Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB59] Charriu welcomes all the townfolk


Here I want to give a short list of the major and minor things I did wrong. I already talked in detail about the major problems in my last post, so I will keep it short. I also want to mention what went right. Distilling from this I want to make a list of things I want to improve in in my next games. Lastly a short list of things I noticed, disliked etc.

Major problems:
  • Early misplay of Industrious
  • Being raided by Lazteuq in the early game
  • Failing to conquer Lazteuq
  • Failing at long term planning

Minor problems:
  • Some tech hiccups (Currency late), but that was knowingly
  • Wrong city specialization of some cities (national wonders)
  • Focusing to much on a culture victory early on

Things I did right:
  • Surviving to the end with an intact empire
  • Judging the importance of trade economy on a large map like this
  • Handling the religion (shrine, random spreads on huge maps, monk economy)
  • Going for Creative Construction when I could
  • Great persons worked a bit better, still not perfect but better.
  • Naming theme was more fun
  • Camera flying worked out pretty well and made sure how the northern end was structured

Things to look out for in the next games:
  • Better long term planing
  • Better use of IND, less world wonders, more national wonders and forges
  • More military, less buildings

And lastly some additional things, I noticed:
  • I liked my reporting style, or better phrased it wasn't that time consuming this time.
  • The new tile based micro planning spreadsheet worked great.
  • I improved my planning tool further (tech tracking of players, maintenance planning etc.)
Lastly I wanted to say thank you to Coeurva, who contributed a lot in the early turns. I was very happy to see you again. jive
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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Now that the post mortem is done I wanted to say a few more words about me joining any future PBs. One thing I noticed with this PB and lurking the other PBs is that I grow increasingly bored of multiplayer in general. I know that some players here said that the love MP and never want to return to SP. Well for me it is the opposite. I feel like every MP game becomes the boring same game of expand as fast as you can, build up a lot of military and whack your neighbor. For a builder-type player like me, who loves attempts at all the other victory types like space, culture and diplomatic victory those MP games get increasingly frustrating. I was lucky to be able to live out my builder side in this PB, but I know that that is the rare exception. I feel like the variety of play and playstyles is seriously lacking in MP.

Especially because I miss the one thing that I find most promising in playing against humans: diplomacy. That is the one aspect that AI never can be as good and interesting at as a human. Unfortunately to many people are burned by diplo games here, before I had the chance to try it.

TL:DR: This is most likely my last "normal" PB that I played in. I do still want to play a diplo PB as I have the hope that that is more interesting.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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