I've got 1oom's version 1.0 and find it runs great, however I can't seem to figure out how to access the one thing I most want. I want to find the options and disable the council.
I've read the Readme, poked about in the docs, I'm sure it's something really simple but I just haven't been able to find it.
I even found screenshots (for example on page 23 of this very thread) that show an options menu, yet can't seem to find a way to access it.
If anyone can help me out I'm very much appreciate it.
(March 19th, 2022, 21:07)Hadriex Wrote: I've got 1oom's version 1.0 and find it runs great, however I can't seem to figure out how to access the one thing I most want. I want to find the options and disable the council.
I've read the Readme, poked about in the docs, I'm sure it's something really simple but I just haven't been able to find it.
I even found screenshots (for example on page 23 of this very thread) that show an options menu, yet can't seem to find a way to access it.
If anyone can help me out I'm very much appreciate it.
The options menu on page 23 of this thread appears to be something in a custom version of 1oom someone made, and is not in standard 1oom.
In standard 1oom, there are 2 ways that config settings are passed into 1oom; some are passed in using 1CLASSIC.CFG - generally newly-introduced 1oom features - and these are simple to change; you just modify that file.
The other way is via .PBX files, which are used to modify data in the original .LBX files, and this is a bit more involved. The council setting is changed using a .PBX file.
In short, what you need to do is write a .TXT file with the setting change in, generate a .PBX file with that setting, then pass in that .PBX file as a commandline argument when you run 1oom.
(you can also do what I did if you're already using fixbugs.txt/.pbx to fix a bunch of bugs, and just add the "4,council_years,0,0" line to fixbugs.txt/.pbx)
2. Generate MYSETT.PBX:
3. Then whenever you run 1oom (probably best to setup a .bat file to do this so you don't have to type it every time):
(March 19th, 2022, 21:07)Hadriex Wrote: I've got 1oom's version 1.0 and find it runs great, however I can't seem to figure out how to access the one thing I most want. I want to find the options and disable the council.
I've read the Readme, poked about in the docs, I'm sure it's something really simple but I just haven't been able to find it.
I even found screenshots (for example on page 23 of this very thread) that show an options menu, yet can't seem to find a way to access it.
If anyone can help me out I'm very much appreciate it.
I believe the screenshots (and the ability to turn off the High Council in the game setup screen) are native to a later fork of 1oom - I'm pretty sure the fork created by Ignatius is the one you want, though RFS-81's might work too. RFS-81 created Windows binaries for the Ignatius fork here, but I think Ignatius continued to work on it and fix further bugs afterward. mpxd posted what might be fully-up-to-date windows binaries for all four forks here, but I haven't examined them, and I don't know mpxd (that's their only post on the forum) so I don't know for sure. You can also look for the fork on gitlab and compile the relevant binaries yourself if you're prepared to do so right now (unlike me)!
[EDIT: Crossposted with Jez9999; presumably that fix under 1oom 1.0 works too!]
(March 20th, 2022, 06:21)DaveV Wrote: No, the configuration screen, where you can turn off events and council, is the "new game" screen for the Windows version of the base build.
It is not, if you're talking about Kilgore Trout Mask Replicant's version as the 'base build'. Even with UI extra turned on you won't get config options like events and council. You may be thinking of Tapani's fork.
True: Unfortunately, the various forks of 1oom don't identify themselves in-game very well, but if you're seeing more options on the setup screen than choices of Classic vs Classic+ AI and races/colors/PlayerOrAI for each player in the game, or if you have e.g. a tool to check distance between two stars you've never visited, then you're using one of the forks created after 1oom 1.0 was finalized. As far as I know, the last one for which anyone around here created a DOS build was indeed 1.0 though.
Yes, yes the ignatius Fork worked perfectly! Shame it didn't use that really nice looking menu from the screenshot, but everything I wanted is here.
Thank you so much, Jez and Ref for coming to my aid Now I when I inevitably fail and get wiped out I can feel like it's my own terrible decisions catching up with me and not the game randomly deciding 'naw, we took a vote and decided your game is over, you can't play any more.' Which I'm sure was every bit as frustrating to watch as it was to play.
It looks like the council can even be turned back on mid game, allowing the possibility of getting the universe to unite against me if I conquer halfish of it and decide I want an endgame challenge. ...At least, in theory...
Also, though I doubt any of them will ever see this, thanks to Ignatius, 1oom, and kyrub. Modders working on these old games are much appreciated.
Looks like the old bug about missile base building cost not increasing with improved tech is even more nasty than what it sounds - to my eye it looks like the base cost GOES DOWN with better tech!
First image is right from the beginning, the second one with late tech (BC10, Neutronium, C15, Zeon).
That's almost correct: The problem is that missile base costs only increase with ECM tech (at least in the base game; I don't know what different versions of 1oom regarded as bugs and fixed) - not with battle computers, missile tech, armor, or shields. But the costs of all their components are miniaturized by advanced technology! So getting a better battle computer doesn't make your base cost more or less intrinsically, but since you advanced your computer tech level, just like getting robotic controls or a scanner or the like, it miniaturizes the existing computer, ECM, and battle scanner that are automatically installed on all your bases, reducing the base's net cost accordingly. Same goes for getting a new shield (i.e. net missile base costs also go down when you tech a new shield class, but also when you tech e.g. a personal shield or repulsor beam) or weapon (whether it's a missile, beam, bomb, or special system) or construction tech (whether armor, waste reduction, IIT, or whatever).
Yay! Roughly 4 years after first having trouble getting 1oom to work on my computer, I finally came back to this thread and was able to get one of the windows binaries that RFS-81 attached to work for me. So many quality of life features! I love it!