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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

My dwarf units do not gain forester or pathfinding (from combine forester with mountaineer) from Clairvoyance spell which suppose to give forester perk. (edited, after throughly test, it seem that only summon creatures gain forester if not yet have one, none of my normal units gain forester from Clairvoyance) Is this a feature or a bug?

I have already confirm test about bug I report earlier on Clairvoyance.

Nature Very Rare - Global Enchantment
Target: map
Casting Cost: 600 mana
Upkeep: 15 mana/turn
The wizard can see all lands, units, even the garrisons of nodes, lairs and towers, including invisible units!
The wizard's spells are not affected by the countering effect of nodes and all of their units gain Forester.

I test it in current version of CoM II (I keep update regularly through steam so I think it is up to date), only summon units (fantastic) gain forester from this global enchantment, not all units. None of my normal units gain forester from this spell. It is either description is misinformed or actually a bug in spell. So I report it here on bug report session.

Confirmed, this will be fixed in the next update!

(October 2nd, 2022, 07:06)zitro1987 Wrote: "SETCOMBATENCHANTMENTFLAG(U,EncNoHeal,1,1);" - causes non-hero caster units to lose their spellbook (see image)

Mystic Surge results in caster units losing their spellbook!

This affects base Caster of Magic Windows, tried it with an efreet

Currently both spells that use this effect also turn the creature into an unaligned fantastic creature, which should have this side effect.
I plan to change the "No Healing" passive ability on zombies and skeletons into a real ability flag that can be accessed from scripts instead.


In attached saved file I attacked a tower, according to the manual I am supposed to get a common spell for free unless there is another spell in it, but I did not get any spell,
maybe it's because it was supposed to be a rare/very rare spell and it was too early for it?


is this caster of magic base game? Or warlords? I don't think there's anything in the base game to guarantee a spell...

(December 4th, 2022, 11:13)mshih Wrote: is this caster of magic base game?  Or warlords?  I don't think there's anything in the base game to guarantee a spell...

Quote from the Game manual, Encounter Zones section:

Towers always contain an additional common spell that requires no budget, if they don't already contain a spell and cannot contain very rare spells, books or retorts.

(December 4th, 2022, 11:13)mshih Wrote: is this caster of magic base game?  Or warlords?  I don't think there's anything in the base game to guarantee a spell...

Looks like this in MODDING.INI:

Line 429 ; Do towers always contain a spell?
Line 430 ; 0 - No
Line 431 ; 1 - Yes, if the tower didn't have a spell generated, a common spell is added without spending budget
Line 432 TowerSpellMandatory=1

I tested the save file and it was a rare spell replaced by an item.
If you enable debug mode, 'Rare spell replaced by item or mana' should appear in log.txt in these cases.

I thought that if the rare spell was downgraded to an item/mana (worth much less) the free common spell will be available, but if that is the intended behavior, that's fine.

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