dead and I'm just keeping his corpse alive. I'm making plans to conquer some of his cities before Miguelito does, but for that I first want to hit his stack with my knights just to slow him down a bit more.

In other parts of the world Piccadilly, Cornflakes northern neighbor, also declared war against Cornflakes. He enters Cornflakes territory with Rifles and Cornflakes is researching Metal Casting. I think it's safe to say he and his culture attempt are dead.

I'm somewhat amazed that I still managed to keep up, if barely, with the big players. But at the same time I don't really know what to do next here. Migueltio will capture more on our continent. I doubt that he will turn on me after Mjmd, if I secure peace, as the former Ramk and GKC lands are much easier to take. Then it's only me and Lazteuq against the foreign invader. I think I will have to show Migueilto that I have courasier to direct him against Lazteuq, when the time comes.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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This might turn out to be a very important turn for me. First of all I got Military Tradition and the first courasiers. Lazteuq also offered me fish for fish and threw an extra whale on it. I'm good with happiness right now, but can't hurt to have that. Next I moved my scout forward to see this.

Miguelito moved his main stack out of Wellerman to attack CousinJack. He also has a sentry knight west of CousinJack. I think what happened is that he saw no more knights of mine in the city and launched the attack. First order of business was killing that sentry knight, which unfortunately cost me a knight of mine own. I then had a closer look at Miguelito's stack. He made sure to have a few formation promoted units. Still I think this was my best option to kill some of his units, so I moved my knights into a good position and started the battle.

That went better then expected. Killing 7 units and only loosing 5. Now I have to admit that I got very lucky here and I won all 32% fights against the formation units. Now this whole situation left me in a very delicate situation and that is what to do next with this conflict. The state is that I have no more fighting force in Mjmd land. All my units are heavily wounded and will be eradicated by Miguelito next turn. At the same time I think that this is the end of Mjmd on his mainland. The units he has available stand no chance against Miguelito.

So with a heavy heart I thought about backstabbing my longterm good neighbor Mjmd and I really hate doing that. Now remember that our playing order is Mjmd->Miguelito->Me. Here is what I did:

1. I moved my 3 loaded galleys into the single water tile I own on the Mjmd coast. From there they can hit the wine island of Mjmd's next turn and maybe other cities too.
2. I moved more units towards Mjmd.
3. I then cancelled open borders with Mjmd in hopes that my wounded knights get into a better position and my explorer is moved back home. I already have moved my super medic back home a few turns ago. After the teleport this is the situation.

Now this is possible one of the position those units could have teleported. From there they can strike Wellerman if Miguelito leaves them alive. I continued with the following:

4. I offered open borders back to Mjmd. Mainly so that it looks like I used some teleport tricks against Miguelito and because I need to enter his borders again to be able to attack Wellerman. It may also leave Mjmd in the dark of my war plans. At the same time the galleys won't cause any suspicion, because the tile they are standing on is logical for a teleport.
5. Next I offered Miguelito peace for 300 gold of his. That's less then his last offer and I'm more or less threating one of his newly cities, which he has to take care off if the war continues. Good thing is Mjmd won't know about the peace, because it only goes into effect after Mjmd played.

Now I see a few things happening with regard to the peace offer. If Miguelito accepts I will start a war against Mjmd to take the few cities I can take away from Miguelito. If Miguelito continues the war then he may be slowed down further by my knights. He has to clean up that stack now, but doing that leaves him to few units to take CousinJack. Or I at least hope that is the case. In this situation I still have the option of keeping the defense of Mjmd up or start a war against him.

Last but not least I start Alphabet->Paper->Printing Press next with the goal of moving onward to Banking->Replacable Parts->Rifling. This path offers some economic advantage as well as new unit types for me.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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I didnt tell you yet. I am really enjoying your thread. Its really nice to see your thoughts and see the fun you get while playing!

Having fun is the main goal here. I don't care about winning, especially if it's in the way of having fun.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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My plan from last turn worked out perfectly. Miguelito may not have accepted immediately, but he returned the offer and seeing that my knights are still alive I accepted. This also meant that I backstab Mjmd now.

I'm sorry Mjmd that I have to abandon you and even attack. But from what I have seen there is no way of stopping Miguelito. He will take Cousin Jack this turn as he brought in reinforcements. All the cities of Mjmd that I see are on low garrison as the main defense is at CousinJack. I also see that Mjmd lacks Civil Service and Gunpowder.
As you PaddyDoyleBoots this turn. This is one of the more important cities I wanted as it will provide wine and give access to the fish tile. Next up is the border town of DirtyOldTown.

Also important Superdeath asked for a loan of 300 gold for 31 gpt which I gladly accepted. In fact I went out and offered similar deals to Commodore and Amicalola, who both looked like they may accept. That will drop me down to loosing only 25 gold per turn. With that I should be able to run 100% science for almost the entire 10 turns of the deals.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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I approve of this backstab.  Commissar

How many cities do you expect yourself and miguelito to take from mjmd?

I will have an overview shot with the next report, but I expect Miguelito to take the majority of the cities.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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Took DirtyOldTown this turn and I am on my way to RisingOfTheMoon next. I painted in what I would like to get, but I am not very confident of getting all of those. Miguelito might get RisingOfTheMoon before me and essentially cut me of from the other cities. I am building a settler to resettle the area west of DirtyOldTown as soon as the culture is gone. Now as for the former Ramk area, this will most likely fall to Miguelito completely (and maybe Lazteuq). I have no knowledge of any cities remaining there and even if I take them I would not know how to military support them.
Now one small thing I wanted to add is that Mjmd offered me some song links to the cities I take from him and in return I keep the cities names. And who am I to take that away from him. So enjoy our new acquisitions:

With the recent discovery of Alphabet and Paper I also learned more about Miguelito's tech level and he's further ahead then I anticipated. He can research Rifling next which is a problem for my mainly mounted army. Good thing I can research Chemistry. Tech plan after Printing Press will be Astronomy->Chemistry mainly to get a good defensive unit against my neighbors and of course because I need to get a better navy at some point.

Players start dropping like flies. Among the soon to be dead are now:


although I am not sure Ramk has plans to die in this games yet. So far he's pretty resilient. Of course this means I need to cache in on KTB as long as it's there.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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