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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

This explains why it happened with phantoms and earth elementals and unicorns.

I believe this needs to change because it is not well documented leading to confusion.

Another option that I prefer is to make it 24 per figure so only heroes are affected. This will make life a bit more viable on highest difficulty.

Explicit negate first strike could is better than current situation. It will buff the creature in case you soften it before attacking with first strike, but it is not too relevant.

24 damage is not that much, especially against low armour units like phantom beasts. Imagine ultra elite elven lords with discipline, holy flaming mythril weapon, prayer, leadership and holy bonus from bard. It can kill half a hydra in one hit. And we need this kind of damage to survive in phantasmal difficulty.

I guess this means that for now I will need to switch my attempted high elf strategy to nomads who have ranged attacks on their cavalry to soften the target. Their food production and to-hit suck though frown.

Opened a thread for this discussion :

It's 24 hp per defender figure, not attacker figure which indeed makes it a problem for buffed normal units which were definitely not the target of this nerf.

I was planning to send in the current update in the next 1-3 days or so but if we can decide on this fast enough I can include it before then.

Gate of Hades claims to be irrecoverable damage -- that appears to be untrue, I just watched a wizard use Heal on a unit damaged by it.

It's also odd that Life Drain and Syphon Life don't have a permanent death effect. I'll kill a unit with Syphon Life, the wizard immediately casts Raise Dead... isn't this thing already supposed to be zombified? There's an additional, annoying side effect of the Raise Dead usage: the wizard gets to use the unit immediately! So it'll raise the unit adjacent to your creatures, attack with it, the unit dies, now you don't get it as an undead. Feels hacky.

One more note on an effect I'm not sure about: is the double resistance roll for Fate Mastery supposed to take place for your creature casters (magicians, etc)? It feels like it only has an effect on my own casting.

Are you 100% sure the unit didn't also take damage from an other source? Or was healed by Exaltation?
I checked the code and Gate only deals irrecoverable damage.

Fate Mastery only works on spells cast by the wizard, not on the units.

Hm, he does have the spell so... really thought I saw Heal but it must have been that.

One more thing I'm not sure a bug, but certainly seems buggy:

If I use Wave of Despair in combat, causing irrecoverable damage to a hero, but the hero does not die from that spell, I still will not get the hero's equipment at the end of the battle. Example: do 10 damage with Wave, the remaining 2 damage with a melee attack to kill the hero; the equipment will be lost.

My understanding is that the original "irrecoverable" was designed for Crack's Call, with the idea that if it buries the hero, the entire body is lost. It really doesn't make much sense for other cases, though. If the irrecoverable damage is so overwhelming that it is supposedly breaking the equipment -- then the equipment should be destroyed and removed from the hero at that moment. If they're still wearing it after the attack and combat goes on, it really makes no sense to not receive it afterward and makes the use of certain spells punishing for the player.

The original "irrecoverable damage" was for Petrify and Stoning Gaze/touch, Disintegrate, Banish, Dispel Evil, Holy Word and Great Unsummoning. Maybe even Word of Death, not sure. In general, save-or-die spells that instantly killed figures. So it wasn't possible to have partial irrecoverable damage on a hero back then because heroes only had one figure.

But now Crack's Call no longer kills the unit instantly as that was way too unbalanced (at least it keeps the unit buried though), and later Wave of Despair was added to counter otherwise unkillable units for the Death realm as it had no solution to those at all without the spell, then Wrack was changed to Gate of Hades and upgraded to irrecoverable damage as well to give death a way to fight its own realm (regenerating shadow demons or undead in particular).

The only workaround I can think of is to make these two spells deal normal damage but come with an enchantment that has the same effect as irrecoverable damage when the unit died, but then that would even apply if it wasn't the majority of the damage dealt, which I don't think is all that great for gameplay.

Would it be possible to have two slightly different types of irrecoverable damage? One that destroys equipment, and one that does not.

Dispel Evil, Holy Word, Wave of Despair, Gate of Hades and maybe Great Unsummoning don't seem to have a logical reason that they'd destroy equipment. Whereas if you Banish a Chaos Channeled hero it's logical that you're throwing it into another plane of existence; or if you bury it, it's clearly gone somewhere deep underground.

Where is the dump folder? I commonly get unhandled exception when starting a new game.

It looks like this is another bug: In the settings there are separate ticks for Sound effects and Music. But if you only disable the music, the sound effects will also be disabled.

Edit: Nevermind. I have no idea what exactly I screwed up, but now it works as intended ... I think ...

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