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[PB74 spoilers] Plemo in epic contest

Interesting. I think the only one I'd definitely move is Scooter - interested in your read of him.

Also curious what you think of Piccadilly, given I've no experience of them.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


After a brief problem with the map size, the game has started.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2072649]

So far, all players who have finished their turn have also founded in turn 0. Either their starting position differs or they don't value a plain hill that highly. Next round I will found and then march to the tribal village.

HeymlicH;9213440 Wrote:A lot of forest and there is already a tundra field. The blue on the mountain, is that coast or a river?

To the west it looks like a river and to the south it looks like a lake.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2072900]
Only Xist and I have wandered. All others (Gav is still missing) have founded.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2072901]

Commodore popped a tech. According to military value it should be bronze. Additionally Commodore plays Maya. Holkan rush? rolleye

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2072936]

Mig and Picca also had tech finds, one with 2000 and one with 0 military value according to the demo. So Picca (India) could have hunting or mining and Mig (Egypt) could have hunting, mining or animal husbandry. Animal husbandry at Mig would also be quite interesting for possible neighbors.

Unfortunately, I don't find any tech in the 3rd hut either, but a map of the sea.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2073826]

Not a single sea resource is to be discovered. Fortunately, the globe view also shows no cultural borders.

The lion has not attacked, but I discover a bear in the west. The exploration in the east is finished for the time being. According to the color, my neighbor should be Tarkeel/Hagen with Julius/Rome. Unfortunately strong and careful players with a very strong combo.
I prefer to stick to the following maxim here then: Better to have strong players nearby to do something in time.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2074198]

It's more problematic that the land between us is not particularly strong and not really much either.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2074199]

According to the demo, it seems that many have not yet developed their first resource (except those with fishing boat first).

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2074200]

My preliminary city plan (unfortunately not so good to see). Purple are planned cities, blue alternative places and green possible late fill cities.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2074557]

Overall, the map reminds me more of the surrounding countryside in PB88 than a RB map, which I remember as being rather more resource-rich. A few fish would have been nice.

This map is an adapted random map, not a crafted RB map.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


This round there is some news, all of them have a positive and a negative side. Bronze has been researched and the good news is that we have bronze and it is accessible with a city. The bad news...see for yourself.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2075530]

In the end, I probably should have founded one field further east. Without founding on the copper, one city and three roads are necessary to get copper into the capital, if I had founded on the spot. With the wandering and the already founded city it is now 2 cities and 4 roads. If my neighbor to the east looks around me in the next few turns, I'm as good as dead.

The crab in the north is easily accessible from many places. This is true for all sea resources, since there are no more.

Superdeath also doesn't want any stress for now and declares war on me to get 10 turns of forced peace. Since I am not the type for a rush, I accepted it. Considering the land, maybe that was a mistake.

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