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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

I don't have the latest update, but I noticed that Master.dat lacks the heroic abilities such as Ritual or Soul Link, so people have to guess the correct spelling and spacing.

Wait, we have a script function to check for hero abilities already? If not, where would you need that?

I needed the correct spelling to edit every hero ability loadout. For example, DivineBarrier has no spaces, but Ritual Master does. I figured it out by trial and error. Most are with a space. Start with a space (except DivineBarrier) and you should be alright JustOneMoreTurn.

I don't need you to change anything though. I don't have the impression anyone but me is passionate about improving hero variety and balance.

I consider Master.dat to be the repository of correct spelling of all the moddable variables, so the heroic abilities should be there. I expect quite a few people will eventually get around to changing hero abilities.

First, it's MASTER.CAS, not dat.
Second, those are the constant declarations I used in the source code. They are meant to be used in .CAS scripts and are there for convinence. Those that are not used outside of scripts anymore can be called moddable variables, but there are plenty that still exists and is used in the source code as well.
For example, Cult Leader is now only used in scripts but a retort like Alchemy still has part of the effect hardcoded. Changing the script variable will not change the hardcoded effect's retort ID. It might be a good idea to make it do that later on, though.
Third, hero abilities are in an INI file, not a Script file. They are identified with a string, I believe the one used to open the appropriate help entry, which was used to create the INI file as well. So this is a completely different thing. INI files are not scripts.

Anyone else have a mental image of Seravy screaming "Gaaaaaaaah!" at the computer?

It's like those memes when Jean Luc is saying "Use the force Luke -Gandalf", and your brain explodes.

In all seriousness though, sorry to confuse the issue. Appreciate your patience. The right terminology does matter.


I admit sometimes when I read suggestions it feels like it's one of these : "Suggestion : boot up your time machine and travel to 2391. Infiltrate the NASA computers over the proton-plasma network and obtain their mainframe AI. Travel back and implement that AI for wizards that play Sorcery books and have the Tactician retort only. This is super important and I can't play the game without that. Please? We will discuss Chaotic Life AIs later, but technology from the Alpha Centauri seems a good start. "

I am sorry that you feel overwhelmed by the AI development. Yes, it often feels like that even for expert AI programmers. AI development is the most difficult and most time-consuming line of programming and it is often black box. Also, this game you made is the de facto deepest strategy game ever created, AFAIK. So kudos for that. Developing strong AI for this game is probably the most difficult as well. It is orders of magnitude harder than developing chess or Go AI which took 40-50 years to develop into world champion level and they had immense public interest, funding, and teams of expert AI programmers and players working together and competing in prized AI development tournaments. Strong game AI development is the single most beautiful thing I am aware of in the world. So when I need inspirations I like to watch this to make me cry from joy:

There will be a time a game like COM II will have an AI that plays at the world champion level. It should happen in this century, but not in this decade.

Anyway, this is bug reports thread so here is my next batch:

B1. Sound is not in synch with movie in the intro. Continues in 1.02.01 on Steam.

B73. Tax collection is not accurate. Turn 1 in Undeveloped start. Total of 4 citizens pay 4 gold at 1 gold / citizen rate. They also pay 4 gold at 1.25 gold / citizen rate. They pay 6 gold at 1.5 gold / citizen rate. They pay 7 gold at 1.75 gold / citizen rate. They pay 8 gold at 2 gold / citizen rate. They pay 8 gold at 2.25 gold / citizen rate. InaccurateTax.sav

B74. Surveyor should predict new city location production bonus accurately based on data available. For example, if a forest tile is already being used by another city then account for that. InaccurateSurvey.sav Survey before and after Settle is used.

B75. Bard and Dervish in same battle both have movement 3.5 and they walk normally. Entering Swamp tile takes 3 movement points. But if they used up 1 MP, then entering the same swamp tile is displayed to take only 2 MP. These should be the same. Just because they moved should not change the cost of moving into swamp. It should even display 0.5 fraction on road so no surprises and should be accurate to the user. InaccurateSurvey.sav. Attack the Fire Elementals.

B76. AI possessed my Moves=5 Cavalry. I fled from battle with movement=2 Spearmen and survived. Even possessed unit should prevent fleeing if much faster. The flee text means that. PossessFlee.sav AI will attack my city on the NE corner.

B77. I was incorrectly given a green Flee button. I had movement=5 cavalry. AI had 4 units with movement=3 and stoning capability. AI could have won that battle with cornering tactic. It may take >12 turns to corner all units even with a good strategy.

B78. I attacked 3 neutral Gorgons and 1 Cockatrices. I confused 1 Gorgon and killed the Cockatrices. Then the confused Gorgon died fighting the other Gorgons. I fled. I lost 1 fame. This does not make sense. Quite a success for 1 swordsmen to kill a Cockatrices and a Gorgons. They should not lose fame. ConfuseGorgonsLoseFame.sav Attack the Ruins and try to repeat. Need lucky rolls to get the same outcome.

B79. My Fortress city did not receive road bonus when I connected it to another. Maybe because it started with Gold 0%? NoRoadBonus.sav

B80. My Magician was down to 1 figure then it cast Life Drain. It gained back to full 4 figures. We won the battle. Then another AI attacked them and my Magicians was down to 1 figure again at the start of the 2nd battle. So the Life Drain was temporary for the battle only. We won the second battle too. Then by next turn they were back to 4 figures. LifeDrainTemporary.sav But I am unable to reproduce these results.

B81. Neutral city Rivendale has Alchemist’s Guild and Barracks. They spawned Longbowben to attack me. They did not have Magical Weapons and they started as Recruit. They made level by the time they walked to me. I turned them to undead and you can see it. NeutralAlchemist.sav

B82. I don’t have City Wall in the city defense. But my units have Wall Bonus displayed during siege. WallBonus.sav Click Next Turn. AI will attack. Wall Bonus even showed up on my units when attacked on regular overland tile.

B83. Lair defender Ghouls killed my attacking spearmen, but did not create undead. NeutralGhoul.sav Attack the Cave with the spearmen and die.

B84. Can’t initiate road building if Settlers is on the same tile that can settle there. Must move the settler away first. CantBuildRoadSettle.sav

B85. Hero level and create undead are displayed in the same time. HeroLevelAndCreateUndead.doc

B86. In Magic screen I have 117RP, 0MP, and 129SP allocated. I locked in Skill. But when I move the remaining allocation from RP to MP it changes to 116RP, 2MP, 127SP. The Skill allocation should not change when locked in.  MagicSliderBug.sav
Proposed solution: in addition to locked in really meaning locked in, I propose no numeric bonus in Research and Skill. Research should get only discounted cost and Skill should get discounted % needed to get +1 Skill instead. This would take care of many problems including the rounding errors calling for frequent micromanagement and fiddling with the sliders to squeeze out 1 more performance every turn. May take care of this bug. And would be clear and intuitive and visually communicating to the player what is going on.

S82. Make Random spell selection available. I usually randomly select those. More interesting and more challenging that way.

S83. Save last game’s settings. If I start a new game, the previous settings should be offered by default. Currently, the Random Opponents are not saved. New game displays the number that was rolled last time.

S84. Neutral towns should grow population same as any other town.

S85. Make Flee button Red if all my units are certain to die.

S86. Change battle rule: when a unit moves away from an enemy unit directly next to it, then the enemy unit gets a free melee attack on your unit that moves away. This would shorten battles, lower abuse of running around, help with micromanagement, and make the tactical combat deeper and more interesting. Easy to implement and makes sense. SSI role playing games like Pool of Radiance series have this rule for example.

S87. Overland map should use light and dark shading to display which tiles were seen that turn. Similar to how Surveryor shows possible new city tiles. Would save a lot of time playing a turn and would be a clear communication of the game state to the user.

S88. Change Sage master from increases speed by 25% to reduces research cost by 20%. Same effect, but this way there will be no fiddling with the Research bar to squeeze out the rounding for my favor in many turns. Also, it would be more intuitive and clearer how it works displaying all combo research bonuses from 3 different picks in 1 number, which is the discounted research cost. Currently it is kind of hidden in the background that is not well displayed visually.

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B73. Fixed for next update
B74. Unreasonable, too much work
B75. Side effect from the AI/Pathfinding feature to not take the shortest path if the unit is slower than the cost of the tile. Reverting that change.
B76. Possessed units die at the end of combat. Fleeing happens after the end of combat. Works as intended.
B77. The current definition of fleeing rules requires the enemy to have 5 or more units to disable the green flee option for speed. I would need some sort of proof that 4 is a more accurate number for this. Assume the AI cornering tactic stays unchanged for the time being.
B78. You lost the confused Gorgon. It was your unit when it died so you lose fame for it.
B79. You have 2% road bonus. You are connected to 4 orc citizens in the other city, so this is correct. 2% of 30 gold is less than 1, and it's rounded down, so it's zero. Lines with zero resource produced are not displayed in details. Not a bug.
B81. Raiders are spawned by the raider function and are not units that were produced in the city. Their level depends on the turn count. They never have magical, mithril or adamantium weapons.
B82. Fixed for the next update.
B83. Lairs can only have at most 2 different types of units in them. That one has 1 Ghoul and 1 Night Stalker, so it cannot raise undead.
B85. Fixed for next update.
B86. Known, unfixable rounding problem.
S87. Already included for the next update.

B78 isn't very intuitive honestly, at best you shouldn't get any fame from units killed through Confusion. Why would a wizard be scandalized for confusing a random monster in a lair?

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